Dear Friend & Concerned Humanitarian, I am writing you on behalf of Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, the chief rabbi of Alon Shvut in Israel. Rav Rimon is well known for his Halachic educational projects. He is equally well known for his chesed. Please see the rabbi’s letter, below this one. Although this tragedy took place 7 years ago, on Tisha B’Av, the work is ongoing in order to finish the healing process. The Rambam teaches us that the greatest form of charity is to teach a profession, so that the needy can take care of themselves. The former residents were employed and self-sufficient before the Disengagement. As a result of it, they lost not only their homes & communities, but their jobs & businesses, as well -- and, thus, the ability to care financially for their families. JobKatif is currently running a major Shabbat Chazon fundraising campaign. For every dollar donated, the Israeli government will match it with THREE dollars – every donor is a potential philanthropist!!! This is an opportunity that cannot be passed up. Thank you so much! ---------------------------- Currently, there are still 600 unemployed and 450 underemployed, leaving 1050 families without a supporting income. JobKatif's challenge is to find the employment solutions that will get these GK families back on their feet. To donate, please visit the JobKatif website -, click on "Read More" above the "DONATE" box & then, on the next page, click on the "Donate" button. Please type "BGM" in the message box, and then continue to the payment page. Rabbi Rimon's message: בס"ד ברכת ה' עליכם, Yosef Zvi Rimon
Rabbi Rimon is the creator, mentor and driving force of JobKatif, a project dedicated to the reemployment of the families who were forced out of their homes during the Disengagement in August, 2005.
- Buddy Macy
Dear Friends,
On Shabbat Chazon Jewish communities around the world are uniting to support JobKatif.
Our organization, JobKatif, is the only organization that is devoted to helping Gush Katif and Northern Shomron families (GK) find employment and regain the financial independence they had before the Disengagement.
Almost 7 years have passed since the wonderful people of GK lost their homes, communities and source of livelihood.
Please allow me to present to you an overview of the disposition of the GK families and JobKatif’s relation to them:
Nineteen hundred & forty (1,940) GK families were dispersed throughout Israel after the Disengagement. Of those about 200 lived in Northern Samaria.
Eighty five percent (about 1,700 families) worked in their home communities of which 70% (almost 1,200 families) were self-employed.
The day after the Disengagement not only did they lose their homes and communities but also lost their jobs & businesses.
From day one JobKatif faced up to the challenge.---
JobKatif’s achievements to date include sending more than 400 GK people to vocational retraining courses, helping 2,200+ GK people find work and assisting in opening 230+ GK businesses employing over 600 of their own (all of which are giving back to the Israeli economytens of millions of NIS per month in gross domestic product).
Despite our successes, more than 1000 families are still suffering from unemployment and underemployment and are struggling to earn a living.
We need to help these families now, before it is too late. We cannot and will not forget them.
As the Israeli government recognizes and values our commitment and success they are tripling your donations to JobKatif.
For every $1 contributed we will receive a total of $4.
However these matching funds are only valid till the end of 2013, they will not be released until JobKatif first raises and spent the monies on its employment programs.
At the moment, the government is holding funds that will get us through our activities until the end of 2013.
But, JK desperately needs to raise $1.2 million in order to release these funds on time to run our programs.
Each passing day exacerbates the problems of the families.
We will not rest until, with G-d's help, we have succeeded in helping all these families return to financial stability.
Please be a partner in this Mitzva of Araivim Zeh B’Zeh! Tizku L’Mitvot---
Let us pray that with our performing of Mitzvot we will be ‘Zocheh to see the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash in our time.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Monday, 6 August 2012
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Britannia Radio