I may not be coming from the stance of an American patriot, but I have said many times most of what Raub said and far more in terms of challenging the tyranny of the global State. The Internet is awash with people with views and opinions like those and that is the point of all this. Brandon J Raub is a means to an end, not the end in itself. Those exposing the coordinated hijacking of Planet Earth and the subjugation of the human population have become far too effective in awakening others to their individual and collective plight. The ‘New Order’ is in danger from this exposure and so it is time to destroy that challenge to its omnipotence before the house of cards doth fall. Many of us involved in this exposure have had to cope with being attacked financially, legally and verbally by often State-sponsored or self-obsessed idiots who do not have the intelligence to see that they and their children and grandchildren will have to live in the nightmare world that we are seeking to prevent. Many won’t even care what happens to their children and grandchildren – it’s not their problem. Oh, but it is. Tyranny is not coming – it’s here, in the world they are living in. But still they target those with the guts to put their head above the trench while they hide deep in the shadows behind anonymous log-in names and fake public personas. Anyone who has ever tried to do anything worthwhile has always faced abuse from the blind, moronic and self-obsessed. As the writer Jonathan Swift said: ‘When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him’. T’was always so. For those who have given their lives to exposing the global conspiracy the abuse by idiots – not least in the media – is an occupational hazard that you must either accept or step aside. But the treatment of Brandon Raub and other happenings in recent days are taking us well beyond the realms of the merely moronic and into a whole new stage of the global game. It is time to target the people and the information sources of the people. So head up, chest out, strap in. It is a challenge that we must be big enough and immovable enough to meet and deal with. I doubt, however, that we can count on the support of log-in name 'Adam' who made this comment on Brandon Raub's forced incarceration in a psychiatric hospital for expressing his views: If we did this more often maybe we could prevent a massacre once in a while. He's not under arrest and if he is sane and poses no threat then he's free to go. But the same people who are 'furious' about his detainment would be the first ones to accuse the police of doing nothing had he done some harm. We need more of this kind of preventative action. - Adam, USA, 21/8/2012 18:10 Bless him. How's the kids, Adam, alright? Knock, knock. Thursday, 23 August 2012 09:10 'It is impossible to make up a fantasy tale that rivals the manifestations of the outlandish MF Global scandal. The evaporation of customer’s monies into an intentional off shore stash is tragic enough, but the indignity of allowing “no consequences” for a horrific crime against all investors is inexcusable. Jon S. Corzine is a fraudster that screams out for the gallows of justice. The manner of fleecing the public by Wall Street crooks has a clear distinction. Corzine walks while Madoff serves time. The original “Magical Mystery Tour” was a precursor of today’s reality TV shows. Corzine’s version is more a “House of Horrors”.' Thursday, 23 August 2012 09:04 'The head of Glencore's food trading business has said the worst drought to hit the US since the 1930s will be "good for Glencore" because it will lead to opportunities to exploit soaring prices. Chris Mahoney, the trader's director of agricultural products, who owns about £500m of Glencore shares, said the devastating US drought had created an opportunity for the company to make much more money.' Read more: Glencore Food Chief Says US Drought is 'Good for Business' Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:40 'Your true spiritual form — your soul — is a holographic system of flowing etheric tubes and geometrical fractal codes — a system of light and geometrical shapes. You are an etheric being of light. You are not just a solid physical being searching for a spiritual experience in this world. You are a non-solid spiritual being that is experiencing a solid physical experience in this world — in search of a spiritual experience. Funny, eh? The spiritual journey is a Remembering — as well as a Returning to the awareness of your own multidimensional consciousness and infinite self. The only real question is the quality of your light.' Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:39 Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:34 'We’ve heard a lot about the New Madrid Fault. Despite the dangers and warnings, the area continues to be flooded, fracked, drilled, HAARPed, and tornadoed, with extreme weather fluctuations only escalating. All the while this region is home to 15 nuclear reactors. As if that’s not enough, there’s also a little known factor that will really make your hair stand on end. The fault zone is criss-crossed with major gas and oil pipelines delivering these volatile energy sources all over the United States.' Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:28 'The shootings and bombings in Ingushetia and Dagestan this week rekindled a long-standing, brutal campaign of violence and terrorism in Russia’s Caucasus region – one that has seen more than its share of terror stretching back to the Chechen “rebellion” of the 1990s. However, in examining the recent attacks, it becomes clear that there are political and geopolitical interests behind the scenes that are actively working to destabilize Russia, with violence as their most potent weapon. The attacks are not simply isolated terrorist actions, but rather, cynically orchestrated events carried out by well-connected criminal networks whose goal is to foment conflict and carry out the agenda of the US intelligence establishment in its subversion of Russia.' Read more: America's Long-standing Campaign to Destabilize RussiaHOW’S YOUR BACKBONE? …
The enemy of the people seeks to promote the enemy asthe people.
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:16
'After a bloody attack on a Sinai police station earlier this month, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak was crowing about it as vindication for demands for a crackdown on anti-Israel militants, saying it would serve as a “wake-up call” to President Mursi for the need for such an operation.
Now that Mursi has ordered tanks to the region to follow through with the crackdown, Israel is fuming again, insisting that the deployment violates the peace treaty between the two nations and demanding Egypt remove the tanks immediately.'
Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:14
Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:12
Thursday, 23 August 2012 08:04
'The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public.
A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain's biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979. Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told.
While details of some secret trials have emerged in recent years, the 60-page report reveals new information about more than 100 covert experiments. The report reveals that military personnel were briefed to tell any 'inquisitive inquirer' the trials were part of research projects into weather and air pollution.'
Thursday, 23 August 2012 07:28
'This is the era of multiple, prolonged, and deep crises. They touch on every facet of modern life: the political, economic, social, spiritual, scientific, cosmic, and personal.
The media construction of these modern crises merely touches the surface. Also, fake crises are invented by the oligarchical system that is ruling the planet to take the place of real crises in the public consciousness. This is done in order to distract the people from noticing the real structural crises and doing something to address their roots, which means overthrowing the oligarchical system.
Below, I’ve listed what I think are ten of the most profound crises, with brief descriptions of each of them.'
Thursday, 23 August 2012 07:25
Thursday, 23 August 2012 07:20
'Speaking on the Marr Show on BBC One on March 23rd, the former Daily Telegraph editor and historian Max Hastings said a “senior central banker” recently told him that London is now considered to be the “money-laundering capital of the world”.
Hastings was discussing the shooting of a Russian banker in London. The remark was all the more pertinent since Russia is now said to be controlled by a ‘gangster culture’ and because of the large number of Russian oligarchs and other business people who now live and work in the UK. A lot of these people carry criminal baggage, but the authorities seem entirely comfortable with the idea they should reinforce London’s position as the world’s “funny” money hub.
How did this state of affairs come about when, on paper at least, the UK has some of the strictest anti-money laundering legislation in the world?'
Read more: How London Became the Money-Laundering Capital of the World
Thursday, 23 August 2012 06:11
'A new survey has found that almost half of the UK Liberal Democratic party’s membership want party chief Nick Clegg to quit before the next general election in 2015.
The polling commissioned by the Liberal Democrat Voice website showed 46 percent of the Lib Dems, the junior party to the coalition government, prefer someone else at the helm who is less closely linked with the ruling Conservatives. Some 47 percent of the respondents said they wanted Clegg to remain as party chief and deputy prime minister into the next election, according to the survey.'