Thursday, August 13, 2009
china confidential
Gold Gains, Dollar Drops
Supporters of Chavez Stooge Riot in Honduras
The ousted Honduran despot is orchestrating violence in his homeland.
Click here for the story.
China Confidential has learned that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is behind the riots. Chavez agents are actually paying protesters to tear up Tegucigalpa.Wednesday, August 12, 2009
23 Filipino Soldiers Fall Fighting Al Qaeda
Click here for the story.Islamofascists Behead Christian Aid Workers
The Islamist threat is out of control, apparently emboldened by American appeasement of the clerical fascist creed.
Click here for yet another sickening story from the hell-hole called Somalia.Chinese Think Tank Calls for India's Crackup
A Chinese institute says India should be broken up into 20 or more separate states.
Needless to say, India is angry.
Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts say the Chinese report is really aimed at the United States. Beijing believes that the U.S. aims to break up China by backing separatist movements in Tibet and Xinjiang.No Surprise: Muslim Lands Choking Web Freedom
Former CIA Spy Speaks Out on Iran Threat
He spent years as a CIA spy in the Revolutionary Guards Corps. His story is riveting. Clickhere to read it.Islamist Terror Suspects Describe Hatred of US
French Pool Bans Muslim Fanatic's Barbaric 'Burqini'
Nearly eight years after 9/11, Muslim terrorism, extremism, and fanaticism are still ascendent.
Click here for a news item that would be somewhat amusing if not for what it says about the Islamist threat to secular society and modernity.
Will Barack Obama speak out in defense of unclean, head-to-toe Muslim swim suits? The Islamist-leaning U.S. President has already intervened in France in favor of the presumed right to wear barbaric Muslim headscarves, veils, and burqas.Syria's Electricity Shortage Expected to Worsen
Syria's capital, Damascus, suffers about two hours a day of electricity blackouts.
And residents will have to get used to the hardship, because a lack of power production capabilities is expected to make rolling power cuts across the country a way of life.
The current shortage of 1,000 megawatts (MW) is expected to grow to 1,400 MW in 2011, according a report by the official daily Ath Thawra.
The price of electricity is heavily subsidized in Syria; therefore, the more power the state produces the more money it looses.
But demand is growing rapidly due to high population growth and increasing urbanization.Cargo Ship Vanishes off Coast of France
The authorities of the world are searching for a lost ship.
Read all about it here.Craven Carter Silent on Iran Atrocities
Sheda Vasseghi asks:"Where is Jimmy?" Has anyone seen or heard from Jimmy Carter while the Islamic Republic regime in Iran and its thugs brutally beat, torture, and murder civilians on a daily basis? After all it was Carter carrying his human rights banner who turned his back on the late Shah when the country was suddenly overrun by Islamic militants in cahoots with the leftists.
Continue here.
The catastrophic Carter administration was complicit--up to its ears, actually--in the Islamist takeover of Iran. The betrayal and abandonment of Iran's pro-American, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahalvi, elevated right-wing political Islam, or Islamism, to a level it had never before achieved.Mousavi Says Iran Show Trial Aids US, UK
The opposition leader has framed condemnation of the fascist show trial in anti-American, anti-British terms. Clickhere for the report.
On the one hand, his rhetoric could simply be a cover for avoiding assassination or imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and its maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
On the other hand, Mousavi's references could highlight the risk of relying on reluctant reformists to put an end to Iran's imperialist foreign policy and menacing nuclear and missile programs.
Regime change--real revolution as opposed to reform--is the only acceptable alternative to all-out war.
The turbaned tyranny must be stopped ... prevented from acquiring atomic arms ... by any and all necessary means.American Islamist Guilty of Aiding Terror Groups
Click here for the story--another example of the Islamist threat to the United States.Somali Islamists Stone 13-Year-Old Girl to Death
Obama's outreach to "the Muslim world" is emboldening the most extreme elements--advocates of barbaric Islamic law.
Our Swedish correspondent reports on yet another atrocity. Where is the outrage?
The first reports were that Aisha Ibrahim Kuhulow was 23 year old, but her father now confirms for Amnesty International that she was only 13.
The girl’s young age, combined with the fact that she herself contacted the Shabab-militia who controls the town, in order to report the rape, failed to protect her from being sentenced to death by the Islamists for breach of Islamic law in having sex outside of marriage.
This child suffered a terrible death as demanded by the armed opposition forces that control Kismayo, says David Copeman who is responsible for Amnesty’s Somalia-department, to the news office.
Hole in the ground
Thousands of people witnessed the grotesque execution of Aisha at a football stadium in the port town of Kismayo on Monday.
The 13-year old was led in and forced into a hole in the ground. The hole was then filled so that only her head was showing. About 50 men then started to throw stones at her, according to Amensty’s information.
After a while, nurses were called to check whether Aisha was still alive. The body was then brought out of the hole and examined. When it was established that she was still alive, she was again placed in the hole so that the stone-throwers could continue.
When some of the spectators tried to storm the stadium to save Aisha, the militia opened fire on the crowd, and a young boy was killed.
A spokesman for the Shabab-militia expressed regret for the boy’s death and assured that the soldiers who had opened fire would be punished.
However, it would seem that the men whom13-year old Aisha tried to report for rape have little to fear. None of them have been arrested.
Ravaged by Violence
Somalia is one of the world’s poorest countries, and one of those most ravaged by violence. It has been without central authorities since the dictator, Mohamed Sia Barre was overthrown by warriors leaders in 1991.
The country’s eight million inhabitants have since lived under constant threats of further acts of violence and famine, and one in every four children dies before the age of five.
State institutions hardly exist, and a number of warrior leaders, tribal-leaders and militia groups fight for power.
A coalition of Islamists conquered the capital, Mogadishu in 2006 and brought about a short period of peace in the town.
In December of the same year, the warrior leaders again moved in, supported by Ethopian invasion forces, which have since remained.
Islamist Offensive
In recent months, the Islamists have again been on the offensive and gained control over Kismayo, among other places.
The stoning of the 13-year-old rape victim recalls a similar atrocity in October of last year, when Somali Islamists stoned to death a 23-year-old woman accused of adultery.
The 23-year-old woman was placed in a hole up to her neck for the execution in front of hundreds of people in a square of the southern port of Kismayu.
Stones were hurled at her head, and she was brought out of the hole three times to see if she had died.
When a relative and others surged forward, guards opened fire, killing a child.
Again, we ask: where is the outrage? What kind of sick faith sanctions such evil?Maldon Institute: Pakistan Nuke Thefts Foiled
A respected U.S. research organization--with access to intelligence experts around the globe--reports that Pakistan's nuclear arms arsenals have been attacked three times. Fortunately for the world, the attempted thefts of warheads were foiled.
Click here for the shocking UPI story by legendary editor at large Arnaud de Borchgrave.
And click here for a relevant, recently published China Confidential piece.70% of Americans See Israel as an Ally
North Korea and Iran rank one and two, respectively, on the enemies' list.
Read all about it here.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
The precious metal's appeal is strong. Read all about it here.
A fierce battle against Islamist terrorists who should have been wiped out right after 9/11 ... and would have been wiped out, arguably, had it not been for a lack of political will on the part of Washington.
Where is the outrage?
The most anti-Internet freedom nations are in the Middle East and North Africa. But so-called politically correct news reporters and headline writers feel forced to downplay the Muslim connection. Click here.
A report--here--on the trial of Islamist terror suspects in Germany.
A case of piracy in European waters? In this day and age?
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 5:41 PM links to this post
The Georgia man was convicted of all four counts of plotting "violent jihad." He faces up to 60 years in prison.
Shabab Savages Execute Young Rape Victim for Having Sex
Seventy percent of Americans see Israel as a friend--in spite of attempts by left-wing Democrats to demonize and isolate the Jewish State.
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Britannia Radio