Monday, 12 November 2012

DEBKAfile Special Report November 11, 2012, 11:35 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Binyamin Netanyahu   Hamas missiles   Gaza   Golan   Syria   Egypt 
Time is running out for a tough decision
Time is running out for a tough decision

The Palestinian missile offensive from Gaza was still going strong Sunday night, Nov. 11, after two days and more than 110 rockets. One of its driving forces, DEBKAfile reports, is Hamas’s inability to bring the main terroristic organizations under a single operational command. The Jihad Islami, the Salafis and the Popular Front stay independent. Hamas also beieves that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will avoid a major IDF operation, while Netanyahu takes into account the risk of Syria and Hizballah opening fronts too.
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Obama Will Give Syrian Rebels Arms
They will go to a leader fighting in Syria who wins his nod. 
The US to Undertake Suez Security
A hi-tech security fence to be built to guard the waterway against terror. 
Obama Is Ready for Talks with Iran
Negotiations come late, after Iran has crossed the nuclear 

Israel fires warning Tamuz missile into Syria as Gaza front escalates
DEBKAfile Special Report

November 11, 2012, 4:28 PM (GMT+02:00)
Advanced precision-guided Tamuz missile developed by Israel
Advanced precision-guided Tamuz missile developed by Israel

Israel’s deteriorating security situation has erupted simultaneously on two fronts. Sunday, Nov. 11, the IDF fired a Tamuz precision guided missile at a Syrian mortar position as a warning after a stray mortar hit an Israel Golan defense post. It was the fourth incident in 10 days. On the Gaza front, the Palestinians shot Grad missiles at Beersheba – one was intercepted by Iron Dome – after shooting 60 missiles in less than 24 hours. They injured four Israeli soldiers Saturday, four civilians Sunday – apparent victims of Katyushas supplied by Hizballah.
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