On the BBC website, there's still not a shred of attempted analysis of why this winter has so far been so cold not just here but now in the US - and why their beloved Met Office has got it so wrong. Odd, perhaps, in the context of the BBC's warming fervour? Elsewhere on the web, there's acres of discussion, and the warmists themselves have gone into overdrive trying to tell us that this is not climate, it's weather, and in any case, the severe cooling is actually warming because we might be cold but Greenland isn't. What will it take, I wonder, for Richard Black or Roger Harrabin to spring into action? Meanwhile, as the boys and girls of the BBC polish their silence in their nice warm offices, even the BBC's leading cricket commentator, Jonathan Agnew, has filed this from Melbourne: Mark Mardell is basking in The President's glory in his latest blog post, and getting things completely wrong, as usual. Although Mardell is aware that He isn't really as magical and all-powerful as He once was, he still wants his audience to know just how incredible His Rule has been for us all. A Golden Age in the White House come to an end? The only chink in His armor, to hear Mardell tell it, is the "horse trading" deal with the Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts. That was the one where the President had to call in Bill Clinton to convince enough Dems to vote for it and not screw everyone over for purely ideological purposes. But what Mardell doesn't want you to know is that this was such a problem for Him that He has now banned the use of of the word "triangulating" by His staff. How pathetic is that? What's really ridiculous here is that, while Mardell is preaching so enthusiastically about His accomplishments, it was only a week ago that he was clucking his tongue at how these same accomplishments he's praising now were rammed through during the lame-duck session of Congress in a way that looked "unseemly" to outsiders like him. But that's all forgotten now, I suppose, while we bask in His glory. This has been a magical year for the US, one in which He brought us one step further out of the darkness. BBC MAN "FREEZING TO DEATH"...IN OZ
>> MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2010
It seems a bit odd saying this but for summer it is very cold here. Temperatures have been down at around 13 degrees with a biting wind. It is not much fun sitting in a big ground like that with virtually no sunshine, freezing to death.
A whole army of Neros (back at base) fiddling while Rome burns?Mark Mardell And The Golden Age
>> SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2010
Will you remember the 111th Congress as a Golden Age? I suspect Mr Obama wants the American people to learn to feel nostalgia for the past two years.
So do you, Mark, which is why you and your colleagues always promote the White House talking points. Of course, Republicans regard it as a period of unmitigated disaster.
Only Republicans? Once again Mardell displays either his ignorance or his deliberate dishonesty. What about all those independents who regretted voting for Him the first time and went Republican in November? What about all those Democrat candidates who ran against ObamaCare and higher taxes? The Tea Party movement wasn't an exclusively far-right Republican club the BBC kept trying to tell you it was. Yet Mardell is still stuck in hyper-partisan mode. Many Americans will regard it as a period of much muddle and unnecessary politicking.
No, that's only those on the far Left who supported even the most extreme parts of the President's and Democrat leadership's agenda. Much of the rest of the country hit the streets to protest it, and/or voted in November to kick many of them out. Only far-Left ideologues like Mark Mardell think that the Tea Party movement and politicians starting to listen to the people was "unnecessary". As usual, the mindset is "Let's all work together: when it's my idea. When you want your way, that's nasty politicking and bad for the country." Mardell is speaking from one side of the argument.
Monday, 27 December 2010
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Britannia Radio