Saturday, 19 November 2011

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November 18, 2011

CAIR now attempting to
control law enforcement
training programs
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add your name to this
important petition!

Dear Harold,

CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) has, either through its national organization or its chapter affiliates, repeatedly tried to intimidate federal and local elected officials who have the courage to stand up to radical Islam.

The latest from CAIR is its effort to dictate who the FBI uses as trainers in its counterterrorism programs. (See the CAIR release below).

Apparently, it's not sufficient that the Obama administration has stripped all references to jihad and radical Islam from its national security strategy regarding terrorism.

CAIR won't be happy until every government entity in America knuckles under to its sharia-driven agenda aimed at silencing any critique of radical Islam and any connection between radical Islam and Islamic terrorism.

CAIR has also made it clear it will aggressively fight our efforts to pass "American Laws in American Courts," legislation that will prohibit courts from applying sharia law. Will we win? Or will CAIR win?

We need to hear from you, that you are in support of this effort. Please sign the pledge to protect your state from sharia law today! Nearly 35,000 people have signed thus far. Thank you! But surely out of our 175,000 members there are more than 35,000 people who support this effort! Check out how your state is doing here

CAIR Files Multi-State Records Requests on Anti-Muslim Law Enforcement Trainings

Group seeks information about state-level trainings that may have used taxpayer dollars to fund anti-Muslim trainers.

(Nov 15, 2011 - LOS ANGELES, CA)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that 15 of its chapters nationwide have filed 87 separate public records requests about possible Islamophobic training of local, state and national law enforcement personnel.

CAIR is seeking information about state-level trainings that may have used federal taxpayer dollars to fund anti-Muslim trainers, a phenomenon highlighted in recent research and media reports.

In a statement, CAIR said:

"CAIR's public records requests seek to ensure that law enforcement agencies are using qualified trainers who present objective and unbiased information to help protect Americans from violent extremists of all types. We firmly believe that good training leads to good investigations, while biased training leads to biased investigations. We are particularly concerned with ensuring that taxpayer dollars are not wasted on training that is agenda-driven, inaccurate or Islamophobic."

Both Attorney General Holder and FBI Director Mueller have acknowledged that the Department of Justice and the FBI are reviewing their training materials to remove inaccurate and biased information. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which provides most of the Federal funding for state and local training, recently issued a set of recommendations for countering violent extremism training.


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