Saturday, 19 November 2011

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Guy News
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Union Bashing Continues

Last time Guido entered Parliament he was stopped before he could light the fuse, and his reappearence in the Palace of Westminster this week was cut short before a big bang. He was giving evidence to the special Privacy and Injunctions Select Committee, though was unable to fully utilise Parliamentary Privilage. You can see the full video here.

For the rest of the week Parliament was in recess, which was nice for them, but that didn't stop the fun and games. This week Liam Byrne was dragged into the Cash for Votes saga and Bercow did his best to keep his Labour chums happy by shutting down debate. The Labour leadership are also getting tetchy about the whole affair. Unison cocked up their strike ballot and it's one rule for them when it comes to the teachers. Even Nick Clegg joined in the union bashing.

Favourite stories from the included the swearing Baroness, the BBC caught with their climate trousers down, a world exclusive sneak preview and the viral clip Fa-rage against the machine. Oh and guess who turned up in Mulcaire's notebook...

Royal British Legion say "Leave it out Ken!"