Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Battery charges

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Emma Millar (Letters, 31 December) is incorrect to say “battery cages have been abolished in Britain” (or any other EU country).

Seemingly a ban came into force on 1 January to scrap small cages which should have been replaced with bigger ones, a scheme backed up by the RSPCA.

While Britain enforced this EU directive, 13 other EU states have refused to conform. It’s stated that around £400 million has been spent by British farmers to comply.

There are no restrictions on imports of EU eggs so, like the pig industry before it, our poultry industry is going to get hammered yet again. I know what way I’ll vote if and when we get a referendum. So much for “a level playing field”.




Another excellent reason for independent Scotland not becoimg a member of the European Union.

http://rspca-animadversion.org.uk  SHG http://the-shg.org  RSPCA Injustice Blog http://www.rspcainjustice.blogspot.com/