Thursday 23 August 2012

Seen Elsewhere

John Mann Sabotage Attempt | BBC
The Left and Assange | Emanuele Ottolenghi
Wield the Axe, Cut Tax | Taxpayers' Alliance
Why We Have No Growth | ASI
Palace Tries to Gag Press | Telegraph
The Rise of the New Tory Right | Guardian
More Labour Playing Fields Hypocrisy | Conservative Home
Osborne’s Slow Death | Nick Wood
Beeb‘s Orwell Bias | The Commentator
Leveson Decides If You Can See Naked Harry Pics | Neil Wallis
Continuity Brown Has Failed | Douglas Carswell

Norman Fowler when Tory Chairman promised…

“I have set out the position of Mr. Asil Nadir fully and clearly. Let me make this clear : we will return the money if it was stolen.”

Lord Lucan says:

Fair play to the Lad. That’s what Soldiers do on leave. It’s good that one of the Royal family is not only a fighting man but up for a few drinks and completely hetro.

But I think this proves he’s definitey “Shagger” Hewitt’s son…

Ben Bradshaw English Downgrade

We should allow that he had a big night out last night:

Which may explain the spelling mistake…

1% Union Fat Cat Gives £10,000 to Labour

Not content with his union’s £6 million worth of donations to the Labour Party since Ed Miliband became leader, Unite political director Steve Hart forked out £10,000 of his own money to the party in the last quarter. That’s despite Ed pledging to limit all donations to political parties – including those from trade unions – to just £5,000. Hart, who backed Ken Livingstone for the London mayoralty while describing the capital as an “incoherent basket case of a city“, reckons he’s a man of the people:

Guido wonders how many other members of the 99% could afford to throw away £10,000 of their own cash…

Labour MP Survives Car Sabotage Attempt

Labour MP John Mann has been left thanking his lucky stars after he evaded death when his car was sabotaged by thieves. Unbelievably Mann managed to drive 200 miles along the A1 with the wheel nuts removed from each of his car’s four tyres, with a front wheel falling off luckily only once he had reached his destination. The sweating scourge of Bob Diamond said:

“The consequences of this madness do not bear thinking about. I and others could easily have been killed. Nobody could have spotted that the wheel nuts had been removed, which makes the callous nature of the crime even worse.”

Granted Mann is annoying, but trying to bump him off seems a bit extreme…

Matt Chorley to Become MailOnline Political Editor

Guido has learned that the Sindy‘s political correspondent Matt Chorley is jumping ship to become the first Political Editor of the MailOnline. Chorley has confirmed to Guido that he will start his new job on September 10, just in time for party conference season. The Sindy gets 120,000 odd readers and the MailOnline has some 5.3 million visitors a day. Quite a step up…

Harriet Harman’s Gambling Problem

Earlier this month Harriet Harman attacked the apparent evils of gambling, laying in to Labour’s own record on betting shops and casinos while she was in office:

“I think we were wrong to liberalise gambling. We have made a mistake and we need to do something about it. If we had known then what we know now, we wouldn’t have allowed this. It’s not just ruining the high street, it’s ruining people’s lives.”

All bets are off for Labour’s deputy leader however, with Luciana Berger revealing the party’s new line on gambling on a visit to a local Labdrokes:

“I was interested to hear and learn more about the betting industry and I was impressed with not only the level of service and activities provided, but also with the responsible procedures in place to tackle under-age and problem gambling.”
