Monday, 12 November 2012
Jon Donnison @JonDonnison Listening to BBC #Radio4 Pick of the Week including a #Gaza piece: a reminder of what fantastic material the BBC turns out week in, week out Yes….This is what he reported (as near as I can remember….no link…R4) this morning after Palestinians attacked Israeli forces, injuring 4 troops……. ‘Israeli tanks have fired shells into Gaza and caused casualties….this came after an exchange of fire with Palestinian …Continue reading
A comment from Nick Robinson….. The prime minister has not sought to impose a government enquiry on the BBC undermining the independence of the BBC Trust. So the BBC doesn’t want an inquiry into how it runs its services…..unlike the private, commercial companies such as News International……is the BBC questioning the need for Press regulation imposed by a government inquiry then? For months we endured … Continue reading
Astounding statement by Paxman…..complete lack of perspective and awareness……and again this shows how the BBC great and the good are completely unprepared to accept that they are in the wrong.…the ever present shadow of Hutton that they refuse to acknowledge as a truthful indictment of their journalism is something that they continue to try to rewrite in the history books or blame for present bad practise. Was it ‘cowardice and … Continue reading
Well, BBC D-G George Entwistle has resigned. But the question is rather larger – should the BBC now be AXED as a parasite bleeding off the public purse? One sacrificial lamb is not sufficient. “The BBC’s director general, George Entwistle, has resigned in the wake of the Newsnight child abuse broadcast. In a statement given outside New Broadcasting House, Mr Entwistle said: “I have decided that the honourable thing to … Continue reading
Labour’s millionairess Margaret Hodge’s family business pays very little tax: The Labour MP has been one of the fiercest critics of tax avoidance by companies such as Starbucks, Google and Amazon. However, she is likely to face questions over the limited tax paid by Stemcor, the steel trading company in which she owns shares and which was founded by her father and is run by her brother.Analysis of Stemcor’s latest accounts show … Continue reading
Posted by Britannia Radio at 05:52