"Islamophobia" is enforcement of Islamic blasphemy laws. Islamic law (sharia) commands that there be no candor, no criticism of Islam. Blasphemy laws. It is shocking that this side of Sodom and Gomorrah is passing Islamic resolutions. No one in America gives a rat's ass what and who you worship; just don't force it upon us. I don't care if you worship a stone, just don't stone me with it. And stop telling us how many Muslims don't commit jihadi acts. Of course they don't. So what? I don't believe in rewarding people for doing the right thing. I don't believe in congratulating people for not committing acts of violence against people outside their religion. The LA Council's recent passage of a resolution that opposes "Islamophobia" and "repudiates" random acts of violence against Muslims is a step back centuries into the dark ages. According to the FBI, "hate crime" against Muslims is at its lowest in a decade, but acts of jihad are accelerating at warped speed. No resolutions against jihad, honor killings, misogyny, gender apartheid, Islamic antisemitism, kuffarophobia, etc. Joe R. Hicks and David A. Lehrer: Hyperbole rules in Muslim debate LA Daily News (hat tip Mark H) WITHOUT serious debate or examination, the Los Angeles City Council recently passed a resolution that opposes "Islamophobia" and "repudiates" random acts of violence against Muslims. This admittedly ceremonial resolution apparently accepts the premise that residents of the city commit acts of hate against Muslims so often that it warrants an official resolution from city leaders condemning and repudiating these acts. Is this really the case? According to the latest hate crime report from the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, 88 percent of all religiously based hate crimes in 2009 were against Jews. Hate crimes that targeted Muslims (3 percent) ranked slightly above those directed at Scientologists (1 percent). In fact, the commission found that attacks against Christians (8 percent) outnumbered attacks against Muslims. In any case, the actual number of reported hate crimes based on religion is quite small. In a county that has more than 10 million highly diverse residents, only a total of 131 crimes based on religion took place in all of 2009. Of course, this in no way takes away from the emotional or physical harm that each and every one of these attacks causes. Since only 3 percent of 131 hate crimes during 2009 was directed against Muslims, it's difficult to understand why city leaders would pass a resolution that zeroes in on the category that has the next-to-lowest numbers recorded by the County's Human RelationsCommission. It appears that the City Council simply took information provided by an advocacy group, one that's hardly unbiased, and uncritically spat out a resolution opposing "Islamophobia" and "random acts of violence against Muslim-Americans." This begs the question: Except for some Islam-hating cretins with sub-zero levels of intelligence, exactly who is in favor of random acts of violence against Muslims? The term "Islamophobia" has crept into popular use, drummed into our consciousness by a sensationalized Time magazine cover story, and activists who exaggerate anti-Islamic bias for the causes they espouse. The term dominated the often angry debates that swirled around the plan to build a mosque 600 feet from Ground Zero in New York. While there are extremists at both the left and right ends of the political spectrum, the issues surrounding this controversial building project are far more complex than anti-Islamic bigotry. Factually, there is no alarming number of attacks against Muslim-Americans. According to the FBI, the largest number of recorded hate crimes against Muslim-Americans took place in 2001. That year the number dramatically escalated from only 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001 - the year that young Muslim men drove planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field outside of Shanksville, Pa., murdering 3,000 innocent Americans in the name of Islam. Prior to the City Council resolution, the Muslim Public Affairs Council released a statement expressing skepticism about tactics used by law enforcement among Muslim-Americans. The statement referenced the recent and troubling incident where the FBI says a young Somali man in Portland, Ore., plotted to blow up a public Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The MPAC statement also mentioned a similar case in Baltimore, where the FBI says a Muslim convert planned to bomb a military recruitment center in that city. This statement from MPAC is in effect a thinly veiled claim that government agents entrapped these wannabe-terrorists. But as we have discovered, this young man's dilemma in Portland was hardly entrapment - in fact, as we know, his father called the FBI to let them know about his son's growing jihadist views. Nonetheless, the claims from MPAC and other Islamic activists groups were taken seriously enough to cause a response from the nation's attorney general. Eric Holder gave a 20-minute speech in San Francisco at the annual dinner event of Muslim Advocates, an Islamic civil rights group. Speaking forcefully, Holder told the group, "These types of operations have proven to be an essential law enforcement tool in uncovering and preventing potential terror attacks .... Those who characterize the FBI's activities as `entrapment' simply do not have their facts straight - or do not have a full understanding of the law." But of course, the advocacy of causes may or may not take facts into account, nor always have a good understanding of the law. Read the rest here. Click below to email the dhimmi council: Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 08:42 PM in Islamic law in America | Permalink | Comments (22) ShareThis Christmas, the busiest time of the year, for thr devout Muslim. UK terror suspects in London court NY Post Five of nine terror suspects appeared in court Monday in London charged with conspiracy to cause explosions in the UK and other terrorism offenses, following dawn arrests Dec. 20. Three of the defendants were from Cardiff in South Wales, and the other pair was from London. They were remanded into custody to appear at London's main criminal court , the Old Bailey, on Jan.14, Sky News reported. Four other men from Stoke, central England, were set to appear before the City of Westminster Magistrates Court later Monday. The men were charged overnight Monday, according to a statement from Sue Hemming, head of the Crown Prosecution Service Counter Terrorism Division. "I have today [Monday] advised the police that nine men should be charged with conspiracy to cause explosions and with engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism with the intention of either committing acts of terrorism or assisting another to commit such acts," she said. The nine -- aged between 19 and 28 and thought to have roots in Britain's Bangladeshi community -- were among 12 people arrested as part of a major counterterrorism operation by police in the UK. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, December 27, 2010 at 09:25 AM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Victory! Seattle Transit Drops Jewish Blood Libel Bus Ads Pamela Geller, Big Government Antisemitism is coming into fashion again, and anti-Israel bus ads had been set to start running on twelve buses in Seattle this Monday. The ads featured the hateful slogan, “Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work.” But two days after my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, announced that we would be running king-sized pro-Israel ads onSeattle buses to counter their hate ads, King County Metro Transit folded: Transit officials issued a statement Thursday saying that they would be refusing the anti-Israel, antisemitic ads. They were “changing their policy.” The annihilationist bus ads were rejected! It was a bad day for Nazis and Jew-haters, and a huge victory for all lovers of freedom. The AFDI ads were singular and hard-hitting: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic jihad,” and “One Billion Dollars to Hamas. Your Tax Dollars at Work.” And this one: As for the Jewish blood libel being sponsored by the notorious antisemite Ed Mast, Seattle Mass Transit is having second thoughts. Our objective was achieved: the Jew-hate ads were dropped after we exposed the hypocrisy of the Seattle Transit authorities. But wait. It gets better. King County Metro Transit has also now changed its ad policy. Isn’t that special? This policy change enabled them to refuse AFDI’s pro-Israel ad as well. King County Executive Dow Constantine explained that the policy change was made because “the escalation of this issue from one of 12 local bus placards to a widespread and often vitriolic international debate introduces new and significant security concerns that compel reassessment.” And who was introducing the vitriol and the significant security concerns, as far as King County Metro Transit was concerned? Me, of course. Who else? They were OK with a Jewish blood libel but hid under their desks when truth demanded equal time. Sharron Shinbo of King County Metro Transit stated that my AFDI ads would “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order.” So now anti-jihad ads denouncing a terrorist group that all decent people should revile “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system.” Truth is the new hate speech. This is the heckler’s veto. Remember, King County Metro Transit was down with the Jew-haters and their vile advertisement. They were even going to charge me more than they were charging the antisemites. According to Seattle’s KING 5 News, Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign paid $1,794 to run the ads. However, King County Metro Transit would not offer me that price. I asked for the same deal as the Jew-haters received, but was told that the price in the article was “misquoted.” They quoted me a price of $2,760 per ad. Seattle Transit officials also dragged their feet in approving my ad from the beginning. At one point they demanded that I put my phone number and address on the bus ads. I get my fair share of hate mail and threats, as you might imagine, but in the past the brazen hate and annihilationist dreams were kept in check by good men who stood for good over evil. The ascent of Islam and the voluntary abdication of the West as a force for good has unleashed the forces of evil from their hiding places of hell. How about putting a big giant target on my back, clowns? And remember: now they’re saying that both the Jew-hate ad and my ads violate their guidelines, but they had already accepted the antisemitic ad. Seattle had no hesitation depicting Jews defending themselves as a war crime until we placed our counter-ad. “Palestinian” Muslims have fired over ten thousand rockets into southern Israel, but now Seattle won’t allow ads condemning the actual war crimes. The Jew-hating, anti-Israel ad didn’t “pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order” until we responded with fierce truth. And then they said, never mind. But they won’t get off so easy. This is actionable. Legally actionable. We will pursue this battle legally and roll out the pro-Israel bus ads elsewhere. My life-saving bus ads for Muslim apostates were banned in Detroit. We had to sue to get them up in Miami. We had to sue New York transit to get Ground Zero bus ads up. Read the rest ................ Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 11:54 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign, Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Back in 2009, I reported on the continuing escalation of Islamic supremacist demands on the secular workplace and the accompanying hostilies. The mosqueing of the workplace is part of the islamization of America. Case in point: Shelbyville, Tennessee: Muslims in other cities were drawn to Shelbyville by the jobs offered at the local Tyson chicken processing plant. The large influx of Somalis has only added to locals' frustration with the plant and the government. "We've had three major industries shut down here and 700 to 800 people have lost their jobs," Mosely said. "They're trying to find anything they can, and then--as they see it--the government is shipping people from overseas to come here and take their jobs." Despite locals' continued complaints over its hiring practices, Tyson says it is doing things by the book. The Tyson plant generated national controversy when it dropped Labor Day as a paid holiday in favor of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr. The decision was later reversed, but longtime local residents say the incident was symbolic of the larger changes taking place in Shelbyville--changes they are coping with as best they can. Every piece of good journalism is supposed to begin with an opening paragraph that identifies the important elements related to the story: Who, what, where, when and why. Without these details it is impossible to fully understand or grasp the entire picture. Case in point, the Tyson Chicken plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee. In the past few years the Tyson Chicken plant has hired a large number of Somali immigrants and these workers are predominantly Muslim. The workers began to demand accommodations for their Muslim religion and Tyson agreed to allow them time off to celebrate the Muslim holidays. Tyson Chicken in Shelbyville went out of its way to be accommodating to its Muslim employees in 2008, when it adopted Eid al-Fitr as an official plant holiday. The NBC affiliate station, WSMV-TV Channel 4 News reported this story today. 10:49am | December 25, 2010 'All Americans Must Die' Written On Plant Wall Threatening Graffiti Provokes Extra Tyson Security Reported By Deanna Lambert The Shelbyville chief of police and a former Tyson employee confirmed that threatening messages surfaced this week, leading to extra security at the plant. "A couple days ago, they had a terrorist threat that was written on the bathroom walls that said 'all Americans must die,'" said a woman, who said she wanted to remain anonymous to protect her relative, who works inside the plant. "They've complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that's something we all need to think about," she said. Of course, in our age of political correctness, this story did not mention anything specific about the workers nationality or religion so the point about a terrorist message seems a little confusing. A careful search of the Internet reveals there have been other stories warning about terrorist activity in food related areas and all of them have left out some missing critical pieces of information. "All Americans Must Die" written on wall of Tyson Chicken plant that adopted Muslim holiday in 2008Jihdwatch "They've complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that's something we all need to think about." Indeed. Tyson Chicken in Shelbyville went out of its way to be accommodating to its Muslim employees in 2008, when it adopted Eid al-Fitr as an official plant holiday. Of course, maybe it wasn't one of the Muslim employees who wrote "All Americans Must Die" on the wall, but given the prevalence of jihadist sentiments among Somali Muslims elsewhere in the U.S., it is neither rocket science nor "Islamophobia" to put two and two together. Stuart Appelbaum, the national president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), which negotiated the agreement with Tyson that made Eid into a plant holiday, commented at the time: "There's no question that there is a lot of bigotry against Muslims and that this agreement has clearly touched a raw nerve among those who are prejudiced against them. However, the RWDSU has always understood that unions are only strong when they work to protect the dignity of workers of all faiths." Great. And yet it seems as if at least one of the workers at the Tyson plant still nurses a deep and violent grievance against the U.S. and Americans, despite this display of magnanimity and strike against "bigotry." Now, why might that be? And why doesn't Tyson have any mechanism in place to try to screen its Muslim employees for jihadist sentiments, insofar as that is possible at all? Because to attempt such a thing would be more "bigotry," of course. And so the other employees at this Tyson plant are put at risk, and the company has to go to extra trouble and expense to ensure their safety -- all in the name of not appearing "bigoted." Security guards posted at the bathroom! Other guards patrolling through the plant! Could you have imagined on September 12, 2001 that within ten years, an American business that had nothing to do with terrorism, weapons production, security, or anything of the kind, would have to have armed guards patrolling its hallways, as the price of the privilege of having Muslim employees? We eat a lot of Tyson Chicken in our house so this warning becomes rather personal. Now I think we will have to change our eating habits and find another more reliable brand. “We even know where they plot, at this point…They are the butcher-shops, to begin with.” ~ Oriana Fallaci, The Rage and the Pride Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 09:27 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst, Mosqueing the Workplace | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Their capacity for evil is breathtaking. Nigeria: Pastor killed in front of his church, other churches targeted in arson rampage Jihadwatch Still more jihadist violence to report against Nigerian churches on Christmas Eve. "Christmas Eve tragedy: Serial blasts, arson in Jos, Borno," by Moses Gbande and Gbenga Akinkugbethe for the Nigerian Compass, December 25: More recent reports indicated seven bombs. This would not be the first time government forces were caught underprepared by jihadists. At least one local official questioned the level of preparedness, and how seriously security forces took the threats in Jos. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 09:22 AM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis It's A Wonderful Life is a wonderful movie and one of the most popular and endearing films ever made by director Frank Capra. Frank Capra considered this film his own personal favorite -- as did James Stewart. What can be said about this priceless Capra film that hasn't already been said? From the moment the symbolic "Liberty Films" (who knew?) appears on the screen, it is pure magic and goodness, a national treasure. It is one of the greatest films of the twentieth century. Want to know how great and good and moral it is? The left hates it. Salon went so far as calling it "the most terrifying film ever made." Nuff said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 06:46 PM in Saturday Night Cinema | Permalink | Comments (35) ShareThis Obama say, "Respect it!" Daisy the Khan say, "the era of extremism is over." Geller says, "Defeat the bastards!" 'Jihadist' issues Christmas bombing threat Yahoo (hat tip ER) WASHINGTON (AFP) – A "jihadist" in an audiotaped threat said fireworks displays will set off terrorist bombs in countries celebrating Christmas, the SITE monitoring group said. The recording, titled "The Zero Hour has arrived" and directed to "the unbeliever and Christian countries celebrating Christmas," lasts one minute, three seconds and bears the voice of a member of the Shumukh al-Islam forum, said the US-based monitor. The speaker, according to SITE, said that failure to heed warnings to cease bloodshed in Muslim countries would result in attacks. "Your (Christmas) fireworks will act as an alarm for the time of our devices to blow up -- devices that we, not Santa Claus, are going to offer to you as gifts, to turn your night into day and your blood into rivers," he said in a translation provided by SITE. [...] It also comes amid Nigeria's warning that Al-Qaeda-linked militants were likely planning attacks during the Christmas holiday, and the accidental death of a suicide bomber in Stockholm two weeks ago who apparently intended to kill Christmas shoppers. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 06:24 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis U.N. to investigate treatment of WikiLeak traitor spy Bradley Manning, but not of the brutalized, kidnapped Gilad Shalit. (hat tip Armaros) Wicked. Monsters. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 06:18 PM in UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Back in October 2009, I warned of a seismic transformation in internet regulation and free speech. Under the transnational-happy Obama administration, the US relinquished control of the net. ICANN ended its agreement with the US government. The move gave the Organization of Islamic Conference and other nations a prominent internet role. They couldn't accomplish this under Bush (see July 2005 Atlas post). John Bolton said at an appearance at Duke University at the time, "it's not American strength that's provocative, it's American weakness." Why should the US relinquish control of its own invention? It was our extraordinary gift to the world ............... and like some depraved drunk, we tossed it away and relinquished control to the vultures and destroyers. We kept it free. If not America, who? The new agreement gave other countries (dictatorships and rogue nations) and the UN the ability to set internet use policies. At the time, I wrote, "watch for Sharia law to find its way into this." Well, that didn't take long. After complaints about American dominance of the internet and growing disquiet in some parts of the world, Washington has said it will relinquish some control over the way the network is run and allow foreign governments more of a say in the future of the system. Icann – the official body that ultimately controls the development of the internet thanks to its oversight of web addresses such as .com, .net and .org – said today that it was ending its agreement with the US government. The deal, part of a contract negotiated with the US department of commerce, effectively pushes California-based Icann towards a new status as an international body with greater representation from companies and governments around the globe. Icann had previously been operating under the auspices of the American government, which had control of the net thanks to its initial role in developing the underlying technologies used for connecting computers together. Fast forward -- the poisonous fruit of Obama's skulduggery: Islamic takeover. Arabs Target the Internet Israel Alert (hat tip Jill) The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the entity responsible for assigning domain names on the Internet. On September 25, 2010, the ICANN board of directors approved the following resolution: “The definition of Continent or UN Regions in the Guidebook should be expanded to include UNESCO’s regional classification list which comprises: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.” The new “Geographic Region” definition collapses Europe and North America into a single region, while creating a new “Arab States” region. The change marks a fundamental shift from what are more or less geographical regions to cultural/ethnic regions. Should the September 25 resolution become applicable to ICANN’s board of directors, it would mean that the “Arab States” region would be entitled to between one and five directorships, while the collapsed “North American and Europe” region would have a maximum of five seats. ICANN’s board also removed a reference to “terrorism” from the fourth version of its Draft Applicant Guidebook after complaints were received from several Arab individuals and organizations. And this from Israel Lives: Critical ICANN IS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ISSUE WHICH WILL CERTAINLY IMPACT ISRAEL ICANN is the next frontier in the war between Islamo-fascism and Democracy Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 06:08 PM in E-Jihad, Cyber warfare, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, Obama: Post American Immorality, Relinguishing our Sovereignty to Islamicized UN | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And the jihad seethes. The alleged plot was uncovered in a country seen as a potential target for militants over its former military role with NATO foces in Afghanistan and due to the growing influence of an anti-Muslim party at home. Twelve men aged between 19 and 48 were arrested late on Friday after a message was received from the Dutch intelligence and security service AIVD, prosecutors said in a statement. "The (AIVD) message reports that a number of Somalis wanted to make a terrorist attack in the Netherlands in the short term," the prosecutors said. They did not say what the intended target was. Since October, the anti-Muslim Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders has backed a new minority Liberals-Christian Democrat government, which plans to restrict immigration and ban the full-body covering burqa worn by Muslim women. "Jihadists consider the Netherlands as a legitimate target because of the Dutch presence in Afghanistan, even while our mission has ended. The tougher Islam debate is also a factor that shapes jihadists’ view of the Netherlands," a spokeswoman for the Dutch counterterrorism unit NCTb said. She said the Netherlands is home to about 27,000 Somalis out of a total of 1.9 million Dutch citizens with a non-western background, according to data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Somalis were the largest sub-Saharan asylum group in the Netherlands, most often unemployed, and young men aged between 15 and 25 were relatively often involved in criminal activities, a study commissioned by CBS found in 2005. AIVD, which declined to comment, warned in its 2009 report Somalia and Yemen were new countries from which the Netherlands faced terror risks. A telephone shop and four houses in Rotterdam were searched, as well as two motel rooms in Gilze-Rijen, a village in the south of the country, prosecutors said, but no weapons or explosives were found. Six of the suspects lived in Rotterdam, five did not have a permanent home address and one was from Denmark, according to the prosecutors. So far there was no evidence of links to Britain, which has a relatively large Somali community, nor with other countries or groups, a prosecutors’ spokesman said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 12:07 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis Muslims are setting off bombs across the world on this, the holiest day for Christians....... here and here. Obama say, "Respect it!" Daisy Khan say, "the era of extremism is over!" Pamela Geller say, "Defeat it!" Christmas Eve bombings in Nigeria kill 31 CNN hat tip John Jay Five blasts went off in the Nigerian city of Jos Friday night as residents were celebrating Christmas Eve, leaving 31 dead, a regional government official said. Choji Gyang, a special adviser to the governor of Nigeria's Plateau state, said two bombs went off in the Angwa Rukuba area of Jos. Within five to 20 minutes, three more blasts happened in the area of Kabong, he said. "We have a lot of casualties and are struggling to cope," Gyang said. Hassan John, a Jos resident and journalist with the media department of the Anglican Diocese of Jos, had just come out of church about 7 p.m. (1 p.m. ET) when he heard the sound of the first explosion. He rushed to the site, which he described as a beer parlor frequented by locals. "By the time I got there, there were women crying, people screaming. It was all chaos, people were screaming, blood everywhere." "I counted eight corpses all over, seven in the building," John said. He added that a second blast went off within a couple of minutes after the first one. "We cannot say if there are more bodies under the rubble because it was dark," John said. Gyang, who is special adviser on religious affairs to the governor, said it was unclear who set off the blasts or whether they were related. "It was Christmas Eve, lots of activities was going on. People were still preparing for Christmas, lots of people were coming into town. A blast went off, those around the area -- some were killed, some injured and the houses and cars caught fire," Gyang said. He said he received reports of "a lot of dead bodies." "The way they went off was in the same manner. They all went to where people were concentrated,"Gyang said. Several injured people were taken to a local hospital while some who were not severely injured left the scene on their own. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 11:46 AM | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis This is who Obama is trying to partner with for peace. One man's "partner" is another Muslim's "surrender." Obama say, "Respect it!" KHAR, Pakistan – A female suicide bomber detonated her explosives-laden vest killing at least 43 people at an aid distribution center in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, while army helicopter gunships and artillery killed a similar number of Islamic militants in neighboring tribal regions near the Afghan border, officials said. The bombing appeared to be the first suicide attack staged by a woman in Pakistan, and it underscored the resilience of militant groups in the country's tribal belt despite ongoing military operations against them. The bomber struck in the main city in Bajur, a region near the Afghan border where the military has twice declared victory over Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents. It also came a day after some 150 militants killed 11 soldiers in a coordinated assault in the adjoining tribal region of Mohmand where the army also has carried out operations. Top government official in Mohmand, Amjad Ali Khan, said helicopter gunships backed by artillery pounded militants hideouts on Saturday, killing 40 militants. In Bajur, the bomber, dressed in a traditional women's burqa, was queuing to enter the food aid distribution center in the town of Khar when she was questioned by police at a check point, local government official Tariq Khan said. "Police asked for her identity, but she ran toward the center and lobbed hand grenades at the police," Khan said. "She exploded herself when she reached the crowd" of about 300. Khan said six policemen were among the 43 killed and more than 102 people were wounded, at least 30 critically. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack through its spokesman, Azam Tariq. Wait, there's another: At least 41 dead in Pakistan suicide bombing And another: At least 40 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan -- hospital Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 11:35 AM in Pakistan: One Bullet Away from Jihad Nuke | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Obama say, "Respect it." I say, "Defeat it." Any ideology that commands jihad, genocide, misogyny, slavery, supremacism must be destroyed. MANILA, Philippines – A bomb exploded during Christmas Day Mass at a chapel inside a police camp in the volatile southern Philippines, wounding a priest and 10 churchgoers. The device was hidden in a ventilation window near the ceiling of the chapel, which is on the compound where the provincial police office is located in Jolo town on Jolo Island, Sulu provincial police said. The island is a stronghold of al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf militants, but it wasn't clear who was responsible for the bombing. Investigators recovered parts of a cell phone they believe detonated the device. All of the wounded were civilians. One woman remained at a hospital for observation later Saturday, but police said one did not need hospital treatment and the others have been treated and sent home.[...] The roof over the front of the church collapsed and wooden beams and other debris flew in all directions. A portion of the ceiling shielded the organist from the blast, Villanueva said. About 50 people were inside the church but many more were arriving at the time, he said. President Benigno Aquino III's spokesman, Edwin Lacierda, said the bombing "violates the basic tenets of respect and peace of all who hold their faith dear." He said there could be no religious or political justification for the attack. The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, but Christians are a minority on Jolo and nearby island provinces that are majority Muslim. A bombing at the main Jolo cathedral last year killed two churchgoers, and the cathedral has been attacked in the past with grenades. The Abu Sayyaf, notorious for high-profile kidnappings and beheadings, has been blamed for those attacks. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 11:31 AM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis "Nebraska man" What won't the media think of next to avoid the 800 lb. jihadi in the room? Not a peep from CAIR about this Muslim's hate crime, beating up a man (whom the Muslim attacker thinks is gay) and then beating on the girl who defended the victim. This incident happened on Nov 30th, but was not reported until Dec 16th. And even then it wasn't headline news. Not one editor of any news outlet in the Seattle area sent out a reporter to cover this Muslim hate crime. But the ten Israeli blood libel ads were splashed across the pathetic state newpapers' front pages. Yes, this is the same part of the country where King County Metro Transit accepted Jew-hatred ads and then changed its policy when our pro-Israel ads were placed. And all that newsprint on the Israeli blood libel ads. But a Muslim beating up a guy he thought was gay and the girl who came to his rescue ...BLACKOUT. These assclowns will get us all killed. "Queers for Palestine" were unavailable for comment. ISLAM -- RESPECT IT! And check out the most insane reporting, the headline -- "Nebraska man." Oh yes, Nebraskans want to work toward "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." Nebraska man arrested for hate crime following confrontation on King County Metro bus Bellevue Reporter hat tip Petrakore King County prosecutors have filed charges of malicious harassment against a 23-year-old homeless man who insulted another man's sexuality and then punched him on board a King County Metro bus in Bellevue. Bellevue police arrested Mustaf A. Abdille after a dispute on Nov. 30 between the suspect and several individuals. He is scheduled to be arraigned on Dec. 22. According to charging papers, Abdille boarded the bus and began disturbing passengers and yelling obscenities randomly. He became irritated when the victim and his friends refused to talk to him. Later, as the victim and his friends were attempting to leave the bus, Abdille punched him in the chest and called him a "fag." When one of the victim's friends tried to break up the struggle he pushed her to the ground. After leaving the bus, Abdille continued to harass the victim, who officers wrote was "wearing bracelets, had painted fingernails and was carrying a purse," according to charging documents. One of the victim's friends contacted 911. Officers tracked down Abdille, who had only recently come to Washington from Nebraska and had no place to stay. According to charging documents, Abdille was confrontational and reeked of alcohol. As he was being booked into jail, Abdille allegedly said "In my country, we kill faggots," and "I'm going to (sic) suicide, and everybody is going down with me; I'm not going alone." Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 11:04 AM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (29) ShareThis Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 09:36 AM in a wink and a nod | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Andre Rieu -- Ave Maria (Maastricht 2008). Extraordinary....listen twice. Wishing all Atlases a warm, wondrous Christmas. What a glorious holiday Christmas is, indescribably beautiful. The message of love, the spirit of giving, the splendour of the decoration, deeply moves me. I am profoundly grateful to all of you, fighting shoulder to shoulder with me, day in, day out, for all that is good and decent and fine. You are a righteous army. And I am proud to stand with you in the battle to preserve our Judeo-Christian civilization. We can and we must, together. And while I am Jewish, I respect this holy day and give enormous thanks to the Christians who support Israel. She will prevail because of you. Have a Christmas cookie for me. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 04:47 PM in Art that speaks to me | Permalink | Comments (76) ShareThis I tell you, Bloomberg should be brought up on charges for aiding and abetting the swindlers and grifters behind the Ground Zero mosque attack. Go read my piece over at Big Government. Bloomberg has lost it. PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE, JANUARY 12, 49-51 CHAMBERS STREET Bloomberg Worked Behind the Scenes to Get Ground Zero Mosque Approved by Pamela Geller They’re emailing each other? The New York Daily News reported Thursday that “Mayor Bloomberg’s top deputies went to great lengths to help those trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero – even drafting a letter to the community board for them, newly released documents show. City Hall on Thursday released a flurry of emails between its brass and Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam pushing to build a mosque near the sensitive site, and his supporters.” It’s worse than we imagined. The release of these documents, emails and various exchanges between Mayor Bloomberg’s office and the radical Imam Rauf and his motley crew of Islamic supremacists shows evidence of collusion, inappropriate political support for the Ground Zero mega mosque, and favoritism given to the project. The newly released documents show that Mayor Bloomberg’s office went to extraordinary lengths for the radicals trying to build a mega mosque at Ground Zero — even writing a letter to the Community Board for them. Is it any wonder that Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan were so confident at the hearings about whether the nineteenth-century building they’re going to tear down to build the mega-mosque should be designated a landmark? At one of those hearings last May, those in opposition to the Ground Zero mosque were in the vast majority in the audience, and were having none of the nonsense being served up by the Community Board itself. From the very beginning the board was only presenting pro-mosque speakers, from elected officials to board members – although I was allowed to speak early after writing on my card that I wanted to speak about “outreach.” After I spoke, they closed the public remarks down for about an hour. After the lopsided vote in favor of the mosque, printed remarks were distributed from the Manhattan Borough President congratulating the Board for its vote. How did he know how the Board would vote? Was the fix in from the start? The newly released emails certainly give that impression. Rauf is an open proponent of Islamic law, Sharia, with its oppression of women, stonings, and amputations. He is a prominent member of the Perdana organization, a leading funder of the jihad flotilla launched against Israel earlier this year by the genocidal Islamic terror group, IHH. And he’s a slumlord. Despite numerous citations for fire, building, and health code violations and reports of vermin and rat and roach infestations, the Imam left his tenants to live in abject squalor and filth. He claimed he didn’t have money to hire an exterminator, but he has the jiyza to build a $150 million Ground Zero triumphal mosque on hallowed ground? Worse still, Rauf snagged more than $2 million in public financing to renovate low-income apartments. He took the money, never did the renovations, and forced good people to live with vermin and dilapidation. So why did the Mayor apparently break ethical rules for a slumlord with radical ties, whose buildings were placed in receivership in November? Judicial Watch filed Freedom of Information Act requests for the correspondence between Bloomberg’s office and Raufconcerning the mosque months ago. The Mayor failed to release these documents back in August. It took an additional six months to get Bloomberg to comply with this request. Now we know why, and what he was hiding. The emails between the Mayor’s office and Rauf concerning the Ground Zero mosque show that Bloomberg more than once colluded with Rauf and his gang to make sure the mosque project would sail through to get all the approval from various city offices that it needed. Why did Bloomberg help the Cordoba Initiative write its letter to the New York City Landmarks Commission, altering and making suggestions and revisions to Rauf’s original letter? Why did the city intervene on behalf of Rauf, to help him secure the permits from the building department for permission to assemble in a building that had been destroyed in the 9/11 attacks? Read the whole thing. And mark your calender. JOIN ME -- PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE, JANUARY 12, 49-51 CHAMBERS STREET. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 01:34 PM in Atlas Articles, Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis A Christmas gift for freedom lovers everywhere -- today's AFDI press release: NEW YORK, Dec. 24, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A prominent national human rights and advocacy organization today applauded the decision of Seattle King County Metro officials to drop anti-Israel, antisemitic hate ads it had planned to run on its buses starting next Monday. In a statement by the New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), National Executive Director Pamela Geller said: "It's a bad day for Nazis and Jew-haters. This is a huge victory for us. Our objective was achieved: the Jew-hate ads have been dropped from Seattle buses after we exposed their hypocrisy." The King County Metro reversal came two days after AFDI announced that it would be running king-sized pro-Israel ads on Seattle buses to counter the anti-Israel ads. Ads purchased by a group calling itself Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign had been slated to start running on twelve Seattle buses on December 27. The ads were to feature the slogan, "Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work." Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign spokesman Ed Mast is a former activist with the fanatically antisemitic International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a hard-Left group dedicated to disrupting operations of the Israeli Defense Force. ISM has numerous links to the jihad terrorist groups Hamas and Hizballah. The AFDI ads, in contrast, were to read: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic jihad," and "One Billion Dollars to Hamas. Your Tax Dollars at Work." In response to this AFDI initiative, King County Metro Transit officials announced Thursday that rather than accept the anti-Israel or pro-Israel ads, they were changing their guidelines and accepting no political ads at all. Said Geller: "We will pursue this battle legally and roll out the pro-Israel bus ads elsewhere." Donations to support the human rights efforts of AFDI and its program Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) can be made through Paypal to writeatlas@aol.com. AFDI/SIOA is one of America's foremost organizations defending human rights, religious liberty, and the freedom of speech against Islamic supremacist intimidation and attempts to bring elements of Sharia to the United States. For more information, contact Pamela Geller at writeatlas@aol.com. SOURCE Stop Islamization of America Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 01:26 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Don't miss my hit piece on the annihilationists at the UN at Human Events: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced Friday that one of the United Nations’ top goals in 2011 will be bettering living conditions in the Gaza Strip and forcing Israel to end all “settlement” construction in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem. No, none of that matters. The United Nations has to spend its time improving living conditions in Gaza. Read it all. Maybe Ban and his bloodlusty bandits can get a cheap deal on ad space in Seattle. What a deeply sick world the baby boomers, hippies, commies, etc., left for our children. They ruined the world. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 12:56 PM in Atlas Articles, Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil, UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference |Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis The NY Times is quivering at the prospect of a radical Rauf tour to Harvard! Yale! and across this great nation to sell his taqiyya and propaganda to an American public that he contemptuously looks down upon as idiots. And the American people don't think much of this slumlord, either. But the media, political and academic elites can't polish his knob to a high enough shine. Shocking. They are without a shred of decency, morality, or goodness. This wouldn't be so tragic but for the fact that they are driving the cultural bus. The Times has written yet another silly puff piece on head coach Rauf. To what end? Perhaps to ensure that "the bridge builder" gets the best speaking gigs on the liberal talk show/lecture circuit. No worries. His willing victims are six deep at the bar. Yale! Harvard! Georgetown! The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam. Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, 263. That these "venerable" institutions would welcome this charlatan is a sad commentary on the state of academia. And if these were really institutions of learning, why would they not invite learned Islamic scholars like Ibn Warraq, Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan, et al, to reveal the motives and meaning behind the Ground Zero mega mosque? This is the final nail in the coffin of whatever fumes of credibility those hallowed halls of enlightment once enjoyed. This is patently untrue. The big media decided to silence the voices of opposition against the Ground Zero mosquestrosity. We are fighting and will continue to fight, alongside millions of Americans, for years to come. Feisal Abdul Rauf, shown with his wife, Daisy, is taking to the road in January to foster dialogue about Muslim life in America. But the imam behind the project has decided to risk reigniting that opposition by setting out on a nationwide speaking tour next month to promote the planned center and to foster dialogue about Muslim life in America. “Controversy has never been a problem for me,” said the imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, whose proposal to build the high-rise community center and mosque two blocks north of ground zero made him the prime target last summer of opponents who viewed the plan, known as Park51 [Cordoba supremacism] for its address on Park Place, as a Trojan horse for Muslim triumphalism. “I think the controversy of last summer helped initiate a discourse that has been very good for the country. I’m an American, and I believe that Americans are problem solvers. So I believe further discussion can only be good.” The tour, which he described in an interview on Wednesday, is scheduled to begin in Detroit, the city with the largest Muslim population in the United States. It will include stops in Chicago, Washington, San Antonio and several college campuses, starting with Harvard, Yale, Georgetown and the University of North Carolina. Because of death threats that the imam has received, none of his addresses will be open to the general public, though the local news media in each place will be invited to attend, and to ask questions afterward, he said. Pamela Geller, another conservative blogger who organized many of the public demonstrations against the center last summer, said she planned to marshal protests when the City Council meets next month to review Wal-Mart’s proposal to open a store in Manhattan. “Christine Quinn is against Wal-Mart, but she’s in favor of the megamosque. Typical liberal elitist thinking,” she said, referring to the City Council speaker. Ms. Geller also predicted that the imam’s speaking tour would serve the opposition. “The opposition has never gone away, and will never go away,” she said. At the height of the controversy over the summer and fall, Mr. Adbul Rauf was on a scheduled speaking tour in Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. The tour was sponsored by the State Department’s cultural exchange bureau, known as the Department of Public Diplomacy. He considered canceling that trip in order to confront the opposition and rally support at home to his cause — a job that fell for the most part to his wife and partner in interfaith work, Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement. “But in that environment, I realized that no matter what I did or said, I would be accused of something,” he said. And as it turned out, he added, the reaction of Middle Eastern Muslims to the controversy over Park51 was encouraging to him. The idea that in the United States there could be a discussion, even an angry one, about building a mosque that some considered to be too close to ground zero — “that was an amazingly positive thing to people I met in the Middle East,” he said. “The idea that the Jewish mayor of New York would be our most outspoken defender,” he continued, referring to MayorMichael R. Bloomberg, “well, I think that really touched people. It was very positive ‘optics’ for the international Muslim audience, as they say in the State Department.” If Mr. Abdul Rauf ever entertained thoughts of moving the planned center to a less contentious site — as he has admitted in interviews — Mr. Bloomberg’s support for Park51 has since made that unthinkable. And to do so now would be “a betrayal of this great opportunity,” he added, referring to the discourse about relations between Muslims in the United States and their fellow Americans, which he plans to take on the road from mid-January until the early spring. "A betrayal of this great opportunity," yes, to twist the knife deeply, viciously. Conversations with Rauf: - So we’ve tried to unpack for them the chessboard or it’s like you know when football coaches when they create these circles and lines and so forth so you can see what’s happening very often we, people don’t think of the situation in a dynamic way, they tend to think of it statically. - You don’t realize when you do something, you create a web of reactions, to your action, and with the United States you create a multi, the reaction even multiply more. You know, if you are a third rate country, or a third rate power, you’re not going to create much of a ripple. But when the United States does something there is an enormous ripple effect. Mark Sommer: You are likening it to chess, I often feel that while much of the world plays chess, a diplomatic version of chess, the United States plays checkers. Imam Rauf: That’s why I use the imagery of football. Cause football is like chess in motion. You see the nice thing about football is that, is that football is a very good analogy of what is happening in the world. It is strategy in motion, and you have plays, you know you have to design your plays, and you have to design your plays knowing that the other side is not going to be passive. While you’re throwing the ball, they will try to make you fumble the ball, they will try to catch the ball from you, in fact they will try to prevent you. So part of achieving your objective is you have to be strategic, you have to do all the requisite blocking, and tackling, because there are vested interests, who are vested against your success. - One of the things you have to do in strategic thinking is think 6 moves down the line, and many directions at once because it is such a multi-dimensional world. - Preciously, in other words the analogy with American football is that your defense team, your offense team, and kick off team, are all on the field simultaneously. - Uhhuh - Its not like one team is on the field and the other team is off. They are all on the field, and the field has many sectors to it. And there are different geographies, different subject areas, so we have designed our Cordoba Initiative to be designed, in order words we have 5 major areas of our program. So we have foreign policy, is one area, you have communications is another area, you have education as the third area, for example, you have intra-Islamic issues is the fourth area, arts and culture is the fifth area. And lets say this Abrahamic pathwalk may be in the arts and culture, a blend of the arts and culture and you know maybe the religious aspect in some respect, but it’s kind of an interfaith type of activity. Now in the area of foreign policy, you have different issues, number one is the Palestinian conflict, cause if you heal that, you will have contributed a lot. If the entertainment media, the news media, was broadcasted in print, describe and speak about the issues in a different way it can help change perceptions profoundly, because it’s the media, which helps shape perceptions to a great degree. So if we have strategic action plays, designed plays, in the area of foreign policy, in the area of healing the divide, and then you unpack and give up Israel, and then what do you do, what are the specific actions that you might do, because things are always moving, things are always happening, so you have to analyze the situation constantly, and you have to have your just like you have your offense coach, defensive coaching staff, and you have your head coach and so forth, we think of ourselves as an analogy of that. We had to have our head coaching staff, we had to have our foreign policy head coach, our Palestinian head coach etcetera, and then you design plays for that - Interestingly enough it doesn’t mean that the head coach is necessarily the President, because, of whatever country, or Prime Minister, because they may not be, they may still be, trapped by various constraints in an old game. - No we’ve created a different concept a different model, Mark. I’m the head coach of this strategic initiative, and the President of the United States, or the President of Malaysia, or the President of England, is like a player you want to bring in for particular plays. - They are members of the team that you want to bring in, because if we are looking at it exactly like American football, you want to gain yardage, so you just want to keep scoring first downs. So what’s the first down that we can score based upon where we are on the field, where would we like to be, what’s realistic, what can we obtain? Can we obtain 3 yards, can we obtain 10 yards, can we obtain 7 yards? Let’s try and get those 7 yards. And whom do you need to bring for that? So the the name of the game then becomes, how do you move the ball forward, and who are players you can bring in to help move that ball forward on a particular issue, at a particular moment in time. - But the irony is that in this case, you don’t really have, I mean the other team, who’s the other team? Because if fundamentally you’re trying to bring people together, so who’s the enemy there? 1-3-15 - There are interests one has to make sure do not push back. You have to make sure you have enough power on your side to be able to push the ball forward. - Right, but at the same time as you’ve written elsewhere, “peace requires the cooperation of your enemy,” so in a certain sense to move the ball forward, in this case, is rather paradoxical, it’s not a linear strategy. It’s actually… - Yeah, but let me give you a very specific for instance, one very specific example is that we need to move forward on the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations process,for a finalization of borders. Now, Ehud Olmert has been pushing the notion of unilateral designation of borders by Israel. In November, of the last election he didn’t win completely, he had to develop the coalition government with other people. As of a month ago, our Palestinian expert, who is very tied into Abu Mazen and Saeb Erekat and those people told me that Saeb Erekat who is a lead negotiator on the Palestinian side, has gotten the commitment of 35 members of the Knesset, that the negotiation process should be bilateral not unilateral. Okay, that’s an important strategic thing, so to get people of the Knesset in agreement with you on certain issues, are critical for certain aspects and certain specific intermediate milestones which are important towards that particular milestone. That’s an example of being strategic, and using people who are sympathetic to your position, who have the traction and capability to bring about that particular end result that you want at this point in time on the particular issue, which is a stepping-stone to the next stepping-stone of that issue. Sounds complicated, but I think you get the idea Mark Sommer: No, I understand, you know I wanted to ask you I did say this is off the record, and we’ll keep it all off the record if you wish. But the analogy to football is probably a useful one for a lay audience, and I wondered whether you’d allow us to use some of that Imam Rauf: Yes, I would, because I use it all the time. Look did I use, did I use, did I say anything right now that is potentially off the record? Mark Sommer: Well I wouldn’t use anything I suppose about Madeleine Albright - Yeah that part would be talking out of, I can say this in private to you - Yes - Um, and the fact that, I think there is a blurb by me in the back of her book. So, and she herself has publicly stated that she has benefited by her conversation with me, and Rabbi …oh my god, that’s so embarrassing, Rabbi uh…Saperstein, - Oh yeah. David Saperstein - David Saperstein and others from the Christian tradition as well, in helping her understand the importance of the role of religion. I mean look, we supported a Jewish state in the Middle East, why not support an Islamic State? But give it a meaning, which you can live with. - Yeah within the parameters of an acceptance of other … - Right, and this purpose exists, because they are part of our … In Islamic theology, in Islamic jurisprudence, those norms exist. You just have to extract them, and put them on the table, and say these are the valid reasons. I don’t want a demographic Islamic state, a demographic Islamic state is not part of tradition, never was, until recently. Until the mid 20th century, we were very pluralistic societies. Egypt had 4… Alexandria had 400,000 Greeks, it was a Greek town. Until 1923-24 vast tracks, of what is today modern Turkey, were Greek. Neighborhoods were Greek areas. Izmir, which is ancient Smyrna, was a Greek town. Cappadocia has large sections of Greek communities. What happened with the rise of the nation state idea, was virtually this geography had to be homogeneous. Now, that’s not apart of our assigned tradition of theology, not our tradition, not our theology, not our jurisprudence. What happened was, the 20th century, we bought into the nation state idea, we created the notion of demographic nation states. We had to be of one type, so you had massive movements, and a lot of killings between people, with the creation of the Otto-Turkish state, you had Greek-Turkish conflict existing before Israel and all of that, where as before they were all living together. Here he says "I don't want a demographic Islamic state" -- it's clear that he DOES want an Islamic state. And that he doesn't have to have a Muslim majority to have one here. It's stealth jihad. More extreme "moderation" from Imam Rauf on what he thought when he heard the news of the attack on twin towers on 911: Imam Rauf: ...this may have been a result of what turned out to be the, the um, many decades of rising hostility between and tension between the West and the Islamic World, particularly on certain political issues and geopolitical issues. Question: Did you find that uh, 9-1-1 dramatically shifted your efforts? Did it make them go more difficult, but also more important than ever from the point of view of, not only of, uh your own community but of the broader society. Imam Rauf: No doubt, I mean 9/11 was a watershed, was a major milestone, and a major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of Islam, it’s presence in the West, and it brought into much greater prominence our work and the importance of our work. Initially after 9/11, you know like many Muslims, we were invited to speak at countless temples, houses of worship, synagogues,churches as well as institutions, academic, even companies who were interesting in learning about it Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 10:26 AM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Forty-five minutes ago, King County transit issued a statement that they would be refusing the anti-Israel, anti-semitic ads. It's a bad day for nazis and Jew-haters. Huge victory for us. Is Ibrahim Hooper weeping? Objective achieved: Jew-hate ads dropped after Atlas exposed their hypocrisy. But wait. It gets better. They have changed their ad policy. Isn't that special? They refused AFDI's pro-Israel ad. This is the heckler's veto. Truth is hate speech. This is actionable, legally actionable, IMAO. They were down with the Jew-haters until we responded with fierce truth. And then they say, never mind. Your relentless calls and letters. The Atlas bus ads, singular and hard hitting. Congratulations to all Atlas readers who made it happen. But they won't get off so easy. The President of Titan360 called me to advise me: Ms. Geller: Thank you for taking the to chat with me earlier. As we discussed, your ad was rejected by King County Metro for the reasons stated below (see email from KCM administrator below). Thank you. Scott. Here's the press spin: SEATTLE - The uproar over an inflammatory anti-Israel ad proposed for Metro buses has prompted King County officials to not only reject the ad but to temporarily ban any and all non-commercial ads on buses. Previously at Atlas: AFDI's Two Pro-Israel, Counter Jihad Ad Campaigns Submitted in ... SIOA/AFDI Pro-Israel Bus Ads Campaign Slated to Counter Jewish Blood Libel Ads in Seattle December 17: Jew-Hatred Bus Ads Run in Seattle Finally, A Hamas Leader Admits That Israel Killed Mostly Combatants In Gaza The Nazi annihilationist bus ads, rejected! The AFDI Freeedom lovers and historical accuracy ads, rejected! And this one: Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 07:59 PM in AFDI/SIOA Pro-Israel Bus Campaign | Permalink | Comments (53) ShareThis I thought Atlas readers ought to get a gander at the "change in tone" -- I get my fair share of hate mail and threats, as you might imagine, but in the past the brazen hate and annihilationist dreams were kept in check by good men who stood for good over evil. The ascent of Islam and the voluntary abdication of the West as a force for good has unleashed the forces of evil from their hiding places of hell. The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles. Ayn Rand Check out this email exchange: From: Gary Cummings __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ From: Gary Cummings UPDATE: From Political Islam: Bulletin of Jew Hatred Produced by Political Islam.com November 26 - December 22, 2010 November 26, 2010 Maldives (Hat tip to AtlasShrugs via SavageInfidel)
The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives has called on the government to break off all diplomatic ties with Israel, a day after Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital announced that a team of seven Israeli doctors is due to arrive in the country to treat patients at the government hospital for a week. November 30, 2010 USA Vandals target Indiana University Jews; books were torn up and urinated on and rocks were thrown at the Chabad House windows. More HERE.
December 5, 2010 Belgium (Hat tip to and translated by IslaminEurope)
A jihadi cell which was arrested last week in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria intended to carry out an attack which would have had more of an impact and victims than the Madrid attack. The possible targets: A train full of NATO soldiers, NATO Headquarters, a packed sports stadium, a sports event, a street full of Jews and trains on routes which Belgian Jews often go on. December 6, 2010 Netherlands Dutch MP and former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein says there is no future for orthodox Jews in the Netherlands because of "the anti-Semitism among Dutchmen of Moroccan descent, whose numbers keep growing. More HERE. (Hat tip to GatesofVienna translated by VH)
Update HERE.
USA (Hat tip to Savageinfidel)
A Hanukkah menorah at the University of Florida was vandalized during the weekend, said a leader of Hillel, a Jewish student organization. December 8, 2010 Palestine (Hat tip to Jihadwatch)
A video on official Hamas TV calls for Allah to kill Jews, Christians, Communists and their supporters. The video asks Allah to "count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one." December 9, 2010 UK Muslim religious schools operating in Britain are using poisonously anti-Semitic textbooks from Saudi Arabia to teach children as young as six that Jews are descended from "monkeys" and "pigs," and that Zionists are plotting to take over the world.
December 11, 2010 Iran (Hat tip to Savage Infidel)
Iranians threaten to destroy the Jewish shrine of the tomb of Esther. December 16, 2010 Sweden (Hat tip to JihadWatch )
A US-based Jewish group has issued a travel warning urging Jews to exercise "extreme caution" when traveling in southern Sweden. December 17, 2010 Samaria Palestinians vandalized Joshua's Tomb in Samaria's Timnat Heres with Arabic graffiti overnight Thursday. Hundreds of Jewish worshippers, escorted by the IDF, arrived at the site which is located between Barak and Ariel, and discovered graffiti on surrounding walls which advocated martyrdom.
Middle East Leading Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi supports suicide bombings in Palestine and declares: "I Am Against the Peace Process." The sheik, revered by the Muslim Brotherhood, also said that the Jews are the most miserly of all people.
December 19, 2010 Israel The body of Christine Logan was found early Sunday morning in the Beit Shemesh-Jerusalem area after police and IDF searched all Saturday night, fearing she had been kidnapped in a nationalistically motivated incident. The search was launched after Kaye Susan Wilson reported being attacked by two Arab men in a forest outside Jerusalem, within the Green Line. Wilson was found with her hands bound and several stab wounds to her chest and back. December 20, 2010 Russia (Hat tip to IslamInEurope)
The head of a Russian Jewish association accused one of Russia's top Muslim clerics of making offensive statements about Russia's "native population." December 21, 2010 Canada An anti-Semitic Islamic website police say is operated by Ontario student Salman An-Noor Hossain who is on the run is now back on the Internet after being shut down earlier this year by a Canadian web-hosting provider. December 22, 2010 France The "Gang of Barbarians" who tortured to death Ilan Halimi five years ago were retried due to the lenient sentences given at the first trial. Halimi was tortured for three weeks with the aid of 26 others. He was eventually released naked, blindfolded, gagged and handcuffed, near a railway track and died upon his arrival at the hospital. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 04:21 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (21) ShareThis They're emailing each other? The release today of documents, emails and various exchanges between Mayor Bloomberg and radical Rauf and his motley crew of Islamic supremacists shows evidence of collusion and inappropriate political support/favoritism of the Ground Zero mega mosque. It's worse than we imagined. Mayor Bloomberg's offices went to extraordinary lengths for the radicals trying to build a mega mosque at Ground Zero -- even writing a letter to the community board for them, newly released documents show. Is it any wonder that radical Rauf and Daisy the Khan were so confident at the landmark hearings? Which begs the question: why is the Mayor breaking ethical rules for a slumlord with radical ties whose buildings were in receivership? The dotty, irrational Mayor has shown no such favoritism towards the rebuilding of the 96-year-old St. Nicholas church at Ground Zero. It remains vanquished by Muslim terrorists, despite the ten-year battle by Church officials, frustrated in their attempts to rebuild. Judicial Watch filed freedom of information act requests for correspondence between New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf concerning the Islamic mosque and cultural center he plans to build a few blocks from Ground Zero. More here. The records of communication between the Office of the Mayor and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf concerning the Cordoba Initiative’s proposed Cordoba House project show that the Mayor, on more than one occasion, improperly collaborated with Rauf and co. Why did Bloomberg help the Cordoba Initiative write its letter to the landmark commission, altering and making suggestions and revisions to Rauf's letter? Why did the city intervene on behalf of Rauf in securing the permits from the building department for assembly permits in a building destroyed in the 911 attacks? City Hall on Thursday released a flurry of emails between its brass and Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam pushing to build a mosque near the sensitive site, and his supporters. "As a Muslim-American and a New Yorker, I take my role in keeping New York the greatest City in the world serious," the draft said. Parvizi also provided the contact information for the board. Another email shows that Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Fatima Shama expedited a temporary public assembly permit for the group to conduct prayers in January at the site, known as 51 Park. And, last summer, Shama corresponded with supporters of the mosque about contributions to defray the cost of a Ramadan celebration at Gracie Mansion. "We will mail out the $300 check towards the Ramadan event ... today," mosque backer and American Society for Muslim Advancement Director Rushda Majeed wrote in an August email to Shama. Bloomberg used the Gracie Mansion dinner to support the mosque, prominently inviting a Muslim whose son died on 9/11, the Muslim parents of a soldier serving overseas, as well as Rauf and Khan. [...] "The Community Affairs Unit exists to help groups navigate city government, and from helping prepare for a Papal visit to expediting approval of a Sukkah in a midtown Manhattan park, this kind of assistance is typical of its regular work," said Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser. But one critic of the mosque charged that the emails prove that backers rigged the public approval process. [..] Community Board 1 Chairwoman Julie Menin says her board never received the letter from Khan - and that it wouldn't matter if it had. I think Menin is a liar. She's a mosque shill Board members supported the mosque from the beginning and involvement from the mayor's office "certainly didn't change the way we view the project," Menin said. "We're always extremely independent and we always will be." More on Menin here. Menin's husband is Bruce Menin, president and principal of Crescent Heights Investments, a national real estate development company. The real estate aspect is key here for LMDC chair Menin. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 04:02 PM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis The Jew-haters bare their fangs when the punitive sentence of Jonathan Pollard is the subject. I do not sanction what he did. But get real. Twenty-five years? Nada Nadim Prouty, the Hezbo spy mole, got six months. And she was spying for jihad, an enemy that wants to "eliminate and destroy" us. Check out my piece in The Thinker: Pardon Pollard: Jonathan Pollard has now languished in prison for over twenty-five years, and for what? His life sentence for espionage is an abomination. Pure antisemitism. Pollard received his life sentence without a trial, as a result of a plea bargain, which he honored and the U.S. government violated. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 01:42 PM in Pollard | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis More wikileaks bombshells. More US groveling to an ideology hellbent on destroying us, Europe ..... the West. The delusion is breathtaking. It's incredible how indefatigably the U.S. has pursued accommodation with Islam and encouraged others to do so. Just imagine the U.S. Government in 1943 encouraging anyone on the world stage to open up towards Germany. But of course the analogy founders on the fact that we don't consider ourselves to be at war with Islam; if only we could convince the Islamic jihadists that they are not at war with us. I don't think the Pope saying nice things about Islam under U.S. pressure would accomplish that. "WikiLeaks: US encouraged pope to open up towards Islam and Turkey," from DPA, December 23: The confidential US diplomatic cables obtained by the whistleblower website were quoted by the Spanish daily El Pais. German-born Benedict XVI would face a 'steep learning curve' on international issues, US diplomats wrote after the then cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected pope in 2005. Some of the cables focus on a 2006 academic lecture given by the pope, who quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor saying that the Muslim prophet Mohammed had brought 'only evil and inhuman things.' The quote sparked furious criticism in the Muslim world. 'It taxes the imagination' to suppose that such a reference by the pope 'would pass unnoticed,' a US diplomat wrote. According to his assessment, the pope made the reference on purpose, but without foreseeing the consequences, which were followed by apologies by the Vatican. The pope's 'approach toward Islam and toward inter-religious dialogue is cooler than that of his predecessor' John Paul II, the diplomat observed.... 'The Holy See does not believe theological agreements with Islam are possible, but is convinced that better mutual knowledge will allay suspicions and facilitate peaceful co-existence,' US diplomats wrote in 2009. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 10:46 AM in Pope Fights For Right | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis Devout Muslims have launched a campaign against Christmas, blaming the beautiful holiday for sex diseases, whores, abortions, pedophilia (pot, meet kettle). Hmmmmm. What's the response to this blasphemy? Are Christians burning down mosques? Are Christians wielding machetes, amputating the limbs of Muslims? Are Christians locking Muslims in mosques and setting them aflame? Are there worldwide riots, thousands of cars set afire, police cars trashed, buses destroyed, non-Muslims attacked? Check out this repulsive religious poster and count down to wails of worry of Muslim backlash........5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Above all things: Respect it! 'Christmas is evil': Muslim group launches poster campaign against festive period Daily Mail Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil. Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia. They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead. Outrage: The poster that has appeared in the Tower Hamlets area hitting out at the festive period Labour MP and anti racist campaigner Jim Fitzpatrick branded the posters 'extremely offensive' and demanded they were immediately ripped down. The placards, which have already appeared in parts of London, feature an apparently festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree. But under a banner announcing 'the evils of Christmas' it features a message mocking the song the 12 Days of Christmas. t reads: 'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD (sexually transmitted disease). 'On the second day debt, on the third rape, the fourth teenage pregnancies and then there was abortion.' According to the posters, Christmas is also to responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs. Another offence of Christmas, it proclaims, is 'claiming God has a son'. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at 06:37 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (66) SharLOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL PASSES ISLAMIC LAW RESOLUTION: (SHARIA) BLASPHEMY ENFORCEMENT
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tenn: ‘All Americans Must Die’ Written in Meat Plant with Somali Muslim Strife creeping
The trend of trouble following Somali Muslims isn’t just a foreign problem. It’s an American problem too. via ‘All Americans Must Die’ Written On Plant Wall – WSMV Nashville.
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. — The Shelbyville chief of police and a former Tyson employee confirmed that threatening messages surfaced this week, leading to extra security at the plant.
“A couple days ago, they had a terrorist threat that was written on the bathroom walls that said ‘all Americans must die,’” said a woman, who said she wanted to remain anonymous to protect her relative, who works inside the plant.
She said that she didn’t see the writing herself but is aware of what’s going on from others.
“One day last week, someone set the women’s bathroom on fire, and they finally put a security guard at the bathroom door,” the woman said.
She said workers are scared.
“Some of them are afraid. They’ve been talking about it and worried about it and wondering what Tyson is going to do about it,” she said.
“We have not been asked to come down to Tyson to make any kind of official report,” said Chief Austin Swing.
But Swing said the department has been asked to provide an armed, off-duty officer to patrol inside the plant through the holidays. Tyson didn’t explain the reason why.
“I guess I’m assuming now, but he’s just there for some type of security reason or to maybe to put people at ease who work there,” said Swing.
He said he believes Tyson has already removed the graffiti and is conducting its own investigation into who’s responsible.
“They’ve doubled up the guards in the guard shack outside,” the anonymous woman said.
Some at the plant are concerned.
“They’ve complained for years, as to why these people are being hired in our food department when we are worried about our safety as Americans, you know, and that’s something we all need to think about,” she said.
Tyson said in a statement “the security of our facilities is important to our company.”
The FBI did not returned Channel 4′s request of whether it’s involved.
Extra security for Americans, in America? No FBI investigation? No clamoring from Holder or Obama?
Shelbyville is the same plant where Tyson Foods dropped Labor Day for an Islamic holiday, and added Muslim prayer rooms:
…in addition to the observance of the Muslim holiday, “two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”
“In addition to regular, non-paid breaks, all Team Members are allotted a seven-minute paid break,” the Tyson spokesman said. “Some Team Members choose to pray during this time.”
More in Somali Muslims Changing Small Tennessee Town:
“They’ve had an impact here. Unfortunately, it’s not been a good impact…”NIGERIA: PASTOR SLAUGHTERED IN FRONT OF HIS CHURCH, OTHER CHURCHES SET ABLAZE IN RAMPAGE
While the world prepared for the celebration of Christmas yesterday, the residents of Jos, in Plateau State, and Maiduguri, in Borno State were thrown into tears, blood and death .
At least four successive bomb explosions rocked Jos, killing no fewer than 30 people, while suspected members of the Boko Haram sect unleashed mayhem on Maiduguri.
No fewer than two people were feared killed in Maiduguri.
The explosions in Jos, which began around 7:30 pm, occurred at different intervals with the fourth one recorded some few minutes after 9pm.
The blasts sent many people scampering for safety. It occurred at a major area in the Jos metropolis but at different locations.
According to witnesses, the first blast was in front of a popular Catholic Church at Gada Biu which is barely a kilometre to the Plateau State Police Command's headquarters.
The other blasts sites are also within this vicinity but they were not concentrated. [...]
The situation was further aggravated by security agents who were shooting heavily and sporadically. This caused further tension and panic among the already shell-shocked and traumatised public who further took to their heels almost aimlessly.
There was no explanation for the shooting by the members of the security outfits.
Distress calls to the four hot lines of the State Command Police were neither acknowledged nor answered.
In Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, pandemonium reigned as people suspected to be members of the Boko Haram religious group went on the rampage torching churches and structures believed to be owned by Christians.
A pastor of the Baptist Church , Rev. Bulus T. Narya, was confirmed killed at the front of his church at the Alamderi Dala area of the city and the place of worship was set ablaze.
Also, the Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) was said to be on fire as at press time.
And like in Jos, security agents were also reportedly shooting sporadically, a situation which forced many of the residents to stay in-doors in self-imposed curfew.
Sources informed the Nigerian Compass on Saturday that the security agencies had a prior knowledge of yesterday's attack by the Boko Haram sect which necessitated the beefing up of security around all the churches in the city.
It was learnt that the intelligence report by the State Security Service (SSS) had it that the attack would take place on Christmas eve. However, despite the seeming preparedness of the security agencies, suspected members of the dreaded sect still struck.
Meanwhile, the Plateau State government has called for calm.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Failing to retain the ability to investigate applicants for ties to terrorism would significantly hamper ICANN’s effectiveness, and could lead to a proliferation of pro-terrorist websites.
......a shift in the International geographical makeup of ICANN's Board of Directors to include Arab Nations, would mean a considerable shift in power towards the Arab League, which would presumably vote as a bloc far more than preexisting Geographic Regions as they have at the UN.
Should the League of Arab States gain bloc voting power at ICANN, there is every indication that it will seek to replicate its effective takeover of the United Nations General Assembly, likely in conjunction with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). THIS WILL EFFECTIVELY CONTROL FREE SPEECH ON THE INTERNET
Should the League of Arab States gain bloc voting power at ICANN, there is every indication that it will seek to replicate its effective takeover of the United Nations General Assembly, likely in conjunction with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). If this succeeds then 10 years from now, not only will sites like Jihad Watch or Religion of Peace lose their domain names, and most discussion of Islamic terrorism have to 'go on the run' in pop up social media groups that constantly get shut down (already the situation on sites such as Facebook) functioning like rats in the walls. But even the sites of mainstream politicians and newspapers will be targeted. Mandatory filtering by ISP's. The removal of Israel's Il domain, are all possibilities. And if anything I probably haven't gone far enough.
The two-pronged approach of silencing dissent and unleashing terror is underway. This is why the internationalization of ICANN poses the gravest of threats not just to the thing we call freedom of speech on the internet, but to the entire global organization of knowledge and debate that has come to run through its networks. If ICANN goes IslamCANN then they will have captured the consensus.
This is a situation that few are talking about, even though in retrospect it may come to be one of the 5 issues that dramatically changes the world as we know it.
Meanwhile the UN is working along its own track. At a meeting in New York on Wednesday, representatives from Brazil called for an international body made up of Government representatives that would attempt to create global standards for policing the internet - specifically in reaction to challenges such as WikiLeaks. The Brazilian delegate stressed, however, that this should not be seen as a call for a "takeover" of the internet.
But that's exactly what it is. A unified set of laws with regard to the internet is not about policing criminal activity. That is already policed under existing laws. It's about criminalizing dissent. Brazil's left wing regime, which just decided to recognize Palestinian Arab terrorists as a state, tried to help Iranian dictator Ahmadinejad get nuclear fuel, is acting as a stalking horse for the takeover of the internet. India, South Africa, China and Saudi Arabia appeared to favour a new possible over-arching inter-government body.
The appearance of China and Saudi Arabia on this list is not exactly shocking. China wants to tightly control all content that its citizens access. And Saudi Arabia representing the Muslim world wants to control the depiction of Islam worldwide. Between the Muslim world and China and left wing regimes like Brazil, there is a common agenda. Censorship. Control.
US politicians have responded to moves from within the United Nations to form an inter-Government panel to regulate the internet, putting forward a resolution demanding the UN maintain a "hands-off approach". Republican California Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (Her district is based in Palm Springs and includes most of central and eastern Riverside County. Bono Mack sits on the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee, and was named on December 16, 2010 as the next Chairman for the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade. Bono Mack is singer Sonny Bono's widow) has put forward a resolution that the United Nations and other international governmental organizations take their hands off the Internet. Introducing House Resolution 1775 [see full text below], Mack argued that "the Internet has progressed and thrived precisely because it has not been subjected to the suffocating effect of a governmental organization's heavy hand.
"The attempt of the United Nations to overtake something that is so central to our economy-like the Internet-is offensive and completely out of line," she said. "We have a hard enough time keeping the Federal Communications Commission's hands off the Internet; imagine having to convince governments like Syria, Iran and Venezuela."
A Republican congress is better position to oppose this, but the Obama Administration is committed to few things more seriously, than to weakening American power and collaborating with the ascension of the Muslim world.
The only real obstacle is likely to come from tech companies such as Google who benefit from open policies and don't want to see the boot of dictatorships come down on them. Not just for ideological reasons, but for profit motives too. Vint Cerf, widely regarded as the father of the internet, also hit out at the United Nations plan. "Today, I have signed that petition on Google's behalf because we don't believe governments should be allowed to grant themselves a monopoly on Internet governance," Cerf said on Friday on behalf of Google where he works as its chief internet lobbyist.HOLLAND: 12 MUSLIMS ARRESTED FOR PLOTTING IMMINENT JIHADI TERROR ATTACK
Read more:http://www.nationalpost.com/news/Dutch+arrest+Somalis+over+terror+plot/4025238/story.html#ixzz198ytd0ahJIHAD CHRISTMAS: CHRISTMAS EVE BOMBINGS IN NIGERIA KILL 31, HUNDREDS HOSPITALIZED
Female bomber kills 43 at food center in Pakistan Yahoo (hat tip John)
Bombing wounds 11 at Christmas Mass in Philippines AP
Friday, December 24, 2010
AFDI/SIOA Applauds Seattle King County Transit for Withdrawing its Sanction of Jewish Blood Libel Bus Ads
Israel on U.N.'s 2011 Hit List Pamela Geller, Human Events
You couldn’t make it up. Pressuring Israel is the U.N.’s top goal for 2011. Not the imminent threat of war on the Korean Peninsula or the North Korean nuclear threat. Not the Iranian nuclear threat. Not the very dangerous situation with the ongoing jihad in Pakistan. Not the huge new wave of refugees and illegal immigrants into Europe, Israel and the United States. Not the insoluble situation in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nor did Ban say anything about the referendum for Southern Sudan independence, which is needed to stop the jihadi genocide that continues there. And he was likewise silent about the banking crisis in the Western world and the financial collapse of some European Union countries.
What a joke. There is no real “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. Always the Jewish people are clubbed like baby seals with Islamic lies about how Israel is starving the Muslims in Gaza. (There is no such thing as a "Palestinian." There never has been an independent Palestinian state or recognized Palestinian nationality in the history of the world; Arafat and Co. invented it in the 1960s for propaganda purposes.)
The Jewish blockade starves the poor poor Muslims, so that they have nothing to live on except the billions upon billions of jiyza paid by American taxpayers and European Union dhimmis. Want to know how much dough they have left after they purchase their missiles, arms and bombs? Photo after photo has come out of Gaza showing stores overwhelmingly overflowing with food, toys, candy, anything you could want. They recently opened a big luxury mall there.
The abundance of food and other goods in Gaza is mind blowing. Perhaps that’s why last summer Hamas began refusing all humanitarian shipments -- they had nowhere to put it all. The population was stuffed.
Hamas calls all this "Israeli propaganda," but actually it’s the result of Palestinian propaganda. Don’t believe your eyes, believe Islamic lies. The "Palestinians" first invented their nationality itself and now they’re conning the world into thinking they’re starving when obesity rates are soaring there.
This is a propaganda war -- and the information battle space is the front, and big media is aligned with the jihad force. Always, the media repeats the relentless meme of the poor starving “Palestinians.” The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) creates the narrative and the media supplies the libelous judeophobic hyperbole.
And so the “humanitarian aid” keeps pouring in. Terror statelet Gaza is the biggest fund-raiser in the world. Yet there are no starving Muslims in Gaza, but there are plenty in Darfur, as a result of the relentless jihad against the Darfur in Sudan.
Still, Ban Ki-Moon and the U.N. are going after Israel, not Sudan.
And the settlements? They are Jews building houses on Jewish land. Period. The Israelis are under siege daily. Anyone who understands Islamic anti-Semitism and the religious motive behind the genocidal jihad against the Jews, and the true history of the Middle East, will urge Israel to build more homes in Judea and Samaria and to create defensible borders.RAUF'S ROAD TRIP FOR IDIOTS
Why would this lowlife be invited to speak to our fine young minds? He's a grifter and a thief. What has he achieved, except the ability to scam the government out of its largesse?
He proselytized for islam from the human remains at Ground Zero (blood curdling).
He is a slumlord who rips off cities.
He is a taunter, a tormenter, while threatening us with jihad.
Poppycock! We all have real death threats and we go, we speak. We don't piss and moan about it like this simpering stealth woolie bully. Imam Rauf is so thin-skinned, he has to have a stacked deck, a "propaganda performance."Imam Rauf: Okay good, I mean things have been done for example, I didn’t want to say it on your show but, you know with for example Madeleine Albright’s book when she approached me last fall and she said I’d like you to review the Islam section for any corrections and we did that and she invited me to write a blurb for her book and she is now pushing these ideas in many places, she is in constant communication with me, or continual communication with me about certain things, we have been in touch with her, with Karen Hughes, and the issue of Hamas, and how America should really engage with them and not just push them out of the picture, but bring them, make them responsible for creating positive change because if you don’t do that, you know we’ve even mapped out, what the downside would be if they didn’t do that, because you push Hamas out, and you force them into the arms of the Syrians and the Iranians, and they will be a proxy for Iran and the region, you’re creating more of a mess!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
------ Forwarded Message
From: Sharron Shinbo
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 19:41:06 -0500
To: Pamela Quadros
Greetings Pamela,
Based on our current advertising restrictions, the proposed American Freedom Defense Initiative ads cannot be accepted. The advertisements do not comply with Subsections 6.4(D) and (E) of our contract, which are set forth below:
D. Any material that is so objectionable under contemporary community standards as to be reasonably foreseeable that it will result in harm to, disruption of, or interference with the transportation system.
E. Any material directed at a person or group that is so insulting, degrading or offensive as to be reasonably foreseeable that it will incite or produce imminent lawless action in the form of retaliation, vandalism or other breach of public safety, peace and order.
The content of the advertisements and the unprecedented response that the County has received to another recently proposed ad of a similar nature show that the American Freedom Defense Initiative ads do not meet the standards set forth in these sections, including among other things, that they pose an unacceptable risk of harm, disruption and interference with the transportation system and other breaches of the public safety, peace and order.
Please inform the sponsor of the advertisements.
Sharron Shinbo
Please note my new email address is sharron.shinbo@kingcounty.gov
Metro Transit Division
Sales and Customer Services
201 South Jackson Street MS KSC-TR-0894
Seattle, WA 98104-3856
phone (206) 684-1547
fax (206) 263-4454
King County Executive Dow Constantine said he approved the new policy because the proposed ads had the potential to cause disruptions to Metro transit service.
"The escalation of this issue from one of 12 local bus placards to a widespread and often vitriolic international debate introduces new and significant security concerns that compel reassessment," said Constantine.
The offending ad reads "Israeli war crimes: your tax dollars at work." The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign paid Metro $1,800 for the message to be featured in a dozen buses.
King County Metro said it also is rejecting proposed advertising in response to the offending ad from the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the American Freedom Defense Initiative.
Officials said all of the ads posed "an unacceptable risk of harm to, disruption of, or interference with bus service." (more here)WE'VE GOT MAIL!
Subject: Atlas weeps
Date: December 23, 2010 10:03:59 AM EST
To: Pamela Geller
Evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. I withdraw my sanction of your website. I strongly resent your hijacking Ayn Rand's masterpiece to promote your unabashedly pro-Zionist political agenda and to demonize the victims of the State of Israel. I have no doubt that, if she were alive, she would shrug you off with contempt.
----- Original Message -----
From: Pamela Geller
To: Gary Cummings
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: Atlas weeps
She was staunchly pro-Israel, Jew hater.
Yours in liberty,
Pamela Geller
Subject: Re: Atlas weeps
Date: December 23, 2010 4:04:52 PM EST
To: Pamela Geller I wear the title with pride, as will all free men and women soon...
The Mayor failed to release these documents back in August. It took an additional six months to get Bloomberg to comply with this request. Now we know why, and what he was hiding.
At one point, Community Affairs Commissioner Nazli Parvizi drafted a letter for Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, to send to Community Board 1, which was voting on the project.PAMELA GELLER, AMERICAN THINKER: PARDON POLLARD
Please call the White House. Ask them to show some mercy.U.S. URGED POPE TO OPEN UP TOWARDS ISLAM
Madrid - The United States initially saw Pope Benedict XVI as a 'eurocentric' pontiff who was 'unlikely to cut a prominent figure on the world stage,' according to WikiLeaks documents published Thursday.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, 27 December 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio