Thursday 4 July 2013

A Tribute To America’s Patriot Pastors And Stalwart Statesmen....Bureaucrat Cherry Walker - The Bully in Josephine County Government...... Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Removed from Power

A Tribute To America’s Patriot Pastors And Stalwart Statesmen
This is the fighting heritage of America’s pastors and preachers. So, what has happened? What has happened to that fighting spirit that once existed, almost universally, throughout America’s Christian denominations? How have preachers become so timid, so shy, and so cowardly that they will stand apathetic and mute as America faces the destruction of its liberties? Where are the preachers today to explain, expound, and extrapolate the principles of liberty from Holy Writ?.....
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Bureaucrat Cherry Walker - The Bully in Josephine County Government
By contrast, Walker is quoted in the IV News as saying, “We wrote the ordinances so people can get a warning.” Considering the December 17 and January 17 agendas, it is clear that the ordinances were sitting in a drawer when Walker arrived. In a now frustrated effort to apparently hide the true nature of the package of ordinances, Walker has characterized the package as an effort to correct an ugly and intolerable blight of nuisance complaints around the county........
by Attorney Jack Swift

Our devalued currency and war against the dollar Our devalued currency and war against the dollar. Protect your assets with the only real money - gold. Call Harvey Gordin at USA Gold Vault today - 602-228-8203.

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Removed from Power
However, if the people decide to do the right things, the right way, at the right moment, unified and refusing to accept no for an answer, they will seize control of their destiny once again, just as their forefathers did some 230 years ago. No matter what the American people decide, the future of America is indeed in their hands......
by JB Williams