Saturday, 6 October 2012

I Saw Jimmy Savile and Gary Glitter Abuse Girls At BBC Says Woman

I was told the extraordinary background to Jimmy Savile by insiders in the late 1990s, including his connections into the royal family and the British establishment in general, and it is far worse than even what is coming out now.
Put it this way: at the most extreme end of paedophile and sexual-Satanic activity is the desire to have sex with disabled children and dead people (in hospital mortuaries, for instance).
What is happening with these Savile exposures is that a chink of light is being shone on the super-sick, depraved and covert world of the bloodlines - to which Savile was deeply connected - that I have been exposing for more than 20 years. So many have dismissed what I say because 'it's not possible' and 'they would never do that', but these same dismissers would have said the same about 'national treasure' Jimmy Savile until this week.
They can keep laughing and keep dismissing, but they will have to face the truth eventually of the beyond-sick royal and political establishment that rules them.
They have been forced to do so with royal friend Savile and he was only an oil rag to the real engineers of child abuse, child sacrifice and human enslavement.
'A woman has claimed she saw Sir Jimmy Savile and the glam rocker Gary Glitter both sexually abusing under-age girls at the same time in Savile's dressing room at the BBC Television Centre.
Karin Ward, who also says she was abused by another television star in the same room when she was 14, waived her anonymity yesterday to make the allegations. She first told her story to a BBC Newsnight team but the report was never broadcast.
Ms Ward has now been interviewed for an ITV documentary that will be screened tonight. In it, she says: "I told Newsnight that I saw Gary Glitter have sex with a girl in Jimmy Savile's dressing room … in that little alcove bit. I didn't see it completely but that's what was going on and nobody batted an eyelid. I also told them that I was horribly, horribly humiliated."'

BAE Chief to Make £18 Million from Sell-Off

'The boss of defence giant BAE Systems stands to make £18million almost overnight if the firm’s controversial merger goes through.
Chief executive Ian King is sitting on millions of lucrative share options which would usually take years to mature. But in what critics branded a ‘scandalous’ twist, they would pay him the giant windfall straight away if the £30billion deal to combine forces with the French and German-controlled aerospace conglomerate EADS is approved.
Details of Mr King’s potential payday are now likely to be probed by the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, which is holding an inquiry into the proposed merger. It strengthens the claims of critics that a charmed circle of ministers, company bosses, senior mandarins and former civil servants is engaged in a stitch-up to push through the deal behind closed doors.'