Saturday, 26 November 2011

Britain now gives £50 million a day to the EU

50 million pounds

The Pink Book 2011* came out on 23rd Nov 2011. Table 9.2 current account shows that in calendar year 2010 the UK Gross Contribution hit a new record of £18.46 bn, equivalent to £51 million every day. These are the figures :-

UK Gross Contribution : £ 18455 million

UK Receipts from EU Institutions £ 8141 million

UK Net Contribution £ 10314 million

The last three years’ figures are as follows:-

Pink Book 2011*, Table 9.2:UK Tansactions with EU Institutions: £ million

2008200920102010 per day
Gross Contribution16407174471844551
Gross Receipts979910751814122
Net Contribution660866961031428

It can be seen above that “Gross Receipts” (payments by “Brussels” to the UK) shrank by 24% between 2009 & 2010; “Net Contribution” grew by 54%.

Note that the above figures are different (and much bigger) than the figures for « UK official transactions with institutions of the EU » set out at Table 9.9 of the Pink Book 2011. The latter give a UK Net Contribution of £ 7.3 billion, compared with the £ 10.3 billion given in Table 9.2. because they refer only to transfers transiting via HM Treasury.

The reason why the Pink Book current account gross & net figures are higher than HM Treasury’s is that not all UK payments to & from « Brussels » transit via HM Treasury. For example, Brussels makes some payments direct to UK private-sector bodies ; and, in the other direction, at least one UK ministry, DIFID, channels part of its « overseas aid » direct to EU institutions, by-passing HM Treasury.

*Table 9.2, pp 100-102, United Kingdom Balance of Payments : The Pink Book 2011

Figures provided by CIVITAS, Ian Milne November 2011.

Last Updated (Thursday, 24 November 2011 11:22)