Monday, 2 January 2012

Drunk Butler

Click on the U Tube link at the bottom of the attached link to see the new Merkozy version

Unemployed Portuguese told to 'just emigrate'

Lisbon, Portugal - Hounded by the economic crisis that shows no signs of letting up and by political leaders of all stripes, Portugal's conservative Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho sent out an unprecedented message to his fellow citizens: Emigrate.
A wave of indignation was triggered when Passos Coelho, in the face of the growing unemployment that is hitting young people and educators extremely hard, suggested to teachers on December 18 that as an alternative they could move to Portuguese-speaking countries like Brazil or Angola.
The next day, several ministers applauded the prime minister's remarks, saying his suggestion was a valid solution, especially for teachers.
But the governments of Angola and Brazil quickly responded, saying they had no immediate need for teachers.

Pay close attention to that last sentence ...

Received this from the US. Not withstanding the comment in the title, also
note that the UK is included in this little lot! Something the public I
suspect, are unaware!

Poland’s Prime Minister Comes Out as Euroskeptic

By Marcin Sobczyk
WARSAW—After months voicing ardent enthusiasm for the European Union, Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk changed his tune this weekend, declaring himself a euroskeptic, reflecting his nation’s growing doubts about the bloc.
“I’m not a euro-enthusiast of the sort that has eyes only on the yellow stars on the blue background, forgetting the white-and-red flag,” he said Saturday, referring to flags of the EU and Poland. “I’m a common-sense euroskeptic, without any unhealthy fascinations.”

2012, the year of the new euro