ECB stymied on debt crisis without fiscal union
Germany's top banker has vehemently rejected demands from David Cameron and other world leaders for drastic action by the European Central Bank to stop the eurozone crisis spiralling out of control.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Jens Weidmann, head of the Bundesbank and the ECB's dominant governor, said that any move to leverage Europe's €440bn rescue fund through central bank financing would be a "clear violation" of the ECB's legal mandate.
He said Article 123 of the EU Treaty imposed a legal "prohibition on monetary financing", implying that the ECB cannot attempt to shore up the debt markets of Italy and Spain for covert fiscal support.
Mr Weidmann said Germany learned the bitter lesson under the Weimar Republic that funding public debt "via the money printing press" leads to hyperinflation and disaster.
The comments came a day after Britain's Prime Minister said it was "difficult to understand" why the ECB was not "doing more" to halt contagion, a view shared in Washington, Beijing and Tokyo.
Asia's creditor states are scornful of requests to help rescue Europe when the ECB itself refuses to take on the role of lender of last resort. However, there is some dispute over whether the ECB is technically able to take on that role even if it dares bend the law any further. "The ECB is not indemnified by a eurozone treasury, because there is no such treasury," said Julian Callow from Barclays Capital.
The Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve have explicit guarantees from national treasuries that any losses stemming from bond purchases will be compensated, giving them the "credibility halo" of sovereign states.
The picture is entirely different in Euroland where the ECB has very little money of its own and shares key powers with the national central banks. There is no fiscal union to back up monetary union, and no sovereign entity underpinning the project. There is instead a Babel of conflicting sovereign voices.
The ECB's paper losses are already becoming an issue. Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors said the ECB system has accumulated almost €200bn in Greek exposure alone. The bank holds an estimated €45bn of Greek bonds. As of late August, it had provided €110bn in support to Greek banks through its normal lending window as well as through "emergency liquidity assistance" (ELA) against weak collateral. This bank support may since have mushroomed to €150bn.
Mr Ward said it is unclear whether the ECB has taken on similar sorts of "back-door" ELA liabilities in Italy and Spain because the data has been delayed. The stated level of ECB intervention is €587bn for eurozone banks and €184bn in bond purchases. "We think there is a lot more going on quietly," he said.
Hans-Werner Sinn from Germany's IfO Institute said the Bundesbank's exposure to eurozone liabilities through so-called "TARGET" credit has ballooned to €450bn, with the Banca D'Italia making the biggest demands by far in September. In effect, this is a lending operation by the Bundesbank to EMU's weaker central banks. Dr Sinn said it is "not legally clear" what happens if any country defaults or leaves EMU.
Kenneth Rogoff, a Harvard professor and the IMF's former chief economist, said the ECB may have to "going crawling on hands and knees" to eurozone governments for more money. "If the ECB has bought a lot of junk debt and lost money it will have to asked to be recapitalised," he said. "Ultimately, Europe will have to change the whole constitutional structure of the eurozone, because this crisis is not a temporary liquidity problem."
The urgency was clear again on Tuesday as yield spreads on Italy's 10-year bond over German Bunds spiked to 497 basis points, driven by news that premier Silvio Berlusconi had survived a key budget vote. He later pledged to resign, but it is unclear whether the chaos of elections will make it any easier to govern Italy.
"We cannot keep going for long with a spread of 500 points," said Emma Marcegaglia, head of Italy's industry lobby Confindustria. "Such a spread means an enormous credit crunch and unsustainable public finances."
The ECB has bought almost €90bn of Italian debt since August but has done so in a fitful fashion, turning the spigot on and off as a pressure tool to force reforms and political changes.
It is far from clear that the ECB is imposing the right fiscal medicine on Italy by demanding a balanced budget by 2013, just as the country crashes back into deep recession.
Chiara Manenti from Banca SaoPaolo said the greatest risk for Italy's debt dynamics is a sharp slowdown in the economy itself. "That would be far more dangerous," she said.
The IMF warned it is latest report on Italy that fiscal belt-tightening should be "at the right speed". These words of wisdom seem to have been ignored entirely in the EU's Calvinist dash for austerity
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