Thursday 5 January 2012



Biased BBC contributor Graeme Thompson writes;

"Is this an impartial BBC journalist engaging Republican nomination candidate Rick Santorum, or a sneering, jeering Obama supporter trying to lob custard pies at him?

The gentleman in question is Newsnight’s Peter Marshall, which, to anyone familiar with his ouvre, may feel the above question already answered. For the record, I do think Mr Santorum’s comments as reported are ‘off beam’, shall we say, but Mr Marshall’s approach is, as ever, that of left wing antagonist.

I will never forget Mr Marshall’s propaganda pieces on Newsnight on behalf of Al Qa’eda in the wake of 7/7. The man is an obscenity on legs. B-BBC has recorded for posterity an exchange Stephen Pollard had with him over his shilling for Al Q’aeda (scroll down the link). While the BBC insists on employing such overt and odious left-wing antagonists as – cough, cough – ‘journalists’, it’s clear just how deep institutional left-wing bias runs at the BBC."


The BBC is always open to giving the pro-Euthanasia lobby as much publicity as possible and they do not disappoint today with this new report. (They love death like we love life.) As is the case in this report, it is simply advocacy for the pro-death brigade.


Why haven't the anti-racist BBC sacked her from her regular gigs?

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With the Lawrence case omnipresent, why is the BBC so MUTE on Diane?

Diane Abbott MP
Tweet taken out of context. Refers to nature of 19th century European colonialism. Bit much to get into 140 characters.