Monday, 2 January 2012

Oppression of Christians World Wide.
Release publishes persecution hotspots of 2012
The christianmessenger
Christians continue to face violence, assault, arson, demolition of churches, mob attacks and protest marches.' Andy Dipper is the CEO of Release International, which supports persecuted Christians worldwide. He says: 'Across the world, the number of ...
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The christianmessenger
15 faith-based predictions for 2012
In a worst-case scenario, Arab Christians could face large scale persecution, forcing millions to seek new homes overseas. Watch too for religious persecution to be an emotive issue in the US presidential race. 4. The year will see an increase in the ...
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Nepal: Christmas and Christianity
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated byChristians (as well as others) worldwide on 25 December. There is no mention of Christmas in the Bible and Jesus never instructed his disciples to celebrate his birthday. ...
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