From the desk of Svein Sellanraa on Sat, 2010-12-25 11:29 Norway's chattering classes often claim that the American political spectrum skews to the Right. Most Norwegians, I find, imagine that the U.S.'s Democratic Party is right-wing by their country's political standards, and that the Republicans are a cabal of borderline Nazis that wants to shoot abortion doctors and hang the unemployed. Over the last few years, Norwegian pundits and foreign correspondents have informed me that John Kerry, Al Franken, and Barack Obama are all actually ultraconservatives, and that National Review in its current MOR incarnation is actually a magazine of the far Right. One could easily dismiss all this as simple anti-American ignorance, and that may well be part of the answer – but there is something else at work here as well. Scandinavian political blinkeredness is not limited to the U.S. For instance, whenever an election is won by the Sweden Democrats, whose opinions are almost absurdly moderate by any objective standard, cultural elites across the continent react with hysteria and indignation, as if extermination camps in Stockholm and pogroms in Gothenburg were just around the corner. The same sort of reaction occurs whenever Norway's Progress Party experiences a bump in the polls; they, we are told, are right-wing extremists, “right-wing extremists” here and everywhere else in Scandinavia meaning “moderate socialists.”Neocons In Norway
Monday, 27 December 2010
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Britannia Radio