They Make A Desert And Call It Peace
The BBC knows the majority of people in Britain are highly suspicious of Islam if not completely against it. That being so the BBC has set out to change how you perceive Islam even if it means broadcasting half truths, outright lies and pure Muslim propaganda. The BBC believes that your views on Islam are as a result of prejudice and misunderstanding….you need to be educated. Of course the voices … Continue reading
A Knight’s Fairy Tale
A classic example of the BBC revisionists at work….anti-male, anti-western, anti-Christian,, anti-iconic image of western beliefs and history…attempting to undermine everything that you value about your society’s or cultural past. Here the BBC attacks what it calls ‘One of the great icons of what it is to be a man’……The Knight. Now from the BBC blurb you might think that this could be inclusive and wide ranging, taking in many … Continue reading
BBC Stooge Says BBC Just Great
This week has had the full panoply of BBC concerns laid out before us…climate change, Islam, Western manhood and imperialism and the banking crisis. The BBC has decided long ago that these and a few other subjects are to be its main concern when it comes to ‘educating’ the British Public and inculcating in them a very particular way of thinking about the world. The programmes as noted many times … Continue reading
Treacherous Tories Feathering Own Nest
A few days ago you may have noticed the LibDems being given a lot of airtime to complain about the Tories ‘breaking their contract’ in the Coalition. The BBC news happily repeated this lie ad nauseam throughout the day without reference to the facts. Those facts being that there is no ‘contract’ regarding House of Lords reform…it is not in the manifesto and it was no part of the agreement … Continue reading
What’s all this nonsense about us having had a Labour government for 13 years? I’ve been listening to the BBC since May 2010 and they’ve never mentioned this fact…never mind the below from the Telegraph: ‘Ed Miliband wants voters to believe that Labour is fit to run the economy again, but does his shadow cabinet really believe it? Mandrake asks only because Hilary Benn, the shadow communities secretary, has appointed … Continue reading
BBC DG: Olympic Coverage Is Too Patriotic, Must Now Support Other Nations
This was brought up in comments thread of the “Nearly Back” post by Number 7, but I think it’s worthy of a full post itself and deserves discussion. We are too focused on Team GB: Astonishing memo from ‘increasingly unhappy’ BBC boss over patriotic tone of news coverage BBC chiefs have ordered their news teams to stop focusing so much on Team GB’s stunning Olympics success. Director general Mark Thompson … Continue reading
I Liv’d In Hole Int’Road Lad Before I Became A BBC Star
Was going to do a post on this bit of BBC anti-Tory class war but ‘The Commentator’ has beaten me to it: ‘Once again the BBC has decided to make a documentary exploring British youth on the right. Once again they have gone to that bastion of obnoxious Tory boys known as Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA): the home of a particularly voter-repellent sliver of the right in this country. No … Continue reading
A Sympathetic Ear
Taekwondo World no 1 and a current European champion Aaron Cook was denied a place in the British team in favour of Lutalo Muhammad, ranked 59th in the world in the weight he is competing in at the Olympics. Listen to this interview by Victoria Derbyshire (3 mins 40 sec) with Aaron Cook, this is the second she has done. The first was unsympathetic and unfriendly, this second one was exactly … Continue reading