Thursday 1 August 2013

 Emanuel Winston Archives: Weekly Digest #7
The people of Israel should apply Israeli sovereignty over
Judea & Samaria - now!!

The people of Israel should apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea & Samaria - now!!

Why should the people of Israel apply Israeli Sovereignty over Judea & Samaria Now?
1. It’s the right thing to do and always has been.
2. It will disable the propaganda ploy intended by the Arab Palestinians, the Arab League and those Leftists in Europe, Asia, the US and the UN who support them. They proclaim they will ...
Creeping Arab annexation in Jerusalem

Creeping Arab annexation in Jerusalem

Aaron Klein of WORLD NET DAILY reported on sections of Jerusalem that are ‘de facto’ annexed by Arab Muslims/PLO and, therefore, banned to Jews.   Even the Police are afraid to go into those areas.
Here we are reminded of such areas in France where Muslims in “critical mass” have made it dangerous for French Police to enter. ...
Whose Jerusalem?

Whose Jerusalem?

Every nation on this planet has been accorded the unchallenged right to choose which of their cities will be their capital - except for the Jewish State of Israel.
The nations who arrogate to themselves the right to choose their own capital have told Israel that 3000 years of history is irrelevant.  Yassir Arafat (supported by oil rich Arab/Muslim ...
The Jews returned to Jerusalem & the land of Israel

The Jews returned to Jerusalem & the land of Israel forever!

The Arabs and the non-people who adopted the name "Palestinian" claim that the ancient Jewish people are usurpers and it is they, the Arab Palestinians, who are the rightful owners of the land of Israel "Eretz Yisrael".  This spurious claim by Muslim Arabs and nothing else is the ‘root cause’ of the Arab/Israeli conflict.
Who, other than ...
2. Who wants Jerusalem? - Everyone!

2. Who wants Jerusalem? - Everyone!

Jews have kept Jerusalem in their hearts and minds as their Eternal Capital for 3000 years but now many nations and groups claim her. A non-people wishes to replace Israel with a State called Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital of only that State.  Their maps show Palestine completely covering the State of Israel. These resident Arabs are only recently ...
I. The final status of Jerusalem

I. The final status of Jerusalem

The final and only status of Jerusalem was affirmed by the Highest Court 3000 years ago.  Now, in supreme arrogance and blasphemy, a corrupt President, in support of an unrepentant killer tells Israel that she must negotiate the division of that Holy City, Israel’s capital.  Interesting, two immoral men dividing up G-d’s City?!
Arafat and the Arabs found that ...
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel

Something ugly is once again growing in the "organized" Jewish community, namely, the unmanly art of "avoidance".  The subject is the building of an American Embassy in Jerusalem as Congress mandated by law should be done by May 31, 1999.
On April 25th Jews are coming to rally in Washington to press for a positive conclusion to this sad ...
Jerusalem: “I hate the ground you walk on”

Jerusalem: “I hate the ground you walk on”

When Mohammed failed to convert the Jews to Islam, he ordered Moslems to turn their backs on Jerusalem and pray to Mecca. The Jewish city became a despised place for Islam. Neither Christians nor Moslems ever thought enough of Jerusalem to make it their capital../...until now.
Christianity, developed by Paul (Saul), and Islam, defined by Mohammed in the Koran ...
Behind the politics aimed at disposing of Jerusalem

Behind the politics aimed at disposing of Jerusalem

The disposing of Jerusalem by the Jews to the Arab Muslims didn’t just begin under the Olmert regime.  That was planned long ago under David Ben Gurion and those who sat at his feet. For future control of Israel, it was important that only (what today is called the Left) would retain power.  The Left’s adversary in 1947-8 was Menachem ...