The Pink Book 2011* came out on 23rd Nov 2011. Table 9.2 current account shows that in calendar year 2010 the UK Gross Contribution hit a new record of £18.46 bn, equivalent to £51 million every day. These are the figures :- UK Gross Contribution : £ 18455 million UK Receipts from EU Institutions £ 8141 million UK Net Contribution £ 10314 million The last three years’ figures are as follows:- It can be seen above that “Gross Receipts” (payments by “Brussels” to the UK) shrank by 24% between 2009 & 2010; “Net Contribution” grew by 54%. Note that the above figures are different (and much bigger) than the figures for « UK official transactions with institutions of the EU » set out at Table 9.9 of the Pink Book 2011. The latter give a UK Net Contribution of £ 7.3 billion, compared with the £ 10.3 billion given in Table 9.2. because they refer only to transfers transiting via HM Treasury. The reason why the Pink Book current account gross & net figures are higher than HM Treasury’s is that not all UK payments to & from « Brussels » transit via HM Treasury. For example, Brussels makes some payments direct to UK private-sector bodies ; and, in the other direction, at least one UK ministry, DIFID, channels part of its « overseas aid » direct to EU institutions, by-passing HM Treasury. *Table 9.2, pp 100-102, United Kingdom Balance of Payments : The Pink Book 2011 Figures provided by CIVITAS, Ian Milne November 2011. Last Updated (Thursday, 24 November 2011 11:22)Pink Book 2011*, Table 9.2:UK Tansactions with EU Institutions: £ million 2008 2009 2010 2010 per day Gross Contribution 16407 17447 18445 51 Gross Receipts 9799 10751 8141 22 Net Contribution 6608 6696 10314 28
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Britain now gives £50 million a day to the EU
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Britannia Radio