US C130 transports stand ready at Middle East air bases to fly into Syria US elite units especially trained in combat against chemical and biological weapons and tactics for securing their arsenals against their use or their fall into radical Islamic rebel fighters’ hands. Western intelligence sources reported Thursday, Aug. 23 that those units are on standby at bases in Israel and Jordan.DEBKAfile: Direct American military involvement in the Syrian conflict has effectively begun before action against Iran, although this may follow.
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Four groups campaign to oust Netanyahu and stop Israel attacking Iran.
Crown Prince Salman offered Ahmadinejad a non-aggression pact - or else...
The US was in on the Brotherhood coup against the Egyptian army.
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly
A powerful US administration faction is pushing hard for military intervention in Syria now. It argues the time is ripe and fast action would have the added value of delaying an Israeli strike against Iran. Jumping into the fray, the coming DEBKA-Net-Weekly out next Friday judges the strength of the anti-interventionists surrounding President Barack Obama. Their only concession was the president’s threat this week to Bashar Assad against using chemical and biological weapons.
So how close is America to a military operation in Syria?
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Some Western intelligence circles suggest that Israel may choose to disable Iran’s nuclear program by eliminating its leaders.
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