Wednesday, 28 December 2011


The Arab-Muslim Lobby

Laura: We hear all the time about the Israel lobby and its supposed omnipotent powers controlling the US and other western governments. In reality of course, it is the vast insidious Arab-muslim-oil lobby which has a chokehold on western governments, dictating its Mideast policies. How else have we come to a situation in which an invented “palestinian” people claim that the ancient homeland of the Jewish people really belongs to them and that the Jews are colonialist occupiers, and the world simply accepts this preposterous claim? Why else would the world be demanding the creation of a 22nd Arab state, a 57th muslim state and a second Arab-muslim state in mandatory Palestine out of land to be taken away from the sole, tiny Jewish state? And this injustice against the Jewish people we are told is a fair, just and equitable solution. Whenever you hear people in the media, academia and former diplomats ranting against an insidious Israel lobby, chances are that they...

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Why Hamas Wants To Join the PLO

by Khaled Abu Toameh, HUDSON NY December 27, 2011

Hamas’s decision to join the PLO is seen by some Western analysts and governments as a sign that the Islamist movement is headed toward “moderation” and “pragmatism.”

But in 2012, if the agreement with Abbas is implemented, Hamas will take control over the PLO.

Hamas is joining the PLO not because it has changed, but out of a desire to make the Fatah-dominated organization stick to its true mission: the liberation of Palestine from Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea — in other words, all the land that is currently Israel — and to achieve the “right of return” for Palestinian refugees to their original villages and homes inside Israel.

Once Hamas takes control over the PLO, it will seek to cancel all agreements and understandings reached between the organization and Israel, above all the 1993 Oslo Accords. Hamas also wants the PLO to withdraw its recognition of...

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Obama’s disasterous record

Gateway Pundit

Bill Whittle recaps Barack Obama’s disastrous record in his final “Afterburner” lecture of the year.

Whittle is not shy with his critique of the worst president of the modern era. He is especially hard on Obama in regards to his Fast and Furious program where Bill says,

“He claimed that US guns were fueling the Mexican drug cartel violence. When he was publicly shamed to realizing that that wasn’t true, I personally am convinced, he ordered his justice department to make it true. Operation Fast and Furious has cost literally hundreds of Mexican lives but that seems a small price to pay in order to prove a point.”

If you or someone you know has any doubt about Barack Obama’s disastrous record these past three years, please have them review this video.

In his last Afterburner of 2011, Bill Whittle takes a look at the state of this country three years into Obama’s rule and has amassed a list of breathtaking failures bound to stun and/or depress champions...

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Ron Paul’s Antisemitism Exposed

Laura: Those who actually believe or pretend to believe that Ron Paul is not an antisemite but simply opposed to foreign aid and is merely an isolationst who opposes any intervention in foreign affairs, this should remove all doubt. To his hard core followers this won’t matter because it is what they believe about Jews and Israel as well. One doesn’t have to actually utter a slur to be a bigot. The fact that Paul opposes Israel’s very existence and thinks all of the Jewish state should be “returned” to the Arabs makes him an antisemite. The Jews returned to the land what was stolen from them by the Arab muslims. Not only is Paul an antisemite but he is ignorant of history.

Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism

by Eric Dondero, Right Wing News

Fmr. Senior Aide, US Cong. Ron Paul, 1997 – 2003
Campaign Coordinator, Ron Paul for Congress, 1995/96
National Organizer, Draft Ron Paul for President, 1991/92

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Jerusalem, Israel