Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Psychological Warfare: More Powerful Than Any Weapon
Perhaps you have heard about Ivan Pavlov’s famous scientific experiments with dogs. Pavlov fed a hungry dog, while at the same time he rang a bell. He did this repeatedly. Later, Pavlov discovered that just ringing the bell caused the dog to salivate. Think of it; no food just the tinkering of a bell and the dog’s hunger was awakened unnaturally. It salivated, that is, it reacted to the bell just as though food were really present......
by Roy Masters

Candidate for Montana Attorney General, Jim Shockley, Holds Shocking View of the Constitution
Candidate for Montana Attorney General, Jim Shockley, stated while sitting in his official capacity as Montana Senator that original and true meaning of state sovereignty, as expressed in the tenth amendment of the United States Constitution, was changed and ridded by the Civil War. Shockley’s position is completely incorrect constitutionally and historically. Moreover, it is dangerous to Montana’s rights.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin

Oklahoma Property Theft: The Cimarron Ranch Debacle
Cimarron County, Oklahoma - In 2005, in Boise City, Oklahoma, Samuel Parker, manager of Cimarron River Ranch L.L.C. (CRR) and then ranch manager Roy Young, successfully bid on 24,000 acres of cattle grazing land managed by OK Commissioners of the Land Office (CLO) and agreed to pay $273,600.00 per year for the grazing rights. These grazing leases were taken from local ranchers whose families had held them for generations.....
by Investigative reporter, Ed Snook

Race and Politics Based Law Enforcement
Infuriated, I immediately sought help from law enforcement to remove the squatters from my property. After inquiring about the race of my intruders, law enforcement accused me of racism. Law enforcement declined to assist me. I yelled, “These people are breaking the law! What about my rights as a property owner?” Law Enforcement scolded me, “Don't try to hide your racism behind the law!”.....
by Lloyd Marcus