Man Proposes and God Disposes:
The Hidden Function of the Palestinians
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Before I explain the title of this essay—which is dedicated to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—consider two facts. First, Syrian-born Dr. Wafa Sultan, now living in the United States, has said that Islam is not worthy of being called a civilization. This may offend Professor Bernard Lewis the dean of Islam scholars, but Dr. Sultan, a psychiatrist, has studied the mentality of people you would not want for your neighbors—notwithstanding Netanyahu’s the tolerance of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria.
Second, even before Muslims became the leading terrorists on this planet, the nineteenth-century French philosopher Ernest Renan was candid enough to say that “To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him.” Hence, Renan would probably regard Bibi’s tolerance of Palestinian statehood as symptomatic of a diminutive academic mentality.
Now, if we probe the mentality of the Palestinians and of Israeli prime ministers who would endow these malevolent Arabs with statehood, we may discern the wisdom of the God of Israel! Clearly, God has given Israel the best of enemies! For despite the swath of land Israeli prime ministers are willing to give these Arabs, they refuse to make peace with Jews. On the other hand, God has given Israel prime ministers foolish enough to pursue the impossible policy of land for peace with these disciples of Muhammad to make their Lilliputian character of these prime ministers obvious even to gullible Israelis.
Now let us correlate four facts.
Fact 1: Security against Palestinian terrorism has been of central concern to Israeli prime ministers.
Fact 2: Israel has had to expend enormous sums of money for security.
Fact 3: As a consequence of Facts 1 and 2, Israel over the years has experienced the emigration of hundreds of thousands of secular Jews.
Fact 4: The birthrate of religious Jews has mushroomed.
Given these facts, one may surmise that the hidden function of the Palestinians has been to prevent Israel from becoming a thoroughly successful secular democratic state! If so, the folly of Israeli prime ministers is well adapted to the implacable nature of Israel’s enemies.☼
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Grandiose Ambition
Benjamin Netanyahu is obsessed with the desire to negotiate with the Fatah-led Palestinians. His ambition is to create a sovereign nation-state for these Muslim Arabs in Judea and Samaria.
What does Mr. Netanyahu know of the character of these Muslim Arabs, who, after all, would be the neighbors of the Jews living in Israel?
He surely knows that these Muslim Arabs used their own children as human bombs to kill Jews. He surely knows that two generations of Muslim children have been educated to hate Jews and emulate homicide bombers. These children are now adults, and they will be the citizens of the Palestinian state that Mr. Netanyahu is so anxious to create.
As adults, these Muslims will surely become supporters or members of the Fatah-led Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). A word about the PLO's recent history is in order.
When the Fatah-led PLO entered Lebanon in 1970, they tipped the power-sharing arrangement between Christians, Muslims, and Druze in favor of the Muslims. Civil war erupted. The war lasted from 1975 to 1990 and resulted in more than 100,000 civilian fatalities. British journalist Patrick Sills of the London Observer filed a report on the war:
“In the corners of the streets of Beirut, small children exhibit bottles which contain human ears dunked in acid, like pickles or artichokes in vinegar. Bodies are lying in the streets immersed in their coagulated blood, some lacking their procreative organs, which were cut off and put in acid for exhibition by children.”
This barbarism was committed by the kinsmen of the Palestinians. It was Fatah-led Palestinians—professional Sunni Muslim warriors—who trained the Shiite Muslims of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. This training took place in Lebanon’s Bekka Valley in the 1970s. The Revolutionary Guard’s most notorious member is none other than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has vowed to “wipe Israel off the map.”
Nothing new here. The this same vow is embodied in the Constitution of the Palestinians, with whom Mr. Netanyahu is so anxious to negotiate for the purpose of endowing these disciples of Muhammad with land in Judea and Samaria to establish a Palestinian state.
Never mind Judea and Samaria’s 330,000 Jewish residents. The experience that Israel’s political and military echelons gained by expelling 8,000 Jews from Gaza will facilitate the ethnic cleansing of Judea and Samaria where Netanyahu can at last create a Palestinian state, his long nurtured and noble ambition, namely, to win for the Chosen People “a place among the nations.”