Current Events and Weekly Recordings, Interviews, Conversations-January 2010
Jan 30
John Loeffler Steel on Steel -Round Table 2010 Predictions- their projections for the country and the world in 2010.Joining the panel are Jan Merkell (, Paul McGuire, (, author of "The Day the Dollar Died," Dr. Stan Monteith ( and Brannon Howse (
Jan 29
Jan 25
Yishai speaks with renowned historian Sir Martin Gilbert. This remarkable man is Sir Winston Churchill's official biographer and has written more than 80 books of history, including many tomes covering Israel, Jerusalem, the Holocaust. When did Gilbert fall in love with maps?
How does he view today's British Antisemitism? Is he a Zionist?
The Eidelberg Report, "Has Treason Been Legalized In Israel? " and Tamar Yonah discusses "The Utter Uselessness of the United Nations "
Jan 23
John Loeffler Steel on Steel: Layers of a Paradigm Shift: Gerald Celente: Bill Koenig: Ellen Brown.
Jan 18
The Eidelberg Report, “The Dichotomy of Democracy and Judaism”.
Aaron Klein -Jerusalem Chief of W.N.D hosts Talk Show on Obama; his friends; Israel, Mid East- Iran; -Whats really going on!!!!
Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief and author of "The Late Great State of Israel,” reveals that Israel and the Palestinian Authority are negotiating indirectly via the U.S., Jordan and Egypt to outline a future Palestinian state that would encompass Jerusalem.
Also, investigative journalist, Lee Kaplan, exposes the ISM’s work to destroy the Jewish state (
Jan 17
Jan 16
John Loeffler; Steel on Steel;
Jan 14
THE ATLAS INTERVIEW: BAT YEOR.European Arab Dialogue-E.A.D.-immigration into europe since 1970's
Jan 12
Dr Stan Monteith interviews the late Norman Dodds exposing the roles of the major foundations in Global Governance over the paat 100 years.
Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allen West-Fix Bayonets and Charge to take this country back !
The Eidelberg Report,
Jan 11
Forecast for Hamas: Assault with a Chance of War
The second leg down-Where it will come from and when. Tilson predicts failures via Option Arms resets and Alt A's resets over next 1-3 years circa $1.5 trillion with a further 50%-70% default.
Jan 10
These are the faces of Israeli "aggressors"
John Loeffler-Steel on Steel; Towards an International Police Force; What we should be doing for recovery, we're not and politicians' actions mistaken.
Jan 08
PART 1-2 By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Jan 05
Brannon's guest for the entire program is Gerald Celente. Mr. Celente founded The Trends Research Institute in 1980, Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist.
Jan 04
TheEidelberg Report, "A realistic Assessment and a Fantasy ".
ZIMBABWE and the Jews remaining there!!!!!!!
and Israel's Response!!!!!!
Dr. Eugene Narrett joins Tamar and discusses the dismal PR Israel has, and the need to call in our ambassadors to teach them to be less apologetic and more pro-Israel. Also, Tamar reads a very disturbing bill from the USA that could prevent many home owners from selling and making a profit on their homes. A MUST hear/read story on the Cap & Trade: A License Required for your Home
Jan 03
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know…
Jan 02
John Loeffler Steel on Steel: Agenda 21 to Global Governance
Monday, 1 February 2010
Current Events and Weekly Recordings, Interviews, Conversations-January 2010
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Britannia Radio