Received this a few hours ago......
By a JN PL...
Only “the left” can return some sort of normality
This writer started watching the labour party closely after the demise of John Smith what I saw worried me greatly.
The emergence of Tony Blair, I remember seeing him very soon after he was first elected on one of the Sunday political interviews of the time, I remember a pasty faced over emotional young man who was showing all the signs of someone who should never have been exposed to any sort of political power, he showed all the signs of a psychopath, and a dangerous one at that.
After the death of John Smith the labour party retreated and rebranded, the empty hollow shell that emerged calling itself new labour, except it wasn’t that empty, it was hijacked by right wing neo-con psychopaths, people who had no idea and couldn’t care less about who they destroyed in the pursuit of ego, influence and amassing of wealth. Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, and Alistair Campbell made it acceptable for people who would never vote Conservative to vote for not just Conservative ideas and policies, but the very worst of Conservative ideas and policies, they courted corporations and celebrities, media moguls and anyone who would assist the cool Britannia brand.
Only the brand was false as well, we know now that David Cameron was so impressed with this right wing coup he declared himself the heir to Blair and has taken advice from Blair since scraping into office on the backs of Liberal Democrat accomplices, we in this country have moved from a weak right wing Government in 1997 to a vicious right wing Government since 1997, only the depth and speed has changed since 2010. One of the first acts of new labour was to repeal certain treason acts and then commit what would formally have been treason; they actively started to dismantle the union between England and Wales with Scotland, something that had existed since 1707.
The outcome of this was lopsided devolution, this article will not offer opinion about which way people should vote for further devolution as it is not the purpose of this article, devolution is real and is here to stay, let us look at what the right wing neo-con new labour party and the heir to Blair have done with it, they have created a state within a state, we have the bizarre situation of the SNP calling itself the Scottish Government in Scotland, while Scotland is in a union with the other nations that make up the United Kingdom and the Scottish Government is not in control of Scotland but has to defer to London and the UK Parliament.
How can one country (the United Kingdom) have two Governments? (The Scottish Government AND the UK Government)?
This is one small facet of what the right wing regime of Blair created and the later regime of Cameron has nurtured, it is a recipe for chaos. We have had Iraq, the Syria, Libya and Egypt, we have had the dismantling of the NHS and the social security system, both unpopular and the recent bills concerning welfare reform and NHS reform came under intense criticism from all those official bodies and groups representing the affected millions who have been suffering in silence as neither Blair nor Cameron took any notice (a little like the protests about the Iraq war). The heir to Blair wasn’t too bothered about these two deeply unpopular and flawed bills being passed as he quite arrogantly and openly said “we will force it through with the Parliament act”, and then promptly did so.
He is indeed the heir to Blair.
Back to the future?
A Labour Government in 1945 came into office with the impending collapse of the Empire, a massive war debt, austerity and food rationing, yet what did they achieve and how long has their legacy been?
They achieved much with an economy widely believed to be bankrupt, The Labour Party won the election with promises to create full employment, a tax-funded universal National Health Service, the embracing of Keynesian economic policies and a cradle-to-grave welfare state, with the campaign message 'Let us face the future.
This was the first election in which Labour gained a majority of seats, and also the first time it won a majority of votes. If it had won another 68,767 or 0.3% of votes it would have had over 50% of all those cast.
The Beveridge Report, published in 1942, proposed the creation of a Welfare State. It called for a change in British social policy, with provision for nationalised health care, expanded state-funded education, national insurance and a new housing policy. The report was extremely popular, and copies of its findings were widely purchased. The Labour Party of the day adopted the report eagerly. The Conservatives accepted many of the principles of the report, but claimed that they could not be afforded.
Labour offered a new comprehensive welfare policy, reflecting a consensus that social changes were needed. The Conservatives were not willing to make the same concessions that Labour proposed.
Compare that with today, the Labour party of today could sweep the initiative and the national mood by removing itself publicly from the era of Blair and new Labour and revisit the need for full employment, listening to the medical professionals and the Police when they have stated privatisation of the NHS, the welfare state and the Police is a train crash waiting to happen, Labour could offer similar safeguards as they did in 1945 by rejecting the everything for sale neo-con corporate free for all, rejecting the ideology of taking from those who can’t afford it and giving to those who don’t need it, Labour has the greatest chance since 1945 to distance itself from the right wing coup of new Labour and offer the healing this country has so badly screamed for a number of years, we do not need more profit hungry shareholders, we need leadership unafraid to utter the word nationalisation, we need leadership unafraid to act in the interests of the vast majority of people instead of the few or favoured groups sadly seen so often over the last decades.
The heir to Blair is confident that by continuing to spread hate speech about sick and disabled people and scroungers, spongers, cheats and all the other poisonous Blairisms (he can’t even be original about that) he has the population on side, he could not be more wrong.!
The BMA no less, have invalidated the current ESA/WCA regime and called for it to be scrapped, the heir to Blair wants more of the same, on this subject alone, if we remove the emotions, and the recorded deaths directly attributable to the French for profit giant Atos using the tick boss Lima system to discredit genuinely sick and disabled people, if we remove that from the equation we find there are 12 million plus votes for the political party that halts and reverses this illegal and arbitrary discrimination. The Labour party minus the new Labour former celebrities, who pushed this through along with the NHS destruction blueprints stating it was wrong and we will repair it, will be taken more seriously than the heir to Blair and his policy of scorched earth.
This is the reality of today’s world, the party of the left, the party of the ordinary man, the party that understands it’s real legacy is due for demolition by the neo-cons for profit, the Labour party can create a landslide victory based on truth and humanity, the real place of the Labour party is the party that treats all men equal, the Labour party with all elements of neo-com new Labour removed is capable of the same as the Labour party of 1945, there would be no for profit parasites running the Government, this time around the country is not bankrupt, there is not food rationing, there are in the 21st century under this neo-con coalition food banks opening nationally, this is a national disgrace, there is little work, there is no living wage, only the Labour party can deliver this social revolution, this country is screaming for a real Labour party, not more out of touch opportunists pretending to be concerned while lining their own pockets.
Friday, 5 October 2012
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Britannia Radio