Ron Paul the Official Ross Perot of 2012
If Ron Paul really was a constitutionalist, he would attract the conservative vote, because it is conservatives who have spent a lifetime trying to protect and preserve our nation’s founding principles and values, hence the term “conservative,” to conserve. But conservatives are not easily fooled by constitutional rhetoric, whether coming from the lips of Teddy Kennedy or Ron Paul. Even Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar...
by JB Williams
The Phony Rightwing: Ron Paul
This is for everyone who keeps writing me and asking, "When are you going to write about Ron Paul?" No matter what I write about Ron Paul, I will be loved by some and hated by others. Please remember I started with the worst of the lot and, IMHO all but Bachmann and Paul are globalists. Michele carries a lot of baggage, working for the IRS to me is as damaging as Herman Cain having worked for the Federal Reserve. With Ron Paul, you have a man who, among other things, wants to.......
by Kelleigh Nelson
Obama is turning US victories into defeat
Obama has yanked our soldiers back out of Iran and Afghanistan, manipulating whatever ‘kiss up’ factor he can gain from the progressive left. Obama’s concerned leftists have been mad at him this whole time because he hasn’t stopped the war and brought our troops home. So, at the right, politically expedient, ‘Saul Alinsky’ moment, Obama yanked them home and in doing so has turned our sure victories into certain defeats, while ignoring General after General and simple common sense. Shame on him......
by Laurie Roth