>> FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2011
Did you see that the BBC has apologised for it's biased coverage of the Dale Farm fiasco on the excreable The One Show? Well, sort of!
The popular early evening show had been accused of unbalanced journalism over its February report about the proposed site’s pending clearance.After the five minute piece was broadcast, council officials complained to the public broadcaster, accusing the show of being''inaccurate, misleading and biased in favour of the travellers''. On Thursday, the BBC Trust's editorial standards committee (ESC) published its finding on the five-minute report following a lengthy investigation.
The investigation concluded the show had been ''duly accurate'' and ''had not knowingly and materially misled its audiences''. But it found the BBC One programme had ''failed to clarify that the site had been developed on green belt land"
The BBC Trust will now offer an apology to the local authority. But it is understood The One Show will not have to make an on-air apology. As a result of its finding, editorial procedures have been “reviewed” and “strengthened” at the show, the BBC said. The report also said it had been ''unfair'' to the council in allowing a traveller to allege the local authority was ''throwing us out on the road'' with ''nowhere to go'' without giving it a right of reply.
Mud Sticks
You can’t do much about your reputation. A bad reputation can follow you like a shadow and place you at a considerable disadvantage in all your future endeavours. Some movements, philosophies or ideologies are deemed so despicable that no affiliate or former member can ever dissociate themselves from the body’s loathsome reputation. But inexplicably, others with an equally ignominious record do it with ease. Double standards exist. Some people can’t do a thing right, while others, apparently not for want of trying, just can’t put a foot wrong. Take Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, representing the sunny-side of Islam. The commissioning editors of the BBC happily disregard all negative factors associated with the religion of peace, and give Shaykh Mogra a platform on radio 4 to preach to us every morning for a whole week, as though certain unmentionable issues had never raised their ugly heads. For instance Islam’s approach to women, to sex and to the non-believer; not to mention, literally, the antics of a certain publicity-seeking band of poppy-burning beardies, the Muslim Council of Britain’s duplicitous record, Islam’s inherent antisemitism, oh, and Islamic-inspired terrorism. Ibriham Mogra can shayke off (sorry) all association with that nasty stuff and quote passages from the Koran as though butter wouldn’t melt in his beard. He evidently believes these unfortunate things are ‘nothing to do with me, guv.’
The end of the working week approaches so time for a new one of these. Got a view on the BBC you would care to share?
Did you see that BBC climate change activist Richard Black has concluded that there is little demand for nuclear energy?
"There is little public appetite across the world for building new nuclear reactors, a poll for the BBC indicates. In countries with nuclear programmes, people are significantly more opposed than they were in 2005, with only the UK and US bucking the trend. Most believe that boosting efficiency and renewables can meet their needs. Just 22% agreed that "nuclear power is relatively safe and an important source of electricity, and we should build more nuclear power plants"."It's interesting to see the BBC take such an active interest in this and I am sure the fact that the poll results facilitate the eco-wacko agenda is purely coincidental.
Anyone listen to this encounter between John "I like to interrupt" Humphyrs and Conservative Minister Grant Shapps? The hostility shown towards Shapps is really visceral but I was glad that he did not take it all lying down and fought back against the smearing that Today excels at doing. The "social housing" riff is simply a narrative that allows Today to attack the Coalition and employ the talking points Labour provides them.