Saturday, 26 November 2011

Spain: Anti-immigration Party wins in a landslide

SPAIN: Right Wing (anti-Muslim immigration) party wins election in landslide!

The media is calling it an anti-socialist election, and rightly so. What they won’t tell you is that it is also an anti-Islamization election. (See links at bottom)

EN NEWS Spain’s right stormed to a landslide election victory Sunday, an exit poll said, sparking dancing in the street by voters desperate for a cure to soaring unemployment. Winning the biggest majority in its history according to partial results voters handed a crushing defeat to the ruling Socialists after seven years in power.

Spain’s was the fifth eurozone government felled this year by the eurozone debt crisis. Voters gave Mariano Rajoy’s right-wing Popular Party 43.5 percent of the vote and an absolute majority of 181-185 seats in the 350-member Congress of Deputies, according to the poll by public broadcaster RTVE.

Hundreds of cheering Popular Party supporters erupted in celebration outside the party’s Madrid headquarters,...

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AUSTRIA: Anti-Islam Freedom Party will expand into Germany

Bare Naked Islam

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party has announced plans to expand into Germany, where it hopes to join forces with another militant anti-Islamic group and campaign against Turkey’s accession to the European Union as part of a widening bid for political power.

Austria’s far right Freedom Party (FPO) is causing outrage with its advertising campaign. The slogan causing all the fuss appears in bold letters across huge billboards next to the smiling face of Freedom Party leader Heinz Christian Strache. “Mehr Mut für Wiener Blut” – more courage for Viennese Blood. The next line says – “Too many foreigners does no one any good”

UK INDEPENDENTThe party, which swept to power in Austria under the leadership of the late Jörg Haider a decade ago, made huge gains in Vienna elections earlier this month when it won 26 per cent of the vote and overnight became the city’s second most powerful party.

The dramatic resurgence followed an anti-Islamic...

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1965. Arabs in Palestine were few and far between


by Avi Goldreich

(Translated from the Hebrew by Nurit Greenger.)

The time machine is a sensation that nests in me when I am visiting Mr. Hobber old books store in Budapest, Hungary. Hobber learned to know my quirks and after the initial greeting and the glass of mineral water (Mr. Hobber is a vegan) he leads me down the stairs to the huge basement, to the Jewish “section.”

The Jewish section is a room full of antiquity books on subjects that Mr. Hobber sees to be Jewish. Among the books there are some that are not even worthy their leather binding. However, sometime, one can find there real culture treasure. Many of the books are Holy Books that may have been stolen from synagogues’ archives: Talmud, Bible, Mishnah, old Ashkenazi style Siddur, and others. Customarily, I open them to see who the proprietor is; who was the Bar Mitzvah boy who received the book two hundred years ago and to whom did he pass the book at the end of...

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Into the Fray: Dismantling democracy

Martin Sherman does it again. This is brilliant. He introduces into the current debate on democracy, ideas which are far more fundamental to democracy than whether the Right has the right to limit free speech.

I attended a debate at the Knesset a couple of days ago between MK Danny Danon and Openheimer, the head of Peace Now, on the subject of the proposed legislation to prohibit foreign funding of NGO’s. Openheimer was excellent in stressing the importance of free speech to a democracy. Danon disappointed because he was not prepared to give a sophisticated defense of the legislation but simply said that this government was elected on a certain platform and it is their duty to bring it to fruition.

Last evening I had over to my place ten very knowledgeable people and I asked them why Israel had the right to limit free speech. No one could answer the question. Nor could I, for that matter. I was looking for someone who could make the case. Martin Sherman certainly did in this...

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Syrian defectors know Hezbollah secrets

Four triggers for CIA spy scares in Iran, Hizballah
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis November 25, 2011,

First, Hizballah reported the unmasking of a CIA network in Lebanon. Then, Wednesday, Nov. 23, an Iranian lawmaker Parviz Sorouri, a member of the Iranian parliament’s foreign affairs and defense committee, claimed the capture of 12 CIA spies targeting Iran’s military and its nuclear program with the Mossad and regional agencies. Beirut and Tehran had clearly joined forces, debkafile’s intelligence sources report, to prove they were on top of their security and had smashed dangerous US intelligence networks operating inside their armed forces.

Iran and Hizballah were driven into action by four pressing circumstances:

1. Tehran needed urgently to erase the bad impression left by the explosion which wiped out Iran’s entire missile command, including Maj. Gen. Hassan Moghaddam, at the secret Revolutionary Guards base in Aghadir near Tehran on Oct....

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How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub

By Katia Moskvitch Technology reporter, BBC News, Tel Aviv

Technology reporter, BBC News, Tel Aviv

Formula for success

Israel currently has almost 4,000 active technology start-ups – more than any other country outside the United States, according to Israel Venture Capital Research Centre.

In 2010 alone the flow of venture capital amounted to $884m (£558m).

The result: high-tech exports from Israel are valued at about $18.4bn a year, making up more than 45% of Israel’s exports, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Israel is a world leader in terms of research and development spending as a percentage of the economy; it’s top in both the number of start-ups and engineers as a proportion of the population; and it’s first in per capita venture capital investment.

Not bad for a country of some eight million people – fewer than, say, Moscow or New York.

Serial entrepreneur Yossi Vardi says there is a whole blend of factors responsible for turning...

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Op-Ed: MIDEAST NOTES:The Coming Oil-Shale Revolution?

The chief executive of Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company- Aramco- has admitted that the development of large oil shale reserves in North America looks set to shift the monopoly over global energy supplies increasingly away from the Middle East.

By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, INN

To preface, when it comes to global petroleum supplies, a distinction is drawn between “conventional” and “unconventional” oil reserves. The former are still in abundance in oil fields throughout the Middle East, and petroleum is produced from them simply by drilling at oil wells. Unconventional reserves include tar sands and oil shale: the latter is a form of sedimentary rock that must first be decomposed at high temperatures before crude oil can be obtained for refinement.

In terms of reserves, it is estimated that conventional sources across the world can yield around 1.2 trillion barrels, while in the United States alone, anywhere between 500 billion and 1.1 trillion barrels are thought...

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Landau: “The bluffer isn’t bluffing.”

Landau is the same guy who asked America to “rape” Israel. He is a strong believer in the two state-solution, yet he makes it clear that “The bluffer isn’t bluffing.” and that Netanyahu will take Iran out if he has to. Ted Belman

World must believe Netanyahu on Iran
David Landau, former editor-in-chief of Haaretz.

A too-frank exchange between Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy, inadvertently caught on microphone, about Benjamin Netanyahu being a liar has provoked distinctly negligible outrage around the world. Even in Israel, people tended to shrug.

Credibility is not the Prime Minister’s strong suit – witness the hollow ring of his much-trumpeted pronouncement in 2009 that he favours the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Two years have passed, and the direly needed solution has receded.

But Obama, Sarkozy, and the rest of the world would be profoundly wrong to apply the same dismissive scepticism to...

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Sharia Creep

Atlas Shrugs reports

Sharia Revolution: Journalists Raped by “Freedom Protesters” in Egypt

Muslims Murder 2 Children of Christian Convert To Punish Him For His “Disloyalty to Islam”

and she posted this letter which she received.

    Hi Pamela,

    I was flipping channels on TV when I came across the SUN channel. It was on its last 5 minutes before the end of the show about the Sharia in the West. I was positively shocked that someone had (finally) had the courage to face up to the spreading of the Islamic decease. You have more balls than almost all of the politicians in Washington and the liberal media.

    Been a Christian who was raised in Middle Eastern Islamic countries, I know the dangers of what is looming ahead. I have seen it all before. I got accustomed to been called an infidel since I was 7 years old from my Muslim school mates and neighbors. And where did those 7 years old Muslim kids learn that from? Of-course from their parents. I cherish the...

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And for your viewing pleasure

Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel