Sunday, 7 October 2012

“I’m Not Very Impartial When It Comes To US Politics! x” said the BBC journalist.

On Wednesday’s open thread, DB posted a tweet from BBC journalist, Jude Machin, expressing her hope to wake up in the middle of the night to watch her beloved Obamessiah debate His enemy for the first time. The point DB was making is best expressed visually, so I’ll reproduce it here: I’m going to set my alarm for 2am to watch the Presidential #debate on BBC News. I am. Honestly. … Continue reading 


It seems that the BBC’s Jeremy Vine can’t accept the fact that Obama got his butt kicked fair and square by Romney in the first debate. In a desperate attempt to rationalise the beloved Obama’s defeat he is peddling a ridiculous conspiracy theory from lefty website Democratic Underground: WATCH. Eleven seconds in, did Mitt Romney use a magician’s sleight of hand to produce notes, which are banned? — Jeremy … Continue reading 

Someone’s Got To Make The Tea

Wonder if the BBC feels any embarrassment when it lectures us so sternly on wimmin’s rights? Caroline Thomson has once again lifted the veil on the BBC Bubble….a little ungrateful considering she walked off with a pension pot of £1.7 million, and as she was made redundant she no doubt received a hefty golden handshake.   Why hasn’t a woman ever run the BBC?  It is quite clear how much … Continue reading