Friday, 5 October 2012

 MUST READ: France Bows to Islam

Published: Arutz Sheva - Friday, October 05, 2012

After Hitler and Stalin, France bows to Islam. A new literary case easily explains what's going on in Paris. What eminent, now villified author Richard Millet has to say about it, talking to Meotti.

Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. He is at work on a book about the Vatican and Israel.

The new French leftist government approved the mega project of the Islamic Emirate of Qatar to finance the disadvantaged suburbs, which are home to a significant number of France’s estimated 4-6 million Muslims.
Is Paris on sale to the Gulf monarchies, which support - anywhere in the world - radical Islam and jihad? Qatar's $ 65 million objective is to peddle religious hatred and separation among Muslims in France and other parts of Europe.
The intellectual polemicist of Jewish origin, Eric Zemmour, rightly said that Qatar's plan is like the Spanish and British nations financing Catholic and Protestants in France during the XVI century religious wars. Zemmour declares: "For Qatar, France is undoubtedly the land of Islam".
In France, there are now more Islamic mosques being built than Catholic churches, and there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Catholics:
Overall, the total number of mosques in France has already doubled to more than 2,000 in the last 10 years. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church in France had only 20 new churches built in the last 10 years, and formally closed more than 60 churches, many of which became mosques, according to research conducted by the French daily La Croix.
France is always willing to capitulate to the 'new ruler' on the field..
Marshal Phillippe Petain, “the hero of Verdun”, was one of the most revered figures who came to power democratically on the heels of the German invasion of France in 1940. As prime minister, Petain signed a collaboration agreement with Nazi Germany in exchange for keeping the smaller part of France, with its capital in Vichy, outside the Nazi occupation.
After the war, the new rulers were Stalin (France had Europe's largest communist party) and the Arabs.
In the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel’s life was threatened, France’s President Charles de Gaulle took a pro-Arab policy and instituted a weapons embargo on the Middle East. He characterized the Jewish people “an elitist and domineering people.” This marked the first time since World War II that a head of state had directed an anti-Semitic remark at Israel and the Jewish people.
Jean-Paul Sartre is the incarnation of this cultural betrayal, the humanist guru who turned down a Nobel Prize for literature and founded left-leaning newspaper Liberation. During the Nazi occupation of Paris he was a cynical profiteer concerned exclusively with his own literary career and ready to compromise with the authorities. Sartre worked for “Comoedia”, a magazine financed by the Nazis; his work “The Flies” got the blessing of the Hitlerist censors; his companion, the feminist goddess Simone de Beauvoir, worked for the national pro-Germans radio.
After the war, Sartre rebuilt his image of grand-resistant in favour of Moscow. He already was familiar with the horrors of the Soviet Gulag, but did not reveal them so as "not to discourage the moral of the Billancourt’s workers," while French intellectuals organized a solidarity rally in Paris in support of the official Soviet position that Jewish doctors had assassinated communist leaders.
Much less known is Sartre’s praise for Arab terrorism. When 11 Israeli athletes were butchered at the 1972 Munich Olympics in, Sartre wrote: “Terrorism is a terrible weapon, but the oppressed poor have no others."
After Hitler and Stalin, France now bows to Islam.
A new literary case easily explains what's going on in Paris.
“I cannot even go to my office at Gallimard, I must work from home, like Cesare Pavese”, says Richard Millet to me in our interview. We don’t remember interventions of French prime ministers against a book. A few days ago, the Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, said he was “shocked” by the last book written by Millet, the most famous pamphlétaire of Paris.
“The prime minister has not read the book, he made use only of propaganda”, says Millet. His case, l’affaire Millet, as it’s now known in France, reveals how dangerous is to break the taboos on Islam in Europe.
The largest library of Belgium, Filigranes, voluntarily withdrew the copies of Millet’s “Eloge littéraire of Anders Breivik”. No court ordered them to do it. “For the first time in twenty-nine years, the library took a decision like this”, chanted the owner of Filigranes, Marc Filipson. “They are people always ready to kneel to the dominant ideology”, replies Millet.
Award-winning author of the Académie Françase, Millet was forced to resign from the reading committee of Gallimard, the publishing house that dominated the literature of the XX century, la maison of Proust and Gide, Kundera and Simenon, Camus and Genet, where Millet continues to follow tauthors as editor, but without making any decisions about the books to be published.
Millet discovered some of the winners of the Prix Goncourt, the most noble literary award in France, such as "The Kindly Ones” by Jonathan Littel and “The French art of war” by Alexis Jenni. Not only there, twenty novels and essays written by Millet are present in the famous catalog of Gallimard.
But let's put the story in its proper order:.
Earlier this summer, Millet published his new book “Langue Fantome”. At the end of the book, which mostly deals with the crisis of literature, Millet instrted a twenty page pamphlet entitled “Eloge littéraire of Anders Breivik”, a provocative reading of the massacre of Utoya, in Norway.
Millet does not excuse, does not seek to mitigate the monster, but he offers a scary, terrible, scandalous vision of the bloodbath. He sees it as the crisis of European identity and multiculturalism. “How do you think that I wrote an eulogy of Breivik?”, Millet says. “I wrote that he is a monster and a criminal”.
But now he fears for his own safety, because France, he says, can become a place that is dangerous. “For twenty days I had to watch my back and I removed my name from the mailbox”.
A few days ago, the weekly Nouvel Observateur slammed Millet on its cover under the title “The neo-fascists and their friends”, citing his name along with that of other well-known writers. “It’s a Stalinist method”, says Millet.
M.G. Le Clézio,a Nobel Prize writer, the leftist intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévi and others explicitly asked Gallimard to fire Millet.
Le Monde newspaper ran an appeal signed by 120 writers against him.
The Figaro held bank held a campaign against the demonization of the writer, while Élisabeth Lévy called it “the fatwa of Saint-Germain-Des-Prés”, a reference to Gallimard, the “temple of Literature”.
Bruno de Cessole, first pen of Figaro, called it “witch hunt”, while Denis Tillinac slammed the “soft petainism”, “the bigots of the new moral order” and the “leftist Torquemadas”.
The writer Gabriel Matzneff attacked “the attitude of the intelligentsia in Paris towards Islam"
He said, "the explanation is clear: cowardice. In 2012, the Café de Flore kneels in front of bearded fanatics of Libya in Syria, as thirty years ago it knelt before Stalin. The French intelligentsia kneels always in front of the winner, or the future winner”.
The Café de Flore is the mecca of French intellectuals.
Millet denounced “the end of humanistic civilization”, “the ideology of anti-racism”, he says that “Europe is under intimidation from Salafism and political correctness” and that multiculturalism “is one of the forms of the cultural, spiritual and social decay of Europe”.
Millet defines Anders Breivik, the serial murderess of Utoya, as a “demonic symptom of our society” like Mohammed Merah, the Islamic mass murderer of Toulouse, where he killed four Jewish civilians, including three children.
"The tactics used today in France, writes the author, “are the same as Goebbels and Beria: decontextualizing, extrapolating, intimidating, insulting, liying”.
According to Millet, “literature, especially in France, is the new lie of ‘tolerance’”.
He thinks that multiculturalism “grows on the death of national cultures in the name of humanism. Multiculturalism has become a weapon. As Europe feels guilty for genocides and colonization, our continent cannot longer be itself. Europeans live in hatred of themselves, which is a form of nihilism. Breivik is the monstrous echo and the response to this hate”.
Millet does not retract the words he used on Islam. “It’s the new contemporary terror. It grows with the European sense of guilty”.
Meanwhile, all over France, Jews must protect themselves against lynching in the streets, harassment at the universities and shootings outside schools. The March attack at a Jewish school in Toulouse, which resembled that of Itamar (when an Israeli father, mother and three children were slaughtered in their beds by a Palestinian commando), triggered “an explosion” of anti-Semitic attacks across France.
According to the Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive, more than 90 anti-Semitic incidents took place in France only in the 10 days that followed the shooting.
Paris, where once even Pol Pot studied, is now the "mecca of culture" for betrayers of Europe's humanism. As it is today, France and Europe have no future. In the very moment when we closed this story, from Sweden came the news of a terror attack against a Jewish center and a kosher center was bombed in Paris.
To explain his involvement in the French Resistance, Jean Cavaillès said he prefers to read Paris-Soir than theVölkische Beobachter. Now on the boulevards you read Al Hayat.
To quote from Friedrich Nietzsche's Zarathustra, "die wuste wächst". The desert grows.

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