Denial Can Get You Killed (There is no 'Palestinian People' they are an 'invention'. Then why does PM Binymain Netanyahu and the LEFT want to give up Jewish Land to a non-nation that has no claims or historical proof showing any connection to this land?) Are Israeli Leaders ignoring historical fact, then feeding it to the public, in order to push through agendas of the International Community because they believe we are too weak to fight them? Do our leaders look at themselves like 'grasshoppers' as mentioned in the Biblical story of Moses who sent out the 12 spies, where 10 of them came back contended that 'they' are too strong, and we can't beat them? Numbers Chapter 13: ... Tonight, Tamar interviews historical researcher, Dr. Francisco Gil White on the mistakes that Israel is making in not facing reality as it is, and thus giving in to, and not fighting, the dark forces that want to cripple, or even destroy the State of Israel and its People. See his latest article here: Francisco Gil-White found out about this censorship the hard way, when, as a result of his discovery of the vastly important research done by Jared Israel and other journalists at Emperor's Clothes, he began investigating the official and media representation of the civil wars in the former Yugoslavia, and the relationship of the US government to terrorist forces in that country. Without ever complaining that Gil-White had made a single error of documentation, Gil-White's employer, the University of Pennsylvania psychology department, began harassing the young assistant professor, making it clear that it didn't want him doing this kind of research. But Gil-White ignored this and continued his work, casting his eye now also on the Arab-Israeli conflict, for there appeared to be some interesting similarities in the demonization of Serbs and Jews. In time, he published a documentation of PLO origins, showing that this organization traced its roots to the German Nazi Final Solution (the most complete documentation on this is here), which explained why it was chartered to exterminate the Israeli Jews. After this, Gil-White was threatened with the loss of his job unless he ceased doing this kind of investigative work. Francisco Gil-White has now been fired from the University of Pennsylvania despite having an impressive record as both scientist and educator. Broadcasts LIVE: NY / EST time: Today, Monday, 2pm - 3pm
Historical and Investigative Research was created to make important documentation available to the general public, because the academic system is rife with politically biased censorship when it comes to examining the foreign policy of the United States.
LIVE, on 'The Tamar Yonah Show'.
Calif. / Pacific time: Today, Monday, 11am - 12pm
Israel time: Tonight, Monday 9pm-10pm
Monday, 2 January 2012
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