I totally agree, anti Fascist is a complete lie! Nothing less then the complete destruction of our culture and economy will do for these inhuman beings. At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.Friday, August 03, 2012
The Better Lenin
For his report he has translated and subtitled a video, and includes descriptive excerpts from Politically Incorrect (PI) which announce the resurrection of the famous White Rose resistance movement of 1942-43.
Video: The White Rose (Weiße Rose) Resurrected
Marc Doll — “National Socialism, a Movement of the Left”
by Rembrandt Clancy
The following video and excerpts are from Politically Incorrect . They announce the resurrection of the new White Rose exactly on 20 July, “…the 68th anniversary of the Stauffenberg assassination attempt on Hitler”.
The contributors, Mark Doll and Michael Stürzenberger, are both members of Die Freiheit, a civil liberties party (Bürgerrechtspartei) in Germany which advocates direct democracy. Marc Doll, who is the speaker in the video below, is also Federal Vice Chairman and founding member of the party.
Michael Stürzenberger is also a regular staff writer for Politically Incorrect. Their description of the founding of the new White Rose is translated from the German:“The White rose, as is well known, was a resistance movement in the Third Reich. From 1942, at the risk of death, it stood for a free, and what most people do not know, a patriotic Germany. Unfortunately, these courageous people would have been necessary at least ten years earlier in order to awaken the citizens and avoid a catastrophe. But this mistake ought not to occur again.”
(Von Marc Doll & Michael Stürzenberger)
“For under the cloak of anti-fascism the thought structures and behaviours [of the Third Reich] are openly revealed again today. What earlier was the brown SA, is today the black Block. They practiced, and practice once again violence against anyone who is categorised by them as a political opponent. They strove, and strive again to eliminate the free-democratic, fundamental order so as to replace it with a socialist dictatorship. They disseminate open terror against their fellow man and their country.
Ignored almost completely or even trivialised by the media, courted by some politicians and supported by the state with taxes in order to proceed against dissidents, left-wing extremists constitute at the state-level today one of the major dangers for democracy and the constitutional state. At the individual level they are the major criminal elements opposed to freedom of speech and bodily integrity. It is no wonder that in the current report on the defence of the constitution (Verfassungsschutzbericht), next to the warning against the Salafists, an increase in violent acts by left-wing extremists of over 25% is registered.”
In evidence for this last statistic Doll and Stürzenberger provide a link to Welt Online which provides a summary of the above-mentioned official report, the relevant part of which reads as follows:“In the Left spectrum there were 8687 criminal acts (last year 6898), an increase of 25.9%. In spite of these numbers Friedrich [the CDU Interior Minister] sees in radical Islam the greatest danger for domestic security — and the greatest challenge for the future head of the Domestic Intelligence Agency (Verfassungsschutzchef), Hans-Georg Maaßen.”
Doll and Stürzenberger continue:On 22 February 1943 Sophie Scholl was beheaded by the National Socialists after she had first been condemned to death by the former Communist and Bolshevist Commissar, Judge Roland Freisler, in an unlawful, summary trial. Her best friend at the time was Susanne Zeller who managed to deceive Freisler, whereby she luckily escaped, leniently, with five months’ imprisonment.”
“Together with eight patriotic activists, on 7 July in Stuttgart Susanne Zeller-Hirzel reactivated the White Rose. She appealed to all democratic citizens of Germany to join in resistance against the new Fascism and its political supporters. You will learn more about the structure and the modus operandi of the White Rose in the coming days.
The new White Rose conveys two principal messages:1. National Socialism was a left-wing movement. 2. The Nazis are back again, they call themselves ‘Antifa’ [Antifascists].
The commonalities are not to be denied: different opinions are today, as formerly, mercilessly suppressed and on the streets they are frequently combated through the use of violence. Formerly it was the SA-goon squads, today it is the black-masked, autonomist “anti”-Fascist bands, which throw stones and Molotov cocktails, burn cars, destroy shop windows and threaten those who think differently.
Marc Doll, who initiated the reactivation of the White Rose, had to gather distressing experiences in Berlin with these left-extreme groups. They attached inflammatory posters in front of his house, called for his murder and libelled him in the utmost vile manner.
Leftist terror against opinion also runs throughout the media, for there too in many ways, bodies of conservative citizens are defamed as “extremists.” By means of character assassination, the professional existence of people who are critical has to be destroyed. The sniffing out of people’s convictions makes its presence felt once more in Germany as it did with the National Socialists in the Third Reich and the International Socialists in the German Democratic Republic. Views opposing those of the leftist mainstream are criminalized. Citizens with unwelcome opinions are thrown out of public meetings using the invocation of “householder’s rights” and even with deployment of the police, as happened recently in the Munich DGB-Haus”.
“Marc Doll speaks in this video to the motives for the resistance of the new White Rose: The 1968ers generation, who now sit in many focal points of power in Germany, have been carrying out successfully the march through the institutions. The resistance against the left movement will be supported by the White Rose. It is an honour for us, together with Susanne Zeller-Hirzel in this famous movement, to conduct a new and important battle.
Susanne, with her courage, her determination and her will, is a model. Many people can take a leaf from her book, for she has also recognized that a great deal is wrong in Germany, and now countermeasures have to be taken.”
The New English Review provides an interesting interview with Susanne Zeller-Hirzel translated into English from the German. In it she comments on the similarity and differences between the Nazi period and today. She also remarks on Islamisation, how university professors in the Nazi period compare with the Multiculturalists in the universities today, and what factors, such as “general indifference to religious matters” make it so difficult for the population to awaken to the current danger.
On the question that National Socialism as a movement of the Left, others besides Doll have made the same argument. More specifically, Doll mentions in the video that Goebbels named Hitler the “better Lenin” (den besseren Lenin). There is a very small article buried in the New York Times of 1925 which reports that Goebbels made just such a claim, and also said that the difference between National Socialism and Communism was slight. The article also allows a glimpse into the tendency to “faction war” characteristic of Socialism. Here is the text of that article:
New York Times, November 28, 1925, p.4.:Hitlerite Riot in Berlin
Beer Glasses Fly when Speaker compares Hitler with Lenin
Copyright. 1925 by The New York Times Company.
BERLIN. Nov. 27. — The National Socialist-Labor Party, of which Adolf Hitler is a patron and father, persists in believing Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted in a party meeting. Two weeks ago an attempted discussion of this subject led to one death, sixty injuries and $5,000 damages to beer glasses, tables, chairs, windows and chandeliers in Chemnitz. Last night, Dr. Göbells tried the experiment in Berlin and only police intervention prevented a repetition of the Chemnitz affair.
On the speaker’s assertion that Lenin was the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight, a faction war opened with whizzing beer glasses. When this sort of ammunition was exhausted a free fight in which fists and knives played important roles was indulged in. Later a gang marched to the offices of the socialist paper Vorwärts and smashed plate-glass windows. Police made nineteen arrests [emphasis not in the original].
Readers can find the original copy of this article fully displayed in the first excerpt of “The Soviet Story”. The remaining content of that video is germane to this content as well.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Our Canadian correspondent Rembrandt Clancy returns with a reminder (not necessary for most of our regular readers) that National Socialism was a left-wing ideology.
Guy Leven-Torres
28th July 2012
One of the greatest weaknesses of the 'Left' is its complete inability to think of anything original. It also has an especial genius for stupidity. Indeed in the latter, combined with genius for ineptitude, it absolutely excels and one wonders why nobody opposed to it and its dark forces has not 'picked up' on this obviousity.
The 'Left' like so much of the sinister is highly predictable and limited. Originality is actually the classic mark of the true intellect. The Left is utterly devoid of the latter as is Islam. Together these 'ideologies' are social cuckoos, borrowing and copying the ideas and achievments of other, more clever folk. Islam copies the behaviour of the cuckoo by invading the proverbial nest, throwing out the eggs and taking it over.
Everywhere this Satanic 'faith' has been, it has stolen the cultures and peoples it seeks to 'Islamise'. It, though, has one fatal flaw - it, like its Leftist admirers cannot withstand the evolutionary forces of original thought, or intelligence, but especially inquisitiveness. Indeed, both idelogies fear the new and progressive, so that one sees the irrational explosions of violence and pogroms so familiar in such regimes, as the fearful elite seek to prevent the evolution of ideas and invention - that I regard are natural to humanity and necessary for its survival in a hostile world.
This is after all Mother Nature's 'divine' rule for Humanity - to improve our condition in life and what lies behind the Victorian belief in progress for example, and why Marx and others perceived Nature, as a threat to Man and wished to 'free' him from 'servitude' to it. They cannot control Nature so they reject it. More than this they do not like anything that prohibits their wishes to control Mankind. Christianity accords with Nature, so that must be eradicated too.
Even the Moslem 'Inshalla'- 'God wills it', is also a denial of Man's natural desire to improve the condition of our existence.
Looking back into Archaeology, it is more than obvious, man has sought since the dawn of time, to not only evolve and improve his lot, but to advance as well. One can see the hard evidence from mud huts, to urban brick built cities and increasing degrees of social organisation. Yet nowhere Marx, or Allah, has touched show these signs - but rather, a history of chronic stagnation and even regression.
I will not dignify Islam with the epithet 'Civilisation', since nowhere in the archaeological or historical record can I find any evidence for such, so I call it a 'Primitivisation'- a 'culture' and 'ideoleogy' devoted to stagnation and also active regression.
One only has to look back at the incredibly advanced city states and Romano-Hellenic civilisations that pre-existed before the advent and arrival of the Arabs, to fully understand my point. Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor were the very centres of all that was progress and civilised in the past, with their academies, universities, sewage and road systems but also legal and social constructs.
Today 1,400 years later, those states are the most impoverished, primitive, savage and oppressive on the planet. It was not Moslems who invented binary mathematics and Zero, but Hindus. The same goes for Astronomy and Algebra, despite the Arabised terminology. Hindus also taught the West how to work iron and chainmail.
Our 'elite' are busy importing and primitivising the West by deconstructing advanced Nation-States and reducing all to the lowest common denominator. And why is this so? FEAR.......
As direct evidence of this process, holidaymakers of coastal towns in Essex, had the joy of watching ice-cream vendors hack each other to pieces in an ongoing 'turf-war', fought out with machetes - the culprits Turkish Moslems.
In any region of the UK and Europe today, these hideous violent activities, can be observed as we 'primitivise' to the clarion calls of mass Islamic infiltration and the cry of the hideous muezzin sounds out across cities like London, Paris and even Oxford.
Meanwhile, the hideous sight of the women trotting behind their 'husband- masters', is all too apparent in country towns like Woking, Luton and High Wycombe where my cousins live, now unable to go abroad in the twilight hours and their wives increasingly accosted and abused as 'whores' for dressing in summer dresses or jeans.
Already western women are being forced to adopt head coverings, even the tent like burka in areas in which they grew up, simply to appease the local Islamist sharia 'police'.
A Hindu woman I know who runs a software company, tells me that she has to wear this stuff over her elegant business suit on her way to and back from her place of work in London - discarding this apparel before she boards the 7.33 train to Paddington. She is unable to move, as her house will not fetch the price she needs to relocate to a safer place. People do not see the hidden intrinsic true costs of cultural 'enrichment': ruined businesses, deflated house-prices, squalor, violence running into millions of pounds.
Meanwhile whole areas in European cities now have majority Moslem populations, even the 'Capital' of Europe Brussels. One only has study the way the German tribes and colonists infiltrated the imperial cities of Western Europ, prior to the collapse of the Roman Empire to see and undersand the inherent dangers to all of us today.
Control the cities and one has control of the state - its organs of government, its courts, its police, social services and especially the power to bring the state to a halt. We saw the results in London and other major cities in the UK last August - the Police powerless to do anything. People died and businesses ruined.
Yet we hear not a squeak from the Media, even the Government and its law enforcement authorities, because in truth, they are like the Romans of old, now in a state of self-imposed fear, powerless against the monstrous primitive beast they have allowed to dwell in their midst.
Come further forward to the 14th Century. Italy and the city states were controlled by violent 'Mafia' style families, that numbered perhaps one percent - if that - of the town populations, their city councils, like ours today, forced to pay protection money and other social accommodations to the invaders. The Mafia itself is a hangover from the days when Islam ruled parts of Italy, like Sicily with their traditions of blood feud and 'honour'.
Why are our 'elite' so inept and incapable of reacting as they should?
FEAR.......like rabbits caught in the glare of headlights unable to dart right or left. However, there is one more problem; their own Marxist ideology and total inability to give thought to anything outside their stultifying ideology, a prisoner of their own complete inability to escape the coils of their own group - often violent- enforced patterns of thought.
The sum total of fear is always greater than the individual and takes upon itself a life of its own, with individuals frightened to free themselves from the cage of permitted thought, they have enslaved themselves and us, within.
This will end in bloodshed on the streets - I guarantee it. History says so and archaeology proves it in the layers of blackened charred earth, that people like me excavate as we dig downwards......
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Britannia Radio