I have been arguing for a very long time that Iran and Russia will attack the US through their proxy, Venezuela, and have been preparing to do so for a very long time. Chavez declared war against the US in a video in Spanish which I sent through then Sen. Norm Coleman's office to the US State Dept. back in the early 2000s, when I was still living in Bakersfield, CA. Sen. Coleman's legal aid called me back with the message that State thanked her for the video and that they didn't know about it --- and to "keep them in the loop!" Since then, nothing has been done to stop Venezuela.
I am in touch with people from the Venezuelan underground as you can see from my FB page. I have been informed that the Iranians have built a missile base in Venezuela and the Russians have built a kalyeshnikov factory there.
In the last election cycle, when Sen. Lieberman was here as a surrogate for McCain, at Sinai Temple on Sheridan, I asked Sen. Lieberman about my concern that we could suffer an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attack from Venezuela and Lieberman answered that this is indeed a problem. Again, nothing seems to have been done!
I have been the canary in the coal mine and initially, many thought I was a "radical right wing nut!" When you are Second Generation Holocaust Survivor, you have a developed instinct of trouble brewing before it hits --- and that seems to be where my intuition comes from.
I believe that as soon as Israel attacks the Iranian nuclear installations, which it must, we will be hit over here! Let us not forget that Iran refers to Israel as the "little Satan" and the US as the "big Satan!"
What astounds and disappoints me is that this government (both administrations) has done nothing to prevent Venezuela and Iran from getting this far --- and has also not done anything about preparing the civilian population for such an eventuality as have the Israelis, where every home has a "safe room/bunker!" We are completely exposed while the Obama Administration spends money like drunken sailors on nonsense instead of creating jobs to retrofit our homes for security, for example! Instead, Obama's and the State Dept.'s posturing has portrayed us as weak, emboldening our enemies and rendering us even more vulnerable than we already are!
I am at a loss as to what to say about "Jews" who despite Obama's policies regarding Israel and his very obvious pro-Arab leanings (inline with those of the US State Dept.), who cannot vote for Romney over the "abortion issue" which seems to take precedence over our survival as Jews not only in Israel, but everywhere! Why do they not take Ahmadinejad and his threats at his word --- as they apparently didn't take Hitler, until it was too late? Must history repeat itself?
We are on the brink of WWIII. I believe it will start in October. Our enemies are ready --- I don't believe we are! We are in grave danger both as Americans and as Jews! Unfortunately, like the Jews in Germany who believed that they were Germans first and then Jews, our American brethren either don't know history or have learned nothing from it! I will say once more what I wrote years ago and that was published by theFreemanlist: IF YOU ARE BORN A JEW, YOU DON'[T GET TO DEFINE YOURSELF! YOUR ENEMIES DEFY YOU!
Our civilization is on the precipice of being blown out of existence and if the fall of Rome resulted in the Dark Ages which lasted 500 years, should anyone survive the Nuclear Holocaust Ahmadinejad believes will usher in his Mahdi, the resultant Dark Age will be of unknown duration spanning at least a millennium! The Limurians became extinct 25,000 years before the beginning of our civilization. Pray that we succeed in voting Obama out of office! The survival of civilization itself is at stake! I believe Iran would not be so brazen against a Romney Administration!
This Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we have much to pray for! Pray that Hashem hears our prayers and protects Israel, the US and the Jewish People everywhere! Shana Tova to all.
Gail Tenzer
Visit America Conservative 2 Conservative at: http://americac2c.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network