Thursday, 8 August 2013

Seen Elsewhere

Carney Plan Will Backfire | City AM
The World According to Godfrey Bloom | Political Scrapbook
Bonkers to Say 2015 is Easy for Tories | Telegraph
Unfinished Business in Falkirk | Labour Uncut
How to Be Outraged Online | The Pessimist
Janan Ganesh is Wrong, Great Staff Do Matter | James Frayne
Dr, Who Will Be the Next PM? | Matthew d’Ancona
Massive Parliament Data Breach | Trending Central
Mandy Can’t Fix This | Dan Hodges
Spare Room Subsidy Working | ConservativeHome
I’ll Apologise to Bongo Bongo Land | Godfrey Bloom


David’s Leaving Present for Ed

The David Miliband farewell roadshow rumbles on with yet another tedious article in the Staggers. Just go. He concludes that “I leave Britain confident that Labour can win,” though he doesn’t sound very confident. Once more the barbs at his brother’s  leadership are there for all to see, dressed up in reams of social democrat wonk speak. The spurned brother warns Labour to stop living on cloud cuckoo and: “while fiscal stimulus may be a short-term remedy for low demand, fiscal prudence is a medium-term necessity”, and also to wake up to reality on benefits: “The welfare state needs defence in the face of unfair attacks. But it also needs reform” – very off message, Ed prefers that you call it social security. At last someone in Labour gets that “the state needs to do more with less, and that requires big reform”, just a shame David never realised this in all those years working in government. Finally, the departing prince points out that ““Predistribution” does not fit on an electoral pledge card”. Oh catty, because David was the expert in not sounding like nerd when he was speaking. Bye bye then.