Sheldon Adelson Sues National Jewish Democratic Council for Libel
National Judenrat Democratic Kapos’ habit of lying goes too far
Posted by Bill Levinson
Adelson sues for libel over prostitution claims
- NEW YORK — Billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has filed a defamation lawsuit in New York against the National Jewish Democratic Council and top officials, saying he was libeled by statements that his political contributions are tainted by prostitution.
The Serbs and the Jews
After the break-up of Serbia, I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that Serbia was unjustly maligned. The Muslims were fighting them to achieve ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and ultimate secession. There was no massacre in Srebrenica as alleged. It was a major propaganda complaint that conned the world. Sound familiar? That’s why Freund talks about “Allegations of war crimes”. The sooner we restore relations the better. Of added interest is the fact that Russia has close ties with them and is developing closer ties with Israel. Ted Belman
How Serbia Could Emerge as a Bridge
By MICHAEL FREUND, Special to the NY Sun
Imagine a country with a long and proud history that is regularly vilified by the international press. It faces mounting pressure to concede its ancient heartland and turn its back on a central part of its cultural and spiritual heritage.
Surrounded by numerous foes, in a region where ancient hatreds run deep, this diminutive but intrepid people perseveres, standing firm on principle rather than selling out its age-old patrimony.
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No more monopoly over education
One must read the embarrassing letter written by the Committee of University Heads (which includes the heads of all seven of Israel’s research universities) to the Israel Defense Forces’ GOC Central Command Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon to understand exactly who is at the helm of our country’s higher education, and how essential and urgent it is to open up this exclusive club to fresh new members.
In its letter, the committee argues that it is problematic for an IDF officer to decide to grant university status to an educational institution (in this case, the Ariel University Center in Samaria), but at the same time, the committee urges the same officer to make a decision not to approve the university status.
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EU politicians ignore Muslim world’s crimes
Op-ed: Key element of European multiculturalism is to look away as much as possible from criminality in Muslim world
Western countries are signatories of the 1948 UN Genocide Convention. This agreement aims to prevent future genocide, which is the greatest crime in the world. It also includes the commitment to act against incitement to genocide by a state. Such a transgressing nation may then be referred to an international court. However, hardly any European politicians reacted to the recent renewed calls for the annihilation of Israel by Iranian leaders. This goal can only be achieved by the genocide of Israel’s citizens. Conclusion: Many European politicians do not care much about major international laws when they are in Israel’s favor.
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Genetic study offers clues to history of North Africa’s Jews
A new genetic analysis has reconstructed the history of North Africa’s Jews, showing that these populations date to biblical-era Israel and are not largely the descendants of natives who converted to Judaism, scientists reported on Monday.
The study also shows that these Jews form two distinct groups, one of which is more closely related than the other to their European counterparts, reflecting historical migrations.
The findings are the latest in series of genetic studies, which began in the 1990s, indicating that the world’s Jews share biological roots, not just cultural and religious ties. In many cases the analyses have confirmed what scholars had gleaned from archaeological finds and historical accounts.
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What are Israel’s Rights in Judea and Samaria? Two Views
By Avi Bell and Weiler and Zilbershats
Israel’s presence in the territories seized in the Six-Day War of 1967—a presence now signaled mainly by Jewish settlement activity especially in Judea and Samaria—has been for decades the object of intense opposition by the “international community.” Indeed, most governments, including that of the United States, regard those settlements as illegal under international law.
Now an official Israeli commission, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, has concluded that, to the contrary, the settlements are lawful and “Israelis have the legal right to settle in Judea and Samaria.” The commission’s 90-page report—so far, only portions of the Hebrew original have been translated—was published last month to a storm of criticism in Israel and abroad.
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Jewish values undermine Jewish interests
Suicide as a Jewish Value
A month ago, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz sat down with the host of a Jewish television channel and could not name any reason for Jews to vote for Obama except for his support for abortion. Which is to say that the favorite muppet of the Democratic Party could not think of any reason to support B.O. except a mutual commitment that fewer Jews be born.
It is a little-known fact that Margaret Sanger, that pioneer of eugenic solutions to “racial, political, and social problems,” began by targeting Jews, opening her first center in Brownsville, Brooklyn, complete with Yiddish and Italian flyers, aiming for the two immigrant groups whose high reproduction rates were considered a social problem.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel