Saturday, January 31, 2009
Priest's Book Documents 'Holocaust by Bullets'
Foreign Confidential....
Never again....
Maria Danilova and Randy Herschaft report from Kiev:The Holocaust has a landscape engraved in the mind's eye: barbed-wire fences, gas chambers, furnaces.
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Less known is the "Holocaust by Bullets," in which over 2 million Jews were gunned down in towns and villages across Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Their part in the Nazis' Final Solution has been under-researched, their bodies left unidentified in unmarked mass graves.
"Shoah," French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann's documentary, stands as the 20th century's epic visual record of the Holocaust. Now another Frenchman, a Catholic priest named Patrick Desbois, is filling in a different part of the picture.
Desbois says he has interviewed more than 800 eyewitnesses and pinpointed hundreds of mass graves strewn around dusty fields in the former Soviet Union. The result is a book, "The Holocaust by Bullets," and an exhibition through March 15 at New York's Museum of Jewish Heritage.
Brought to Ukraine by a twist of fate, Desbois has spent seven years trying to document the truth....Chavez Turns Nazi, Escalates Anti-Semitic Campaign
Foreign Confidential....
The Communist Crackpot of Caracas has gone Nazi, providing fresh proof of the theory that Stalinism and Hitlerism are simply two sides of the same totalitarian coin.
As a favor to Islamo-Nazi Iran, Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez has authorized an unprecedented campaign against his country's Jewish community.
A reliable, well-placed intelligence source tells China Confidential Chavez is taking "a personal interest in the escalating persecution," which, in addition to supporting Iran, aims to divert popular anger away from the South American leader's disastrous economic policies.
Iranian Strategy Inspired by Hitler
The same source says Iran intends to fuel anti-Semitism across Latin America and Europe as part of a global effort to demonize Jews and delegitimize Israel ahead of a planned new Holocaust--the nuclear destruction of the Jewish state.
The Iranian strategy is inspired by Nazi Germany, the source explains, which tested world opinion towards Jews while persecuting them in ever-escalating stages before attempting the Final Solution--genocide.
The Venezuelan campaign is beginning to turn violent, moving beyond propaganda and intimidation, as shown by today's ugly incident--armed invasion and vandalism of a Caracas synagogue.
Maya Lecker reports from the Venezuelan capital:"We don't want Jews here" and "Jews get out" were the slogans daubed on a Caracas synagogue's walls Saturday.
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David Bitan, vice president of the Jewish community in Venezuela, told Ynet that late Friday night a number of assailants broke down the synagogue's door and threw scripture books on the floor, then proceeded to graffiti the hateful slogans on the walls.
"We found the guard on the floor, he had been threatened with a gun," Bitan said. "Until 3 am they destroyed the offices, opened the Ark of the Covenant, and threw the Torah books on the floor."What the Media Missed About Obama
Dateline USA....
Not only is Barack Obama the first African-American President; he is the first Third World-American President.
Obama's father was a Kenyan. America has never had a President with roots in--let alone a parent from--the Third World.
Moreover, Obama was partially reared by his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, in Hawaii and Indonesia, a Third World nation.
His "story" may only be possible in America, as Obama said throughout his Presidential campaign; but the narrative is truly unique, unlike that of any President or Presidential candidate in American history.
POSTSCRIPT: Obama is not the first President with a foreign-born parent. Andrew Jackson was the son of two Irish immigrants. James Buchanan and Chester Alan Arthur both had Irish fathers. In addition, Thomas Jefferson and Woodrow Wilson had English mothers, and Herbert Hoover’s mother was born in Canada.More Proof of Hamas Internal Strife
Foreign Confidential....
It's tactical, not strategic--both sides seek Israel's destruction--but nevertheless significant.
Today's report from Israel confirms our reporting on deepening devisions between exiled Hamas leaders in Syria and the terrorist organization's leadership and rank-and-file in Gaza. Palestinian sources told the Egyptian daily newspaper Al Ahram that the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip sought to extend the six-month cease-fire that preceded Israel's military offensive last month and are furious with Hamas' Damascus-based political bureau chief Khaled Meshal's decision to end the truce, Israel Radio reported on Saturday.
Continue here.
Iran is to blame, according to a China Confidential Middle East expert. He says Iran is bent on using its Palestinian proxy to sabotage peace talks and divert attention from the Islamist nation's nuclear program.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
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Britannia Radio