Sunday, 23 June 2013

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Wanted NSA Leaker Lands in Russia

Snowden Reportedly On Way to Venezuela Via Cuba

The Edward Snowden saga takes a dramatic turn: the wanted man is on the run, as if starring in an action movie.

Read more.

Russia's role in his flight from Hong Kong is raising tensions with the United States. Click here for the story.

U.S. lawmakers and officials are understandably upset. But why should relations with Russia be so bad in the first place? The Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended more than two decades ago. Russia and the United States share a common enemy--radical Islam. Moscow and Washington should be allies in the struggle against Islamic clerical fascism; instead, they are each trying to ride an Islamist tiger without being eaten by it. Russia is backing nuclear/missile-mad Shiite Islamist Iran and Hezbollah while the U.S. is supporting Suuni Islamists, including Turkey's neo-Ottoman Islamist regime, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda-connected, -collaborating, and -sympathizing groups aiming to overthrow Syria's Shiite-Alawite Assad regime--Russia's longstanding Arab ally.

The stage has thus been set for a new Cold War and a confrontation between the two nuclear superpowers akin to the Cuban Missile Crisis that nearly ended in a nuclear holocaust. Recall that a menacing Soviet intervention in Cuba, only 90 miles from Florida, sparked a superpower confrontation that came perilously close to all-out war. This time, the U.S. is meddling in Russia's backyard--Syria is driving distance from the Russian border. Khrushchev's offensive, nuclear-tipped missiles were aimed at Washington. Putin's defensive missiles could shoot down U.S./NATO or Israeli warplanes; and clashes could result in Russian casualties as well as U.S., NATO and Israeli casualties.

None of this was necessary. Syria did not have to follow the … disastrous … Libyan script. Syria could and should have been … and perhaps still can be … politically neutralized, divided along ethnic and religious lines  into demilitarized  provinces under a federal parliamentary republic.


Erdogan Appears to Make U-Turn on Syria

Just as He Did to Bush, Turkey's Clerical Fascist PM Disappoints Obama

Trickery and Intrigue Intensify; New Sultan Suddenly Seems Scared 

Turkey's Islamist prime minister, Recep Erdogan, has reportedly cut his country's weapons pipeline to the so-called rebels (Al Qaeda-connected car bombers and cannibals) in neighboring Syria. 

Read more.


'Ex-Qaeda Allies' Ready to Fight for Egypt's President

Islamists Unite Around US-Backed Morsi

Still More Blowback from Betrayal and Abandonment of Mubarak

The situation in Egypt is going from bad to worse--as predicted.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013


'Friends of Syria' to Step Up Arming of Car Bombers and Cannibals

Self-styled "Friends of Syria" are stepping up support for Al Qaeda-linked Islamist "rebels."


Libyan Weapons Flowing to Al Qaeda-Tied Syrian Rebels

Fears and Predictions of Obama Critics Confirmed

This is known--zeh yaduah, as they say in Israel--weapons are flowing from Libya to Syria's so-called rebels. The Al Qaeda-associated, -connected, -collaborating, and -sympathizing Islamists are benefiting mightily from the wholly unnecessary U.S./NATO intervention in Libya, which, under "humanitarian" cover, ousted a secular despotism that had more than lived up to its end of a pact with the West. The crazy dictator (who should have been eliminated decades ago--another story) scrapped his WMD and suppressed the Islamists. In fact, he zealously suppressed the barbaric backers of burqas and suicide bombers.

Which is why he was marked for ouster and assassination, apparently. The U.S. and NATO are pro-Islamist, have been for many years. 9/11 changed nothing. Rightwing political Islam and overlapping, sharia-promoting branches of organized Islam constitute an unstoppable but pliable force in the eyes of the Obama administration and tis European and Turkish Islamist allies.

They are dancing with the devil.

Read more.

Obama's selective drone attacks on Al Qaeda leaders--the terrorists in Syria are immune from assassination--and killing of Osama Bin Laden have essentially given the President a license to pursue a pro-Islamist policy. All Islamist regimes and groups, except for the original Al Qaeda, are considered all right to engage (collaborate with) by the President and his advisers.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Turkey-Germany Relations Worsen Over Islamist Crackdown

Germany refuses to roll out EU welcome mat for Turkey's clerical fascist regime.

Read more.


Spain Nabs Syria-Bound Jihadists in N. African Exclave

Suspects With Spanish Passports Tied to Al Qaeda

CEUTA is an 18.5-square-kilometer exclave on Africa's north coast bordering Morocco.

A seven-square-mile Spanish city/exclave is suddenly in the news.

Read more.

The Syria conflict increasingly resembles the Carter-Reagen secret war in Afghanistan, the largest-ever covert operation in U.S. history. The United States, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are backing Sunni Islamist terrorists in Syria in order to counter Shiite Islamist Iran and also, apparently, to punish and pressure Putin's post-Soviet/post-Communist Russia.

In other words, the end of the Cold War, the crackup of the Soviet Union and the collapse of world Communism, and … the Islamist mega-attacks of 9/11 … changed nothing. The Obama administration, like the Carter and Reagan administrations before it, and like the Clinton administration, too, which needlessly intervened in the Balkans on the Islamic/Islamist side, is cynically and stupidly dancing with the devil, riding the tiger, whatever, under the twin banners of democracy-promotion and human rights.

Where's the outrage?

The secret war in Afghanistan unleashed the global jihad. The not-so-secret war in Syria is reigniting the global jihad and threatening to engulf the Middle East. Afghanistan led to 9/11. What will Syria lead to--a nuclear 9/11? World war?

Not one U.S. dollar, not a single U.S. bullet or gun should go to any faction of Syria's so-called rebels. They are dominated by--clearly cooperating closely with--an arm of Al Qaeda. The collaboration with car bombers and cannibals is overt. No James Bond or Sherlock Holmes is needed to unearth the sordid secret. The Free Syrian Army and Al Qaeda are for all practical purposes the same entity--a force for Sunni clerical fascism, which is just as evil as Shiite clerical fascism.

Not one American life should ever be risked to install yet another Islamist/Islamic "republic." Wasn't one Benghazi blowback enough for the Obama administration and the senile Senator from Arizona--the moron McCain--who hails the Islamist scum as "freedom fighters?"

Apparently, not.

Related: Why Isn't the US Using Drones to Attack Al Qaeda in Syria?