Monday, 27 December 2010

Israel’s Vanishing Narrative in British Public life.

From schoolbooks to concert halls

The Jerusalem Post - 12/25/2010 21:05
[Freeman Note: We never expected much from the British. Their hatred of Jews is well documented for the last 150 years. From petty discrimination to the eager participation in Hitler's Holocaust, they have always wanted to aid the killers of Jews. Today it is the Arab terrorists who gain their massive support.
What saddens me the most is the utter failure of successive Israeli governments (especially the Israel Foreign Ministry) to counter act British actions. The Freeman Center makes the following recommendations:
1. If the British boycott Israeli goods (especially form Judea and Samara) the boycott their goods.
2. British politicians and journalists that repeated take the side of terrorists should be barred from Israel.
3. If the British refuse to recognize Jerusalem as is Israel's capital and move their embassy there, then break relations with them.
4. British arms sent to enemy states should be prevented.
5. Israeli intelligence cooperation with GB should cease. Let the terrorists they love blow up their country.
6. If the British boycott sales of arms to Israel (which they are doing) then Israel should stop selling them Israeli arms and technology.
This list could go on and could apply to many other countries. [Many Latin American countries seem eager to join the list of Israel haters.] But it is enough to get their attention. Let GB know that there are consequences for attacking the Jewish People. They will go the way of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Macedonians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Assyrians, the Arabs...Bernard
The Freeman Center Salutes All Warriors of Zion
For Never Tiring of Telling the Israeli People
And the Jews Everwhere the Harsh Realities of Our Survival in A Cruel World.....Bernard