Labour Must Ignore Futile Left | Simon Danczuk MP
Jim Murphy Slam’s Unite | Sun
Unite Try to Stitch Up 41 Seats | FT
Miliband’s PMQs Script Found in Toilet | Times
Downing Street Won’t Like Times Changes | ConHome
Tories Unite Against Unite | Michael Deacon
Bercow Lays Into Hammond | James Kirkup
Lord Bell Savages ‘Pygmy’ Cameron | Speccie
Do People Know Who Red Len Is? | Political Betting
Lord Bell Savages Cameron | Speccie
Falkirk Labour and Michael Crick | Eric Joyce
Jim Murphy Slam’s Unite | Sun
Unite Try to Stitch Up 41 Seats | FT
Miliband’s PMQs Script Found in Toilet | Times
Downing Street Won’t Like Times Changes | ConHome
Tories Unite Against Unite | Michael Deacon
Bercow Lays Into Hammond | James Kirkup
Lord Bell Savages ‘Pygmy’ Cameron | Speccie
Do People Know Who Red Len Is? | Political Betting
Lord Bell Savages Cameron | Speccie
Falkirk Labour and Michael Crick | Eric Joyce
Vote Unite

As far as Guido can work out, there are 146 Labour MPs who have received money from Unite either directly or to their constituency parties. They walk around Parliament wearing Unite lanyards, they have quite simply been bought by trade union lobbyists. Now Unite want 41 more MPs. While it may say Labour next to their name when you go to the ballot box, these candidates are running for Unite…
Why is Bercow so Grumpy?

He was certainly in a mood during PMQs and then lost it completely with Philip Hammondshortly after.
Hope everything is okay at home…
Read Miliband’s PMQs Briefing Notes In Full
The BBC’s Norman Smith says Labour are investigating whether the notes were left in a toilet…
Morsi Due to Visit Parliament Next Week

MPs have rather optimistically been sent invitations “to an audience with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi” in Parliament next Thursday by the British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union, at the request of the Foreign Office.
“The Egyptian President Morsi is planning to visit Parliament on Thursday 11 July as part of a programme of calls in the UK. He has specifically expressed interest in meeting UK parliamentarians and BGIPU has been asked by the FCO to facilitate this event. On current planning, the FCO has indicated President Morsi is willing to deliver a brief address and participate in a question and answer session with UK parliamentarians. Key topics to be discussed are expected to include Egyptian parliamentary and constitutional reform issues, the impact of recent public protests and international responses to the situation in Syria. The venue for this audience will be Committee Room 3 from 2.15pm.”There’s a chance his plans might have changed…
Wharton Winds Up Miliband

James Wharton is having some fun with Ed Miliband this afternoon, mailing the Labour leader badges declaring support for a referendum:
“I was interested to read in the Mail on Sunday on 4 June that half of the Shadow Cabinet supports this move.
I am grateful for their support and hope you might relax your whip requiring them to stay away on Friday and instead allow them to attend and back the Bill.

Sheryl Murray, the excellent MP for South East Cornwall, has produced campaign badges that can be worn by supporters of the Bill. I am afraid though that the Mail on Sunday article did not identify who in your shadow cabinet supports and who does not. I enclose 14 badges with this letter, enough for half of the Shadow Cabinet, with one extra for you to wear should you decide to lead on this issue rather than running away from it! It might help you to put the accusations of weakness that have dogged your leadership behind you – I know this would be helpful.
Please let me know if you require any more, I would be happy to ask Sheryl to make them and hope to see you on Friday.”