Sunday, 9 September 2012

Catering to Islam, The Recipe of Death
Again I have to ask why this political ideology which is not tolerant of any other political ideology or religion is being embraced by the Democrat Party? Is this what the Democrats want for America? To turn it into a Islamic state? When you think about it, why do we continue to allow the immigration of a people that openly calls for the overthrow of our government? They just don’t call for it, they demand it! When police departments train their officers on the traits of terrorists Muslims are the.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis

The Good, the Bad and the Salty
Sometimes we mistakenly assume that some badly behaving person cannot possibly possess a shred of human goodness. Sometimes we evaluate a job opportunity incorrectly because we forget the polarity that exists in powerful phenomena. Sometimes we rush to embrace or alternatively shun technology because we focus on only one aspect. Our culture today frequently condemns those who.......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Chicago Crime Family – ObamaCare and Big Pharma
Thank God, his natural herbal product MDS 40 is turning around thousands of people with Diabetes and bringing blood sugar levels back to normal along with many other amazing health benefits. It is affordable, safe, natural and herbal. We talked of how he is a threat to Big Pharma because he and his MDS 40 are not owned by them.......
by Laurie Roth