Friday 24 August 2012

The Psychotics in power are calling us mentally ill
Obama and his goons are making everything back to front and upside down. Good is bad and bad is good. If you are Christian and a gun owning patriot you are mentally ill, dangerous and should be taken away. This week we heard and followed what felt like the unbelievable in our country but the stories were true. Sane people practicing their 1st amendment rights are being identified as ‘risks’ ‘mentally ill’ ‘dangerous and needing treatment.’.....
by Laurie Roth, Ph.D

Misunderstanding McCarthyism
Regardless of whether others in the liberal or conservative media take the matter of Obama’s personal character and ideology seriously, the researchers who have pursued the Frank Marshall Davis story are being vindicated. The proof of their charges can already be seen in the policies and personnel of the Obama Administration. The damage to America and its standing in the world becomes more apparent by the day........
by Cliff Kincaid

The immigration factor: inviting additional 100 million into USA
Exactly 38 years from now, if Congress and the American people continue to do nothing, our country will house an additional 100 million third world immigrants. It may not affect those Americans over 40 because you will be dead, but it will definitely affect anyone under 40. It will affect all races, creeds and colors. It will especially affect the poor, illiterate and disenfranchised. It will destroy our middle class. It will affect the rich.....
by Frosty Wooldrid