From the desk of
Peter Carl on Fri, 2011-11-25 14:23
In this, his second in his series of six essays, Peter Carl looks into some research that suggests why continued “Left”/”Right” polemical infighting is highly unlikely to create greater acceptance or success for the Counter-Jihad Movement. Instead, he argues, it is far more likely to contribute to greater damage and increased resistance to the Movement in an ever worsening future. He then delves into a discussion of a few concrete examples of areas and situations where a few small changes in tactics and words could mean far greater gains for both its message and the world’s perception of the Counter-Jihad Movement.
From the desk of
Peter Carl on Fri, 2011-11-18 10:48
In this series of six essays, Peter Carl guides us through a thought-provoking analysis of the Counter-Jihad Movement and what he sees may be its own greatest obstacles: itself and its message. Based upon thoughts arising from his intermittent exchanges over the past three years with opinion-leaders and politicians within the Counter-Jihad Movement, these essays will cause all who care about the survival of Europe and the West to step back and think. In this, his first in this series of essays, he begins by looking at a number of commonly accepted myths that are not only holding the Movement back – but which are actually giving a free and open road to the Islamization of the West. He concludes with a defense of a few of the Movements best known voices and our right, individually and as groups, to “hate” ideas.