In 2008, Americans were willing to give him a chance. By 2012, that has already proved to be a disastrous mistake. Voters no longer listen to the broken promises of 2008. This is 2012, four years later, and everything is worse, not on Bush’s watch, but on Obama’s watch. Four more years of epic failure doesn’t appeal to any thinking voter......
by JB Williams
I am a black Conservative because I have witnessed, in my own family, the devastatingly negative effects of the tired old Democrat rhetoric articulated by their slick black empty-suit president. A large segment of my family is prematurely dead after spending their entire lives on government welfare – AIDs, drug abuse, alcoholism, serial out-of-wedlock births and prison. They had free food, housing and heath-care. Their........
by Lloyd Marcus
This verse contains both types of events. Loving and hating are decisions made by each of us. Whether our nation is at war or peace lies outside our personal choice. King Solomon teaches that our lives contain both kinds of events and we need to learn to distinguish between them. Knowing the difference between the two is one big secret of Israel’s success......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin