Laura: Here are some headlines for anyone doubting the evil intentions of the “occupy” movement. It is undoubtedly a violent, marxist, anti-Semitic and anti-American movement which seeks the overthrow of our free market system and the destruction of America as we know it. Take a look at the violence, destruction and filth generated by this bilge who believe they have the right to pilfer and mooch off productive citizens and businesses. Obama-Endorsed #OccupyAtlanta Protesters Attack Police Officers Protester throws fit in McDonald’s when he can’t get free food Pop quiz from Israel Law 101: Shimon builds an apartment complex on land in Ramat Gan. It turns out that the land apartment complex is sitting on is owned by Yosef. Question: What do the courts in Israel rule? A. Demolish the apartment complex. Answer: C. And this has in fact happened. And why is is that the same courts that rule “C” for Yosef rule “A” for Yousef? Well it has nothing to do with the law and absolutely everything to do with the political leanings of the government lawyers and the court judges. Again. No one is claiming that Yousef should not... The Knesset will soon vote on two bills that will halt, or at least drastically curtail, donations by EU countries to leftist groups. While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday night that his Likud party would support a law that would prohibit non-profit political organizations from receiving contributions from foreign governments, Yisrael Beiteinu believes it has a better idea: Allowing groups to receive contributions, but placing an onerous tax of 45% on them. The law prohibiting contributions altogether is actually co-sponsored by Yisrael Beiteinu MK Robert Iliatov, and party chairman Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has expressed support for it. The taxation bill is being sponsored by MK Faina Kirschenbaum, also from Yisrael Beiteinu. : ‘You’re Fed Up With Him But I Have to Deal With Him Every Day!’ In a “faux pas” for the ages, President Barack Obama conducted what he assumed was a private conversation about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with French President Nicolas Sarkozy after the G20 summit on Thursday. The only problem, however, was that the microphones the two men were wearing from their earlier press conference, had not in fact been turned off. What ensued was a major public embarrassment after both Obama and the French PM disparaged Netanyahu, saying they cannot “stand” dealing with him. According to a Monday report in the French website “Arret sur Images,” Sarkozy told Obama, “I cannot stand him . He is a liar.” Rather than exercising diplomacy, however, Obama hopped on the bash-wagon, reportedly telling Sarkozy: “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!” The conversation apparently began with President... Laura: Sarkozy is a mendacious coward. Like his predecessors of Vichy France, Sarkozy is choosing to collaborate with genocidal Jew-killers in the mistaken belief that France itself will be spared. How is catering to the muslim world working out for your miserable country, Sarkozy? How are those no-go zones working out? Sarkozy’s behavior is in keeping with the cowardly, morally bankrupt character of the French and its history of appeasing evil. Sarkozy isn’t fit to shine Bibi’s shoes. Sarkozy tells Obama he is fed up with Netanyahu Sarkozy made the comment during a private conversation with Obama during a G20 summit in the French Riviera town of Cannes last week and the remarks were overheard by a small number of journalists but not initially reported. Reuters French President Nicolas Sarkozy told U.S. President Barack Obama last week he was fed up with dealing with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and considered him a liar. Sarkozy made the comment during a... More good news about Israel’s offshore gas fields coming on stream in less than two years, thanks in part to Noble Energy of Houston. This will make Israel a significant producer of natural gas for both domestic consumption and export to the EU. This development together with the on-shore oil shale field with an estimated 260 billion barrels that we have published reports -See Israel’s Black Gold- will doubtless change the shape of geo-political alliances. Witness Israel’s budding alliances with Cyprus and even Greece. Israel will be squaring off against Russia with potentially more reliable delivery of natural gas for the EU economies. Now, more than ever Israel has to resolve the secret war with nuclear Iran and its proxies to realize its world political gains arising from natural gas and oil shale development. You can put away those lame jokes about Moses turning left instead of right during the Exodus and allegedly missing black gold. What is the careworn... Musloids will be Musloids; was Aisha also able to give “consent” to Mohammad? Turkish court reduces sentences for men accused of raping 13-year-old reports, Human rights groups have reacted with outrage after a Turkish appeals court reduced prison sentences for 26 men convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl, because the victim had given “consent”. This is the same country that sanctioned the use of its flag by terrorists seeking to violate Israel’s blockade of Gaza. In fairness to Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, however, his government did distance itself from the court’s leniency for the child rapists.OWS Evil Agenda
PM Netanyahu: Compensate Palestinians instead of destroying homes
B. The apartment complex is the property of Yosef since he own the law.
C. Shimon has to compensate Yosef for the property and Shimon retains possession of the apartment complex.
So why is it that when the government lawyers get involved in a case they think that the answer is “A” only because he property is owned by Yousef instead of Yosef? MKs: ‘One Way or Another, Left’s Foreign Funds Will be Cut Off’
By David Lev
The Likud has not yet said if it was going to support the latter bill as well, but Yisrael Beiteinu said that it would demand that the Ministerial Law Committee approve both bills for Knesset consideration at its...Obama Caught on Live Mic Blasting Netanyahu to French PM
Ynet adds: Sarkozy’s Mendacity
Israel’s offshore gas reserves poised to rise
Turks Gang-Rape 13 Year Old Girl
by Bill LevinsonMore Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
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Britannia Radio